The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 750: Hurry up, you two? I'm anxious to wait!

"Your Majesty, be careful, isn't his blood poisonous?" Ren Baqian worried about the Empress who fell in the air.

The emperor raised her hand to look at her palm, and with strong hands, all the contaminated blue blood fell to the ground.

No trace was left.

Then he said lightly, "It's okay."

The Empress looked up again at the cave that had been destroyed by her before. The sound of rustling in the cave was still coming, and almost a thin layer of stone skin remained.

The Empress stood up again and patted two palms on the cliff. A large amount of earth and rocks fell down and blocked the cave.

In any case, those jade waist slaves cannot be disturbed yet.

After doing this, the Empress and Ren Baqian looked at Bol who fell to the ground.

The half of her body was broken by the empress, and she fell from a height of hundreds of meters, and the blue blood was splattered everywhere.

Bor was lying on the ground, not dead, and his chest was still slightly undulating.

From the incompleteness of the body, it can be seen that Bol's body is completely different from humans. The thickness of the bones is much lower than that of humans. Ren Baqian picked up a stump from the ground, which was very light and unexpectedly light. His muscle density was much lower than that of humans.

The bones contained in it are also very light, which is probably why the other side's body is so thin. Their bones cannot support the heavy body.

And this kind of body structure also brought them far faster than humans and fierce beasts.

Ren Baqian stepped forward and kicked him gently, and Boer slightly twisted his head. The compound eyes made up of countless visual organs could not be seen with eyes open or closed.

But the movement of turning his head let them know that he is still awake.

"Say what we want to know, this injury is still saved!" Ren Baqian.

"You lie to me!" Boer said, wriggling his lips.

"Sorry, seeing you, I can't help but lie to you!" Ren Baqian smiled and sat down beside him.


"Because you're so stupid! I haven't seen such a stupid for a long time!"

"Stupid ...?" Bor mumbled, the word was still strange to him.

But understand the meaning of the word.

"You said that my injury and the rescue also lied to me!" Bor said.

Ren Baqian laughed again, but the other party was smart this time. In other words, the other party knows his body.

Half of her body is gone, and her bones are broken. If she can survive, she is a fairy!

But Bor's voice was still clear and seemed to hold on for a while.

"Why do you do those things?" Ren Baqian asked.

"what's up?"

"Those jade waist slaves, how did you put it in the ancient people's body, why did you do it?"

Bol looked at Ren Baichi very strangely: "We are the herders of the jade waist slave! Why ask why? The jade waist slave is our food and our weapon. The ancients are the easiest petri dishes to find The jade waist slaves cultivated by the ancient people also taste the best. "

The empress heard this, and her face was cold again: "So you **** it!"

"Perhaps this is true for your ancient people. For other creatures, you **** it. Isn't it natural to eat food and sustain life? Only when you have wisdom, have other ideas, have love And hate, they feel that the people who hurt themselves are damn. "Boer said softly.

This remark made the Empress and Ren Baqian speechless.

"Do you also have love and hate?" Ren Baqian was interested in this issue.

This is the second time we have seen humanoids.

The last one, except eating and sleeping, has no reference value.

"We ... also have them! It's just not like your ancients. We ... when we grow up, we give up our childhood memories. Because when we grow up, we have to survive on our own, grazing jade waist slaves, only during mating To get together.

And childhood memories will make us more lonely in long-term alone life, will become weak.

So when we grow up, we will give up memories and embark on the journey of finding habitats ... give up memories and give up love and hate ... "

After listening to Ren Baqian, he looked up at the female emperor and said quietly: "For us, love and hate are the best things in our lives. If we give up these, it will be no different from those beasts."

After talking, he lowered his head: "You are about to be killed by us, but you can still talk to us in peace like this, because you have given up love and hate, right? In my opinion, this is sad!"

"Kill or be killed, eat other creatures or be eaten by other creatures, this is all part of this world. Death is just a state. Although you killed me, you will not hate anything because of it ... ... or, I will hate forgetting ... "Bor mumbled.

"Why did you kill us when we found you before?" Ren Baqian thought this was very strange. With the mentality that the other party currently showed, why did he kill himself and the empress?

"Because you will also kill us. We use the ancients as petri dishes, and you will also want revenge, which I have known for a long time. The ancients are such a race, or humans are such a race."

"How much do you know about humans?" Ren Baqian asked again.

"I don't know ... Every time I eat one, I will know a little ... Maybe when I eat enough, I will understand ..." Bor's words made Ren Baqian's heart cold.

Can this race get information from eating jade waist slaves cultivated with the ancients as petri dishes?

"What do you mean?" Ren Baqian asked quickly.

"I'm tired ... Although I have said so much to people for the first time and this is the last time, I'm tired ... I must be dead ..." Bor mumbled.

"How do you get information from the jade waist slaves you eat? Where are your people?"

Bol grinned his lips, like a smile, then stopped talking, and the focal length of the pair of compound eyes did not know where they were.

"Are you alive?" Ren Baqian tentatively touched the opponent's heart, and his heartbeat stopped.

"Dead ..." Ren Baqi got up, slightly regrettable, but unfortunately he didn't finish the question.

But he still has his family.

"By the way, can you put my body in the river?" Bor suddenly spoke again, startling Ren Baqian.

Almost thought it was a lie.


"Because our family will return to the water after they die," Bol said.

"I will wrap your head and bring it back to Lancheng, suppress it under the palace, and you will be suppressed there forever, and mourn in endless time!" The Empress said coldly.

"That's really a shame!" Bor mumbled.

Ren Baqian felt the light of his compound eyes dimmed.

"What do you learn about regret!" Ren Baqian whispered softly.

However, there was no response.

"Are you dead this time?" Ren Baqian sighed.

I did not expect this trip to come out to relax, and also experienced these things.

But it's a good thing. I finally know who the enemy is.

"Your Majesty, let me take the head." Ren Baqian said that when the Emperor was about to do something, he said.

You can't let the empress do this kind of thing.

Doesn't look good!

"Don't damage it!" The Empress doesn't matter.

"Understand!" Ren Baqian crouched next to Bor's body and touched his neck ~ ~ very slender, as if twisted it would disconnect. But it just feels like this.

It is not difficult to twist the neck, but it takes more force to twist it.

When Ren Baqian moved, a gold and silver spear appeared in his hand.

Aiming at Bol's neck with the tip of a gun, Ren Baqian gestured to the side. As she was about to stab, the empress suddenly said, "Wait!"


"At this position, blood will be sprayed. And at the position where you stand, it will be sprayed on the body." The Empress faintly said.

"Is his blood flowing almost?" Ren Baqian wondered.

The Empress shook her head: "There is still a lot of blood in the body, enough to spill out."

"Then I change places." Ren Baqian changed his position, aimed, and looked up at the empress again: "Is this okay?"

"You can insert it from the other side. After half a rotation, the neck is cut off, and the arteries are finally cut off. You just can withdraw your gun." The emperor pointed out.

"Understand." Ren Baqian's face was clear.

Despite this environment, a beautiful woman pointing a man how to divide the body would be strange no matter where it is placed.

Ren Baqian changed his perspective, and when he was about to start, he suddenly remembered one thing: "Actually, it would be okay to take all of his body back. Just send it back to the m87 department for testing."

"After all, do you know yourself!"

"And I don't have time to send my head back now, just freeze it in the refrigerator, and then suppress it when I return to Lancheng."

The empress thought for a while, but that's the truth.

As soon as he nodded, Bor on the ground sighed again with an inexplicable little emotion: "You two hurry up and do it! I've been waiting for a long time!"

Ren Baqian shook his hand ...

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