The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 1161: They come

Liu Qing looked at the city wall in front of him, and there was a kind of unclear emotion in his heart.

This is Clean City.

It has been a year and a half since she arrived in the village of the Greythorns, and she has established her foothold. In the village, she has developed many believers in "God". The beauty of the vacuum hometown and the recognition of brothers and sisters of different races have filled the believers. Sense of honor.

This time she came to Innocent City, she was planning to develop another group of believers in Innocent City.

The City of Cleanliness is more than 7,000 kilometers away from the two walls. It is also the largest city closest to the two walls. It is the center of an area thousands of miles away and the home of the City of Cleanliness.

"Well? Where are you from? What's your name?" The guard at the door was two Nazis with long tails. After seeing Liu Qing, his eyes brightened. The creature's pursuit of the opposite **** could make them never see this. Tribes are interested.

"I'm coming from Luoyuan." Liu Qing's face was a little excited and excited, this is the first time to see the people outside.

"Where is Luoyuan?" The two guards thought for a long time and did not expect that a graythorn village that had never been seen in the past would walk out of the same family.

"Where are you going?" The two guards signaled Liu Qing to stand aside and not to block the way into the city. While chatting with her, she casually inspected, scolded, or kicked a few lower clans.

Liu Qing frowned slightly, the idea that "we are all our mother's children, we are all brothers and sisters", and it has long been rooted in her heart.

But she knew what was more important.

From the two populations, we learned that the Nasqus are in the Innocent City. There are thousands of Nasnzus in the entire Innocity, and there are no other Nasnites in the surrounding thousands of kilometers.

Innocent City is dominated by the Cyclone race. This is also the race of the Innocent God. There are many ethnic groups in this race, and they have the ability to control the wind. The biggest problem is that this race is very dirty. Their names all had disgust in their eyes.

Probably because there is wind flowing on the body surface at all times, which will cause a large amount of water to be lost on the body surface, so this race likes to wrap a layer of mud on its body ... and it only takes two baths in its life, one birth, and one death.

One can imagine the smell on them.

"Otherwise you just have to wait for a while, after a shift, I will take you to Liu Xiang." A guard enthusiastically invited Liu Qing after she said that she was nowhere to go.

In this way, Liu Qing lived in Liu Xiang, which is full of Na snakes, and the process was not smooth.

Occasionally, Liu Qing mentioned his dead mother in his words, and almost clashed with the Nazi people from the beginning.

Fortunately, there was a set of sophistry and mellow words designed by Ren Baqian. After spending some time, the Nazi people finally made her less repulsive.

"As long as I spend some time next, I will definitely develop some believers." Liu Qing shook his fist when no one was.

In addition, she also inquired about the residence of the lower races in the city. These lower races have the lowest existence in the city. They live in hardships, so some small favors can make these lower races listen to her Talk about something.

For example, sending them some daily necessities and giving them a small bag of food will enable many elderly patients with low labor in lower races to listen to her every day about everything about her mother.

Over time, people will naturally agree.

As for the money for shopping, there are several villages behind her to support. Although each village is in dire straits, it can barely support her activities in Clean City without adding them together.

Liu Qing carefully avoided the occasional Trolls, but they were not dirty, but Trolls were always irritable.

I don't know when it started, the ground suddenly started to shake, and the shaking was getting bigger and bigger.

"What happened?" Liu Qing looked around blankly, many people like her.

Many people jumped out of the city and exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" Liu Qing squeezed into the crowd, looking at the interracial man above the flagpole, and many people inquired below.

"A giant beast is very big, twice as high as the city wall."

Soon, some people who were far away from the city wall but had a wide field of vision could see it, and a huge skull appeared above the city wall.

An earthling in a robe wearing a jeweled crown patted the skull of a monster and lowered his head. Then he jumped down from the top and brought some earthlings through the gate. Bencheng Central.

"Earth race, Xu, see God."

"Is that what you want to see?" Come with me. The old sacrifice wants to see you. "

After a while, King Xu saw a so-called high sacrifice in a stone hall with a few holes at the top and the sun.

Wrapped tightly from head to toe, revealing only eyes and mouth.

And a little gray water dripped down the cloth.

"Original earth spirits, what are you going to do?" As the old priest talked, King Xu could even hear the howling of the storm.

The strong wind swept through the stone hall.

"One of my earth spirits was extinct, and Xu was instructed by the black **** to come and kill the enemy." Xu Xu cried loudly. "According to the guidance of the black god, the enemy is in this direction. The high sacrifice of the trolls is old, please tell me."

Dajie Lao slightly cloudy eyes turned around King Xu, making laughter like a blower box.

"It turns out that if you don't come, the old man will have to send someone to look at the matter. In this case, let you solve it yourself and kill it."

"Where are our enemies?" King Xu glanced loudly.

More than a year ago, the beacon left by the God of Black had no guidance. He has been searching in the original direction, walking through many cities, to many places, and finally came here.

This is also the largest city in the north.

"The black stone wall in the north was once guarded by a tribe of spirits, but stayed here after the war of that year, guarding the abandoners at the other end of the wall. For thousands of years, the abandoners have returned. Your Clan, want to come is what they killed.

Go to revenge, go to kill, go to perish those abandoned people. "

"Abandoned tribe? The one that was once called the Terran?"

"It's them, and now they are no longer able to pose a threat. However, according to the agreement of that year, if this abandoned family reappears, they will be completely destroyed.

They did not have those kings, and they dared to come back. They didn't know life or death. Let them see the wrath of the Earth Spirit. "The old offering grinned and laughed.

"Since it was the agreement of the year, why should you let them go?" Xu Xu asked first.

"In addition to a terrestrial spirit and a Thousand Bone tribe, there were still some sentries who stayed outside the two walls. Some of them have already returned from the two walls. They first arrived at the place of the Six Gods, and then came to know Here. I just learned about it. "

"If it were them, the Earth Spirit would certainly not let them go." After hearing the message from the enemy, Xu walked out of the hall with a cruel smile on his face.

The veteran laughed like a bellows, and then soaked in the pool and stopped paying attention to it.

The terrestrial clan with powerful monsters and symbiotic secrets is definitely not something that the lost clans who have lost the king and have spent thousands of years outside the two walls can fight against.

In this way, I myself saved the trouble of mobilizing food and grass.


Liu Qing didn't last long in the city, and felt that kind of vibration again, but this time it was far away.

"This direction is Luoyuan Village? So what do the mighty giants go there? But the high priest said that if he found an abnormal situation or someone was going north to report to him ..." Liu Qing thought for a while, returned to the room from the end of the bed Remove a piece of dirt from the ground, and take out a palm-sized metal cylinder ~ ~ First, pull out three antennas and press a few buttons.

"The first-level sacrifice to Liu Qing? What are you doing?" A woman's voice came across.

Liu Qing remembered that that was the main sacrifice around the high priest.

"Today, some earth spirits and large beasts have headed north from the city of Innocent. The high priest once said that if this happens, he should report to him."

When she finished talking, she felt that time seemed to stop for a moment, and she could not hear the sound of breathing across.

Then came a slightly changed voice: "You've worked hard. Do you know how many spirits, what kind of beasts, how many, and which line?"

"I don't know. I'll ask about it. Someone should see it at the gate. The route is in the direction of Luoyuan Village." Later Liu Qing was a little worried: "The graythorns in the village, will it be okay?"

"They will be fine." After the main sacrifice spoke, and encouraged again, he hurriedly turned off the radio.

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