The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 321: Blackwater pool

Ren Baqian took the students and the mountain people up the mountain the next day.

The harvest on this day was enough for three days in Zhaizi, but with more than eight thousand people, the mountain people had to go up the mountain again the next morning.

The forests in Jiuding Mountain are very dense. Except for a few open spaces, most places are difficult to even shoot in the sunlight. Only the rays broken by the leaves shine on the surroundings, like a beam of light.

The ground is 'fertile' fertile soil, and the fallen leaves rot on the ground and infiltrate into the soil, making the land here 'fertile' fertile.

"There are not many prey near the Blackwater Lake. We have to go northwest and go inside the mountain and let Nagu take you." Over the mountain, the leader of the hunting team, the middle-aged man named Tahu Said to Ren Baqian.

This is still on the periphery of Jiuding Mountain, and there is a large area inside, that is the center of Jiuding Mountain, and it is also the place with the most prey. Correspondingly, the danger is even greater. Wild boars like the hills of yesterday can still be prestigious in other places, but there is nothing in them.

"I hope you will return with a full load this time!" Ren Baqian archway.

"I hope so." Tahu smiled heartily.

"Naku, you take them."

"Okay, you guys remember to bring me a mountain lazi and want to eat recently." Nagu said straightforwardly.

Then everyone separated and said goodbye to each other. Ren Baqian watched those straight guys who were exposed with "hairy" furry and big legs, carrying bows, holding sticks and sticks in the other direction. .

There are only four iron knives in this group of twenty or thirty people, and one of them is a short knife. The bows are made of bone and arrows. A kind of beast's bones are sharpened into arrows.

The arrows made by ten iron arrows were regarded as treasures by the towering tiger, and they were not willing to use them.

Ren Baqian walked southwest with Nagu with his guards and students.

"How far will you go?" Ren Baqian asked.

"Just go over the hill in front." Nagu pointed to the road ahead.

Ren Baqian looked toward the front, only to see the dense woods, vines, and one-man tall weeds, all blocking the front, not far away.

"Are your husband-in-law's husband-in-law selected?" After a while, Nagu asked curiously Ren Qian, although it should be, but it was always incredible.

"Want to ask why?" Ren Baqian knew what she was thinking just by looking at her eyes.

Most of the ancient people couldn't hide their hearts, and always wanted to ask a question, regardless of whether it should be asked.

Nagu's head is like a little 'chicken' pecking rice.

"Probably because I'm handsome!" Ren Baqian 'touched' 'touched' his cheek.

"Oh!" The voice came from Tonglan with ears raised behind.

"Otherwise?" Ren Baqian asked.

The crowd opened their mouths, and suddenly speechless. Ren Baqian's appearance is always better than his weak 'chicken' like skill.

What does Your Majesty see in him? More knowledgeable? Most of the people still admit it, but after so long contacting Ren Yaqian's ‘character’, he has waited for everyone to say so.

What he doesn't say is that he looks handsome, which is very disturbing.

For a while everyone was tangled.

Ren Baqian looked at the constipation-like expression of everyone, and he laughed, and then said, "There is always a reason to hate someone. There is no reason to like someone."

Full of mother's 'chicken' soup flavor.

However, everyone really believed, especially Du Lao Liu, who has always liked it, and took it seriously.

In addition to Tonglan, a look of disdain.

In addition to what was taught in class, Ren Baqian resolutely opposed what she said yes, and Ren Baqian resolutely approved what she said no. This is a matter of principle.

Unless Ren Baqian can beat her.

After walking for a long time, I finally turned over the mountain, stood on the mountain and looked down. A green 'color' ocean, the wind blowing through the ears were the flapping of leaves, the song of birds, and Beast roar, this is a kingdom of life.

"It's there." Nagu stood on a stone and pointed in a direction.

In the green 'color', there is a small black 'color' spot, where the black water pond is located.

"It's a long way to go!" Ren Baqian watched that direction with his hands covering the dazzling sunlight.

Walking in the woods is much slower than flat ground. Weeds and vines are everywhere. Be careful not to know where the poisonous snakes are hiding, not to mention that it looks like a large circle is actually close.

The black water pond is a few miles away from where everyone is now, but these mountains may take two or three hours in the mountains.

In fact, as Ren Baqin thought, he walked inside the mountain for two hours and came to the position that he saw on the top of the mountain.

When the water pond was a few hundred meters away, the surrounding environment had begun to change. The trees have become very small from the towering giant trees that are held by two people, and the leaves of many trees are a little faint. Affected.

After coming out of the forest, there is a puddle with a diameter of tens of meters in front. The dark water surface is calm and free of 'waves', and there is not even a trace of life.

Around the water pond, unlike the black soil on the mountain, it is a yellow 'color' soil with a very short weed growing sparsely on it.

"Here is Blackwater Pool ~ ~ Without Na Gu, Ren Baqian knew where he was, and he could already smell a smell like a" chicken "egg, which made people want to cover his nose .

If there is nothing wrong, this should be the smell of hydrogen sulfide. Ren Baqian stepped forward and walked to the side of the lake. The lake was almost black, and it was impossible to see how deep it was.

"What are you doing here?" Tonglan asked curiously behind him. This question had been hidden in the hearts of the people for several days. Shi Gan also asked before, but Ren Baqian never answered.

Ren Baxian lowered his head and dipped a bit of water in the pond to look at it. Yan's color was very deep, with a lot of black 'color' impurities. It looked like it was very dirty. ‘Lick’ with your tongue, it ’s salty, with a bit of bitterness, and he ’s “pumped” and “pumped” together.

"Bottles!" Ren Baqian first asked the guards to bring the prepared bottles. Five bottles were packed and sealed.

"Do you know that the earth will move?" Ren Baqin turned to ask everyone.

"How can the earth move!" Before Nagu's words were heard, someone heard him say, "The earth is moving to see what it is."

"That's right. But even from the eyes of ordinary people, the earth is moving, and it is convenient to form a section of the earth. They will make a variety of movements. One of the most direct examples is Earthquakes, when movement occurs inside the earth, an earthquake will occur when certain conditions are met in a certain area. "Ren Baqian, by the way, gave a lecture to students.

"Why does the earth move?" A student asked immediately.

Ren Baqian picked up a stone, let go, and dropped it to the ground. "That's it. Objects fall down under the influence of gravity, and the earth will be affected in the same way."

"Do you mean that the earth will fall someday? Where will it fall?" Tonglan opened her mouth with a horror.

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