The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 605: What are you thinking about?

After seeing the trophies, the Empress ordered to be sent to Hubu for inventory.

Then people brought the dozen or so "captive representatives" to the temple.

A moment later, dozens of ragged prisoners were tremblingly brought into the temple under the attention of a group of supreme heaven-level masters.

Did not let them kneel, Da Yao did not have this habit, but let them stand there and be watched by everyone.

However, this kind of onlooking was close to torture. Think about a dozen rabbits surrounded by dozens of lions, and those lions also prepared sesame cumin salt and pepper, pots and pans, and barbecue racks, probably they were then a feeling of.

The empress sat with one hand lightly on her chin, and her heart was boring.

Such captives left her with no interest at all.

"What do you do in the country of Yun?" The female emperor started to speak.

Then there was silence.

"Are you all dumb? Your majesty didn't answer the question, I'm afraid it's tired!" Bing Siqing's eyes widened, and a cold, bitter murderous energy emanated from him.

"Let your life! Your majesty save your life!" The dozen people were paralyzed immediately. These people were exhausted all along the way and they were exhausted. They were taken to the center of the hall, and they were panicked. At this time, they were scared by Liang Liang and immediately paralyzed. Already.

Someone immediately got a wet pants, making everyone frown.

"Forget it, take it all." The emperor waved her hand boringly, letting people take these people down, it was a dedication to a prisoner.

"These habits of Da Xia really make people feel boring."

The collection of prisoners was naturally learned from Daxia. The empress was still her first experience, but she was very disappointed. She watched a few ragged ants tremble in front of herself, very boring and boring.

"Your Majesty, these captives are really of little value. If the next time you capture the emperor and the Prime Minister out of the Yun country, you will bring your Majesty to ask them what they think." He said.

"Well, that's the same reason." The female emperor nodded, if the senior officials of the Yun country were offered, she would be able to see it.

"That's it. These people really don't have the need to dedicate prisoners, and they don't know which **** arranges it. Let His Majesty see the ugliness of these people, I'm afraid that his brain is not so good." Tong Zhenye despised.

Qin Chuan looked angrily at once.

The others were waiting cheerfully.

Anyway, the two have been fighting for so many years, and everyone has long been used to it.

"Let's do it, let's all step back." The Empress said lightly.

"His Majesty, there is one more thing to say about the minister." Tong Zhenye saw the Emperor speak, and quickly stepped forward. "His Majesty, Da Moshan now produces nearly 200,000 kilograms of iron per month, and its transportation capacity is insufficient. A large amount of iron ore. At the same time, the iron melting furnace and forging workshop of Jiudaohe also need to be expanded.

There is also a shortage of salt wells, which also need to be expanded.

In addition, the city walls and buildings of each city need to be repaired. "

After talking, Tong Zhenye took out a stack of densely written paper from her arms, and immediately a guard took it to the desk in front of the empress.

"His Majesty, the front line of food is still two months behind, and for several months of continuous battles, the weapons are too worn out, and many soldiers' blades have already been used as iron plates.

Also, the grains of these auxiliary soldiers have not yet been set. Even without mentioning the monthly example, His Majesty should reward the auxiliary soldiers this time! Qin Chuan then spoke.

At this time, the two were surprisingly in step.

"Your Majesty, last year's Lulu, the Ministry of Households only allocated 50%, which is still more than half. If you do not send it down, I am afraid that many officials will not be able to eat meat!" Xiong Yaohe, the book of the Ministry of Li, followed closely.

Why not eat minced meat ... but nothing wrong!

"Your Majesty, now the Department of Public Security ..."

Xing Shu Shang Shu Yan immediately followed the opening ceremony.

The hall suddenly became similar to the vegetable market. A group of people stood underneath. There were six words between the lines: money, things, people!

"Your Majesty, you must do it. Last year, the northern cities suffered a lot of damage, and the allocation of money and food consumed most of the national treasury. After that, many towns in the northeast were attacked by the Izumo country, and they also needed to allocate food to help the people there.

All of these silver transfers are over, and it is just barely able to let those people who have been destroyed in the walled city persist until the spring harvest! There is no time to do anything else! Tu Wan's complexion came forward, and his voice suddenly passed everyone.

Ren Baqian opened his mouth, but actually owed Du Weifu a few months of food! The emperor cannot send hungry soldiers!

However, looking at Tu Wan, he was so excited that he bumped everyone else aside. Ren Baqian was very sensible and didn't speak.

He is not like Tong Zhenye and others.

It doesn't matter if they get hit, they get hit by half their lives!

Well, the hundreds of households in the Duwei government are rich people. It should not be too bad for this, and for the time being hungry, it is better to go back and discuss with your Majesty.

"Stop your mouth!" The Empress's face turned blue, her hair began to float, and her body was like a towering mountain, suppressing everyone.

"Every time you retreat, you can discuss it after you count!" The emperor said coldly.

"Your Majesty ..." Tong Zhen's ambition was unwilling to speak.

"Come on!" A piece of red Cancan, Fang Zhengzheng slab patted on the copper brain brain, and immediately smashed.

The feel of this thing is very good, the emperor always throws it accurately.

Unfortunately, this brick represents far more significance than lethality. For Tong Zhenye, it is no different from a tofu patted on the forehead. The lethality may not be as big as tofu patted on the head of an ordinary person.

I just told everyone that Your Majesty is in a bad mood right now and doesn't want to talk to them.

Everyone saw that the Empress's face was ugly and was on the edge of anger, so they had to stop and retreat temporarily.

Ren Baqian stayed at the end, and she followed her halfway behind.

"Your Majesty, it's not worth being angry about this," Ren Baqian said quietly behind the Empress.

"What's mad at you?" Fang only looked at the empress emperor and turned calm.

"It's been this way for so many years, and I've been used to it for a long time." The emperor glanced at him.

"Just think they're making noise."

Ren Baqian couldn't help crying or laughing. It turned out that the Empress also had some acting time.

"Anyway, they quarrel when they have no money, and they have to quarrel if they have a little money. I wonder, when Yun Guo is laid down, and they are rich, they should not quarrel anymore." The empress then said.

"At that time, they will argue about other things." Ren Baqian thought about it.

"When you are hungry, you want to fill your stomach, and then you want to dress warmer after you fill your stomach. When you are full, you should think about something else. The ancients said it well: think warm!"

The emperor kicked Ren Yaqian's calf, and Ren Baqian felt as if he heard a bone crack ...

"What do you think about keeping warm?" The Empress looked at him coldly and asked ~ ~ The ancients said that it was not what I said! "Ren Baqian hopped around with his legs in a circle.

Gotta kick him! How innocent are you!

"Hum!" The Empress hummed softly.

"Actually, this is false. Everything in the world is appearance. It is false, not true. If I feel pain, it will hurt. If I see through this illusion, I will not feel pain. Amitabha!" Ren Ba It took a long time to cool down before lowering his legs, trying to keep his face calm, and making a good monk look.

These days, I have made great progress in the Buddhist scriptures. At this time, I feel that I am really good at studying Dharma.

Sometimes it's still very useful, just as quiet and naturally cool, very useful!

The empress kicked him on the other leg, then slowed her voice and asked softly, "Does it hurt?"

Ren Baqian pumped his folds ...


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