The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 600: Accepted the Zhang family

"Textile? Water conservancy? Planting? Processing? Even if you have farming equipment, where can you get it?" Ren Baqian thought for a while and said to Shi Hu: "Bring the brown wooden box under the bed to my room."

Shi Hu hurried away.

Then the room fell into silence. Ren Baqian waited there for a long time, and now it takes too much talking to talk, these people never cry when they don't see the coffin.

The Zhang family and his team were thinking about what the escorts would let the guard take.

Half an hour later, Shi Hu hurried back, carrying a wooden box two feet long, one foot wide, and half foot thick. "Sir, bring it."

Ren Baqian took the box and opened it. He picked it up and threw out a drawing: "Hydraulic textile machine, water-driven textile cloth. Can you understand?"

"This is a hydraulic forging machine, which is also hydraulically driven for forging and can save a lot of manpower."

"This is a compound bow for pulleys! A strong bow with 100 pounds of strength can be pulled as long as 20 pounds of strength. I don't need to say anything about its effect." As soon as Ren Baqian's words were finished, the person who was still studying the drawings Grab the drawing of the compound bow in his hand.

After watching for a moment, everyone began to be surprised: "It turned out to be this way, using a pulley can reduce the force!"

In fact, the role of pulleys has long been discovered in this world. This simple physics is a well-known thing no matter in which world, the problem is in the recognition of it.

"Look, I'm not afraid of you seeing these things, and I'm not even afraid of your research, because I understand far more than you think.

What you think is important is just important to you. I have come up with these things that are more advanced than the technologies you would know, but I have come up with these just for simplicity. Actually I can do better, but it takes some effort.

I use you not because of how much you can bring, but because you can save my time. I have too many things to do and I don't have the energy to focus on everything, so I need some smarter people to help me do something. You are the smarter people in my eyes. "Ren Yaqian slowly said.

It took a long time for Zhang Zishan to put down those drawings and look up at Ren Baqian with complexion. Coupled with the previous winemaking, spring, and dyeing, Ren Baqian has indeed shown that he is stronger than the Zhang family in many aspects. I have to admit that this world really knows about life.

At this age, he was already famous in Zhangjiaxiao, but still only talented in one respect.

A feeling of incompetence pours into my heart, and people are really incomparable. Compared with the other party, I can say that I have lived on a dog for decades.

"Master Ren, you are truly amazing. Even one person can beat thousands of our Zhang family. But you still haven't told me, how can you make me believe that you won't cross the river to tear down the bridge?

"Why is it good for me to remove the bridge across the river?" Ren Baqian laughed.

"I don't care about your skills. Money, I don't care. If you don't fight, if the mirrors are sold to Yunguo and Daxia, I can get countless money." A small object is placed on the table, with two glass funnels up and down, and the sand on one side is constantly flowing down to the other.

"This is an hourglass. It can be used to time. It takes an hour for sand to flow from one side to the other. How much can you say that such a thing is worth?"

"Six hundred silver." Several people in Zhang Zishan stared at Ren Baqian's transparent hourglass and speculated. Although this hourglass seemed a bit rough to Ren Baqian, it was extremely delicate to the Zhang family.

They believe that such a small thing will definitely have a large number of rich people willing to spend hundreds of silver to buy it.

"One thousand or two pieces of silver were also bought. I just want to tell you that I take this thing. I have a small thing that has great commercial value. I want money and I have it at my fingertips."

"You are here, and you can save me some time. What good is it to kill you? I can't even tolerate Jing people, as long as you are safe and secure, naturally nobody will move you.

I can also refer you to the Ministry of Industry as an official. Those Jing people, should you know? "Ren Baqian looked at Zhang Junzheng.

"What I want is that Jing people and ancient people can live together under the same sky, so I will gradually improve the status of Jing people, and you can get the same treatment as Jing people."

"Master Ren is Jing people?" Zhang Zishan asked.

"What you see is just a family, don't use your mind to guess my thoughts." Ren Baqian shook his head. The discourse was full of the taste of looking down.

"I see the future of this world!"

The people in the Zhang family really did not know Ren Baqian's thoughts, but Ren Baqian's tone made them feel that the other party was standing in the cloud and looking down on themselves ... It was simply a arrogant madman.

Do you think you are God?

"Your Zhang family list has been sent, but at this time you asked again. Do you dare not enter, retreat and dare not retreat? Laughed.

Zhang Zishan's face is not good-looking, although the other party is telling the truth.

It's just that there is really nothing he can do here. After all, the lives of thousands of people in the Zhang family cannot be careless. Even now, the Zhang family is still arguing.

"I'll give you another promise. Your Zhang family can choose an industry or technology as the core reserve and use it as the basis for standing." Ren Baqian laughed.

Sure enough, when he said this, there was a touch of joy on the faces of the Zhang family.

Ren Baqian sighed in his heart that the thinking limitations of people in this era are inevitable no matter what family. They don't want to think about the industry they choose, if they own more advanced technology, they can collapse the entire Zhangjia at any time.

In fact, the Zhang family may not understand this, but they still choose this way, they need to hold on tightly, as if this makes them feel that they can take their lives in their own hands.

"Master Ren, this is not necessary." Zhang Junzheng said suddenly.

Everyone in the Zhang family turned his head and glared, puzzled.

"Junzheng, when can you decide on the Zhang family?" Zhang Zishan yelled.

"Er, I'll tell you later." Zhang Junzheng slightly shook his head and arched towards Ren Baqian: "Master, this time is the heart of our villain, my Zhang family is willing to trust the sincerity of the master. Of course, identity won't lie to me.

I only hope that Mr. Ren can enlighten me in the Zhang family! "

Ren Baqian smiled ~ ~ Someone in this family finally wanted to understand.

"Your Zhang family wants to come to me again." Ren Baqian was still puzzled by the others, and stood up and left with his guard.

After Ren Baqian left, there was a dispute in the restaurant.

The final result was that Zhang Junzheng persuaded everyone, and the next day he found Ren Baqian, and the Zhang family devoted himself to his Majesty. Of course, it is nominally committed to Her Majesty.

Since then, Ren Baqian has a large number of skilled craftsmen, and the first thing Ren Baqin did after the Zhang family took refuge was to mobilize some 100 households from the Tian Jing to take the men to the Tian Jing Cloud country.

The forces developed by the Zhang family in the Cloud Kingdom for hundreds of years can serve as an internal response, allowing these hundreds of households to easily lurk into the major cities of the Cloud Kingdom.

And a large number of mountain people in the 60,000 mountains also came out of the mountains later and entered the recruit training camp. They began to eat fish and eat with doubts about life and life. Every day while training, they scolded the guy who came up with the idea.

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