Saburo Inoue and his group are very lucky.

If you follow them together, you might get blown up.

That is, there is no boat.

If there was a boat, they would turn around and run away, not stopping here at all.

At worst, just go somewhere else.

Yaoming didn't care about Saburo Inoue and his group, and the anger in his heart needed to be released at this moment.

Just rush under the gunfire and risk your life.

The other three sea monster races also came ashore at this time. Seeing Yaoming roaring and rushing forward, they naturally couldn't watch.

A swarm of sea monsters rushed towards the turret.

"How could this happen? Can even the monsters resist the shells?" The young officer was dumbfounded.

It doesn’t matter if the BOSS can resist the shells. The mobs are so good. How can we play in the future?

"Don't worry, they won't be able to withstand it for long." Chu Ran was not worried at all.

Although the water shield created by the mobs can withstand the attacks of cannonballs, how many times can it withstand it?

Our turret is like a machine gun, with enough shells.

Sure enough, as Chu Ran said, the energy in the monster's body is limited, and the water shield disappears after blocking a few cannon shots.

Without the resistance of the water shield, one cannonball can send the mobs home.

Chu Ran grinned.

The levels of these mobs are quite high, and each one can give Chu Ran hundreds of experience points.

Although the experience is not much, the amount is still enough.

According to visual inspection, the number of sea monsters that rushed over this time was around 20,000.

If you can win them all, there will be no problem in leveling up.

"Master, there are legendary creatures." Shana saw four legendary bosses and reminded Chu Ran.

Chu Ran had seen it a long time ago, but he just didn't take these guys seriously.

Chu Ran couldn't care about the flightless legendary creatures.

Moreover, although these four guys are legendary level, they are much weaker than the legendary level Chu Ran encountered before.

There are also differences between legendary creatures.

"Don't worry about them, wait until they rush nearby."

It is unrealistic to expect turrets to destroy legendary creatures.

Especially with so many younger brothers.

But Chu Ran has Shana. No matter how bad things are, Chu Ran is still capable of fighting.

More than 60,000 attribute points will not make you laugh at all.

Of course, Chu Ran had no attack skills and could only slash horizontally, but Chu Ran felt that flat slashing was enough.

The sea monsters continued to disappear under the attack of artillery fire.

A large group of sea monsters rushed to a place two thousand meters away from the turret and were completely unable to rush forward.

Even the four legendary bosses are the same.

The closer you get to the turret, the more intensive the shell attack becomes.

At this time, the exploding shells had connected together, and Yaoming's sight was filled with the flames left behind after the shells exploded, making it impossible to see clearly what was ahead.

"Human weapons are so vicious, what should I do?" Yaoming was a little panicked.

"Yao Ming, what path are you taking here? My people are almost dead."

"Yao Ming, did you do this on purpose?"

Several other legendary creatures were very angry.

After running for two days, are you here to get beaten?

If Yao Ming hadn't been at the forefront and withstood a large amount of artillery fire, they all suspected that Yao Ming had deliberately let them take him down to die.

Yaoming felt aggrieved in her heart.

"It's not me, it's all those damn humans." Yaoming diverted his anger.

Yaoming figured it out. This was basically a trap set by that bitch Saburo Inoue.

That bitch wants to kill himself with the weapons here, right?

"Come on, we can't die here, let's go." Yaoming turned around and ran away.


Several other legendary creatures also followed suit.

In their world, there are many, many, many more of their tribesmen, I dare not say there are infinitely many, but ordinary tribesmen are really worthless.

But without their leadership, their people would become vassals of other races, even food and cannon fodder.

Therefore, they cannot die.

Under the leadership of the four leaders, the remaining sea monsters who were still alive followed suit, turned around and fled.

"Are you thinking of escaping now? It's too late." Chu Ran said coldly.

The range of the turret is no joke. Even if it escapes to the sea, it can still extend to five thousand meters.

Moreover, there are really not many sea monsters who still have the strength to escape.

In less than ten minutes, all 20,000 sea monsters were basically wiped out.

"Master, do you want to kill them?"

Chu Ran hesitated.

Want to kill?

"Forget it, I won't kill them, let them run away." Chu Ran made a decision.

At present, the number of turrets is still too small and does not cover the entire coastline.

If you kill these legendary creatures, creatures more powerful than these guys will appear next time.

When the time comes to resist, we don’t know what surprises will happen.

It's good to fight these guys, mainly because these guys are stupid enough.

"All right."

Shanna felt a little regretful.

If these four legendary creatures are killed, Shana's level will hopefully be raised to level 50.

"Bitch, you dare to trick me?" Yaoming saw Inoue Saburo lying on the shore.

The anger in his heart instantly reached his head.

"Lord, how dare I? I don't have it."

Inoue Saburo was horrified and quibbled. In his sight, Yaoming's body was rapidly enlarging. This was a rhythm that was about to crush Inoue Saburo into a meat pie.

"Lord, I am still useful. I also know a place where the number of people may not be too many, but the defensive force must be very weak."

Saburo Inoue shouted at the top of his lungs.

If he didn't hurry up and shout, he would probably feel cold.

"You still dare to lie to me?"

"Lord, I didn't lie to you. If I lied to you, wouldn't everyone in my territory die? How dare I lie to you?"

Saburo Inoue was about to cry.

When Yao Ming heard this, he felt that it made sense.

There would really be no benefit to Saburo Inoue lying to him.

If this was really a trap created by Saburo Inoue, then Saburo Inoue would definitely kill himself.

It's a pity that although the defense here is very strong, it can only stop Yao Ming from advancing, and there is still a long way to go to kill Yao Ming.

"I believe you for the last time, come with me." Yaoming yelled at Inoue Saburo.

Inoue Saburo immediately stepped forward and climbed onto Yaoming's forelimbs using both hands and feet.

As for Shang Yaoming's back, Inoue Saburo didn't dare.

Just when Inoue Saburo wanted to call his younger brother to follow him, the demon's tail swung out.

This tail directly killed ten other people.

Saburo Inoue saw his little brother turned into an unrecognizable puddle of flesh and blood, and his mouth went dry.

"This is your punishment. I don't want it to happen again." Yaoming warned coldly.

"Lord, I understand." What could Inoue Saburo say?

He could only nod bravely.

"Tell me, where else is there?" Yao Ming was quite satisfied with Inoue Saburo's attitude.

"Your Majesty, there are still two places left. Please make a decision, Your Majesty."

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