The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 1195: test

Gullies appeared above the sea surface, as if chopping the sea surface into pieces.

Subsequently, the sea water was poured back, causing huge waves.

One hundred meters above the sea surface, the two figures were moving fast, and the human eye could not keep up with the speed of the two figures.

Only by slowing down ten times with the instrument can we barely see the blurred figure.

I don't know how many eyes look at all this behind the screen, and many people have shocked faces.

In all respects, the female emperor in red is more powerful than before in Citi.

The most surprising thing is that the energy value of the former eight-armed envoy was about 45,000, but at this time it was close to 60,000.

The energy value of the red empress was usually 30,000. When she was covered with dark purple lines, the energy value soared to 60,000.

The strength of both sides has actually improved a lot.

I don't know how many people photographed and recorded the patterns exposed on the emperor's skin, and wanted to study what it contained.

"These patterns are likely to be something like the structure of an energy transmission circuit. If they can be studied and placed on the surface of the skin, they can improve their strength. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of patterns blocked by clothes. We need to be blocked. Only those patterns can gain something. "

A man with glasses was obsessed with looking at the pattern on a magnified picture, and turned to look at the others with the look of anticipation.

The others were completely as though they hadn't heard.

Who dares to mention such a request? It is estimated that there is no chance of collecting corpses.

Ren Baqianpan sat on the beach, and the air in front of him also appeared the battle picture of the emperor and the three priests.

One hundred meters away stood more than twenty eight-armed people.

With the fierce collision between the two men, huge waves of water exploded on the sea surface, as if numerous bombs had blasted in the water.

The two separated again at a touch, and the figures remained in the air.

The empress could no longer see the color of the skin, and was completely covered with dark purple patterns, like magic. His eyes were red, almost dripping, his red coat was slightly broken, and blood stains were on his hands.

The long staff of the three sacrifices had almost deformed, and only four of the other six long knives remained.

"Hoo!" The empress exhaled, the pattern on her body began to recede, and she moved towards the beach with her feet.

The two sides are just a discussion, and it is not a matter of life or death. I am afraid that it will be difficult to close the fight.

This is the third day of the eight-armed tribe to the earth. Both sides are interested in learning about each other's skills.

After all, the power level is the power level, and the fighting ability is the fighting ability.

Just like the Earth Spirit, the level of use of power is very low, and at the same level, it is far less than the human race.

The eight-armed tribe has a high level of fighting ability and is no worse than a human race at the same level.

In particular, the other six swords waved like a blade storm.

The long staff is both offensive and defensive.

"How's that?" Ren Yaqian saw the emperor fall to the beach and asked.

"Nice!" The Empress nodded slightly, praising her.

For so many years, there are not a few masters who have played against the emperor. The confidence and vision cultivated from battle to battle can actively praise each other in this way. It can be seen that the strength of the eight-armed tribe is indeed not low.

The envoy was only three priests, and there were two priests, queens, and other masters.

In particular, the high priest and several queens are masters who have taken that step, and even the emperor is currently unable to compete positively.

"Sure enough, the earth and Dayao could not be connected at all. It was the same as when the soldiers were brought over and they were directly disconnected from the original owner. And the ancestral seal had nothing to do with their own blood." Ren Baqian said at will.

When the emperor is now going all out to burst out of blood, there will be a ghost figure full of wildness behind him. As the strength increases, the ghost image will be more solid, and it will also increase the strength. At least it can increase by 10%. half.

However, when the earth broke out, the ghost image did not appear.

It can be seen that the phantom is only related to the world where Da Yao lives, and has nothing to do with blood.

"That's the imprint of my ancestors in the world." Said the emperor.

Ren Baqian nodded.

According to the Empress, that was the trace of the ancestors of the human race left in the world, and when the strength of the human race reached a certain level, the blood of the human race was fully operated, and the trace would condense.

This is something that technology is hard to understand now.

Ren Baqian turned her head to look at the Emperor. Although her expression was cold, she could be familiar with them, and she could see the joy in her eyes, and she was in a good mood.

With her strength, there are no rivals in the human race, and there are few opportunities to fight with foreign masters. It is rare to encounter an opponent whose strength seems to be comparable.

"If you establish diplomatic relations with the Eight-armed Tribe, there will be more opportunities for discussion in the future. You can discuss with the Queens of the Eight-armed Tribe after your Majesty goes further!" Ren Baqiandao.

"Good!" The Empress nodded, feeling better.

Someone was waiting a while, after the two sides said goodbye, they took the ambassador group of the Eight Arms tribe elsewhere, and officially started their visit to the earth.

Up to now, the Eight-armed tribe feels difficult to understand. The strength and demeanor of the Empress do not even belong to the high level of the tribe.

In their opinion, the leader of a group is usually the strong within the group.

Humans are completely different.

The high-level humans they saw were all weak.

It seems normal for him to be eight thousand. In his opinion, without external enemies, the higher the degree of ethnic civilization, the lower the value of personal force.

After Ren Baqian and the Empress left the base, they went to another laboratory to conduct tests on the Earth Spirit.

The result was the same as previously thought. When the earth spirits died when the earth died, the electromagnetic waves dispersed and disappeared. It doesn't disappear in the sky at the time of the Great Yao, as if it has entered another space. When the body is repaired, it is transmitted back, as if it is uploading and downloading data.

On earth, the electromagnetic waves will spread out after being transmitted three feet away, like ordinary electromagnetic waves, and finally dissipate.

At the same time, the physical repair ability of the Earth Spirit tribe also disappeared ~ ~ somewhat unexpected, but also reasonable.

Ren Baqian estimates that the life-sharing creatures are not in the same world, so they cannot transmit vitality.

After getting the experimental results, Ren Baqian was more interested in the gods of the Earth Spirit.

Whether it is life sharing or consciousness (soul), it can be transmitted and received, just like uploading and downloading data.

If you can crack this ability, you can almost build an immortal body.

Ren Baqian's thinking diverges. Even if only the uploading and downloading ability of the consciousness is broken, and the physical body is directly replaced with the cloning technology, it can also create an immortal body, and there is no need to worry about being caught and killed by the enemy like the Earth Spirit.

Thinking of this eight thousand is a bit enthusiastic, but the biggest problem is how to catch that earth spirit.

The ability of the opponent to break through the space alone is impossible to catch.

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