The Empress’ Livestream

Chapter 821: 821: Jianzhou Prefecture, settled in Beijing (ten)

Chapter 821 821: Jianzhou Mansion, Settled On Beijing (10)

The construction of the city requires on-the-spot investigation, measuring the land, and working out the design and drawing after understanding the situation.

Wei Ci knew that he was pitted by Zhang Ping's pig teammate, so don't even think about having leisure time in the future.

Before heading to Shangjing, Wei Ci secretly sought out Jiang Yanji, and the two talked in secret, and they only knew what they said.

"Master, Ci's big disrespectful words-where are you going?" Wei Ci is a very rational person. After two days of adjustment, he has recovered from the nightmare of that night, looking like he is all right, now talk And business affairs, not to mention personal emotions.

Jiang Yanji and Wei Ci chose a quiet place to talk, and they weren't afraid to listen to the surroundings.

Even if there were ears in the wall, Jiang Yanji could find it for the first time, because no one in the world could hide her mental investigation.

"Where am I?" She murmured, smiling, "Naturally, I am in the world, I am in the people. Zixiao has the same intentions as I do, and the same aspirations. Whatever you say, you do n’t need to do this. Tentative. As long as you say it, I will listen carefully. "

Wei Ci listened, her cheeks became hot, and her ears became congested.

Jiang Yanji said such misleading words when he was okay, even if Wei Ci had been through hundreds of battles, he couldn't resist.

He converged his drifting thoughts, restored his normality, and said earnestly, "Master, kindness is not only in the world, in the people, but also in the longevity of the country, and the world is clear. Hainan is now in troubled times, and no hundreds of people have suffered this calamity. They have to leave their homes, be displaced, lose their homes and land, and even countless people sell their daughters and daughters in order to survive. They only want to survive once. Everyone in the world knows that the world must be divided for a long time, and the time must be divided. Xun Changsheng, Gein's sage of the monarch, and the virtues of the hundred officials can bring good weather and common people to live and work in peace. But why is the state of the country declining? Just because the monarch is faint and the officials are rude? "

The country is prosperous, but there are only a few reasons for it to come and go, but what about the decline of the country?

Just because the monarch is faint, the officials are mediocre, and the weather is bad?

Wei Ci has been thinking about this issue since he was young in previous lives, and has been thinking about it until now.

Wei Ci has always admired Jiang Yanji, not only because the other person's actions are his ideals, but also for a number of reasons.

The other side is a beacon on his lost road, leading him to reveal many questions that confuse him.

These problems, just pick one and say it, maybe it will cause a great uproar, causing the world's Shizikou to write down.

Wei Ci is aware of the danger, but he does not feel lonely and helpless, because he knows that there are others on the same road as him.

"Tsing through the historical books and discovering the decline of the kingdom, this is not only a top-down phenomenon, but also a bottom-up. If the country is described as a towering tree, the monarch is the crown, and the official is the branch, then the people It stretches horizontally and roots below the ground. If the crown is dead, the tree can survive. If the branches are damaged, the trunk can extend. However, if the roots are damaged, the tree is endangered. "

Jiang Yanji listened carefully.

She could feel that he had his own understanding and perception of it, and it was neither a matter of scrutiny, nor a discussion on paper.

Wei Ci continued, "The root of the soil is the root of its breeding. If this soil is taken away by people, the root of the tree cannot live."

Jiang Yanji looked at it, and understood Wei Ci's meaning.

"You said land merger?"

Wei Ci tightened his face, took a deep breath, and sank, "That's it!"

What is land merger?

Today's land can be bought and sold, and families, squires, and bureaucrats can borrow more power and money to get more and more land from farmers, and even leave them without land. This phenomenon is particularly obvious in the disaster year. Once the people lose their land, it means that they have lost their dependence on survival, and can only continue to sell real estate, become a low-cost labor force, and work as a tenant for the landlords. Leaving in this era, this is an incurable disease that will get worse.

Once the land merger has reached a certain level, the country will also be on the way to decline. Even the ZTE Lord cannot save the dynasty.

Land mergers have intensified, and peasants and powerful men with a large amount of land will have conflicts that are difficult to reconcile, and there will be fierce friction between the state and these powerful forces. Throughout the history books, many clear-minded monarchs will take measures to curb the pace of mergers and allow land mergers to be alleviated to some extent. If it cannot be alleviated, then a problem will inevitably be faced-the peasant raised his **** to rebel!

Jiang Yanji comes from the future, and the entire universe is a region explored by humans.

Because of interstellar warfare and people's thinking, the speed of population reproduction is simply not as fast as the rate of expansion.

For intelligent creatures, the entire universe is endless, and they have a wider space to explore endless unknown areas.

But it is different in ancient times. Human beings are backward in science and technology, and their productivity is low. They are invisiblely constrained by land and it is difficult to break free.

For them, the land is a piece of cake. The more people share it, the less they share. There is a conflict of interest between them.

The source of human warfare is the contention of interests. In ancient times, it is the land dispute to trace the source!

Not to mention this aspect, there is also the issue of land merger in the audience of the live broadcast room.

In the history of the Chinese nation, laws and regulations governing land mergers have emerged in successive dynasties, and land reform has progressed layer by layer.

It is the same for the equal field system, a whip method, and sharing the acres.

Jiang Yanji felt uncomfortable abandoning her knees and simply changed her posture, depending on a few words, "You say, I listen."

Wei Ci felt that his heart was beating like a drum, and he could hear a powerful vibration from his left chest. He knew he was nervous.

"The protagonist ... in the view of Mercy, why not root the source of land merger from the root!"

With that said, Wei Ci felt relieved and waited for Jiang Yanji to make a statement.

Jiang Yanji asked, "Go to the source?"

Wei Ci didn't say anything, just said eight words—

"Under the heavens, could there be a king of land!"

Jiang Yanji was shocked. She raised her eyes and looked at Wei Ci, only to see that the other party's eyes were firm.

After half a ring, she smiled cheerfully.

"okay, I get it."

All over the world, there is no land for kings!

She likes this sentence.

Not only do I like this sentence, it seems that I also like the person who said it more.

"Zixiao, come here."

She beckoned to Wei Ci, and her face changed from pale to rosy. When she saw her calling, her eyes hesitated.

But-Wei Ci faced Jiang Yanji and never knew what "no" was.

Go forward on your knees, the two are less than ten inches apart.

Jiang Yanji grabbed his hand, and Wei Ci jumped in shock.

"Don't be afraid, I won't eat you again."

Wei Ci secretly smiled bitterly. The other party did not eat him, but for him, it might be more scary than eating.

"Zixiao heart is like me."

Wei Ci opened his eyes in amazement. Those eyes containing the stars of all things were dazzling.

Watching the audience in the live room: "..."


This mouthful of dog food is too full.

Authentic dog food, full of dog food, eating crunchy and crunchy.

(End of this chapter)

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