The Empress’ Livestream

Chapter 1728: 1728: The Slow Map

Chapter 1728 Chapter 1728: slowly

The veteran general said, "It will not come again when the opportunity is not lost. It will be difficult if Zhongli has time to calm down and later think of a troop attack."

The veteran was dug by Jiang Yanji from Yang Tao's old ministry.

The veteran has rich combat experience, but the old man is not old, and the battlefield is very active.

It's not that he loves to fight more, just because the old people don't admit defeat, they always like to compete with young people.

He changed from the old part of Yang Tao to the descendant of Jiang Yanji, but he brushed his face against the battle of An An, and made several achievements, but he was not satisfied.

He felt that he was still at its peak, and he could pull off the two-stone heavy bow, and his archery was accurate, and it was a hundred steps through Yang.

There is a battle now, and he feels full of war.

According to his knowledge of his protagonist's past, the protagonist is also an absolute main faction, and he will certainly not miss this opportunity.

The words of veterans are the voices of many people.

The enemy is dying. Of course, at this time, it is to kill someone when they are ill. Do not mention the pants, just dry, what is the ink?

They are eager to try, and they seem to be more aggressive than Jiang Yanji.


This is probably to gather people in groups and groups.

There is such a protagonist, even if there are a group of Buddha's subordinates under his hand, it is probably a fight to defeat the Buddha.

After listening to the veteran general's words, individual reactions were different.

Some people nodded again and again, but Wei Ci looked hesitant.

True, this is a good opportunity to win Zhongli, but--

Yan Lin looked at the old general and sighed in silence.

"Liu Gong, Lin's opinion is slightly different from the old general."

The old general turned black when he heard this.

Their generals were responsible for fighting, but the planners before the battle were Yan Lin and other strategists.

The latter's opinion determines whether the former can fight.

The old general resentful dissatisfaction, "Yan Jun thinks it's not good to send troops at this time?"

Yan Lin laughed with a smile on his lips. First of all, he complimented the old general and said that his eagerness for Jiang Yanji's meritorious deeds is worthy of recognition. This shows that the old general is loyal and heroic in combat. But the words turned sharply, Yan Lin said, "... but, Lin thought that the time was not yet ripe. Liu Gong still had Nan Sheng unmanaged, and he added another chuckle, which only dragged him down."

The old general was dissatisfied. "How can Zhongli be a drag?"

Yan Lin said, "The princes in Zhongli fell on each other, and there were post-war sores everywhere. If Liu Gong took Zhongli, wouldn't he manage it? Although our military strength is one million, the real elite is less than half a million. The remaining 500,000 are miscellaneous soldiers with insufficient combat experience. These forces are sufficient to protect Dongqing and Nansheng. However, if we add a midship, it will drag down the overall combat power. It takes time for our army to fight in successive years. Self-cultivation and restoration of vitality. If the troops are forcibly conquered and divided, they will give the enemy a chance! "

The timing was indeed tempting, but Yan Lin was not in favor of sending troops.

As a popular example, at this time, Jiang Yanji had just eaten a table named "Nansheng". She was very full and full, but then the chef brought a table that was more delicious, but the amount was larger. Cuisine. Does Jiang Yanji eat or not?

If she eats it, she will eat it thoroughly. Not only will she not taste delicious, but she will experience the pain of a gastrointestinal rupture. There are also two enemies holding a hatchet stick around her. She couldn't even eat the road, and the enemy came up to hit her at this time. What would happen to her?

If she doesn't eat, wait for her to slowly digest the last meal before enjoying the next table.

Even if the food is cold, it can make her eat and drink enough, and have the energy to kill the enemies who are staring at each other.

The generals and others were seduced by the timing, and they forgot that they were still having indigestion, but Yan Lin did not ignore them.

Yan Lin spoke very carefully, but the old general disagreed.

"If you miss this opportunity, it will be difficult to win Zhongli again."

Opportunities are valuable only if they are grasped. How can such a great opportunity be missed?

Fortunately, he is not the same person who thinks like Yan Lin.

Several people in Fengzhen thought so, and came out to respond to Yan Lin's proposal.

There really should be no troop dispatch at this time.

Dormant cultivation is the most important thing, sending troops to expand the site can be slowed down.

Yang Si also gave a proposal. He suggested that the eunuchs let them continue to be X-sticks and make the situation in Zhongli as chaotic as possible.

Of course, while doing so, we must also take into account the movements of Beiyuan and Xichang. The situation of these two countries is roughly the same as that of Wei Ci's previous life, but because of time, the two countries have not fallen to the extent of being brittle in the later period and broken in a rush.

If Beiyuan and Xichang were able to squeeze out some troops,

The **** asked them to toss in the middle of the disability, not to make a wedding dress for Beiyuan Two Kingdoms.

The veteran's temperament was slightly stubborn, and he could not accept such a rhetoric for a while.

Who can do everything in the future?

If you miss this opportunity, the ghost knows that there will be other changes?

The old general's worry was not unclear, but today's situation really does not allow them to send troops.

Listening to the debate below, Jiang Yanji looked sad and unhappy, as if what they were talking about had nothing to do with her.

After about half an hour, the voice of the main battle gradually waned, and she interrupted the argument.

First affirm the pros and cons of the two parties' views, and then express her thoughts.

Jiang Yanji also disapproves of sending troops.


Because the sharpener did not accidentally cut the woodworker.

It was full of calculations. From preparing for the battle to Nie Liang, turning around and beating Yang Tao to attacking An An, she fought for almost three years. During the period, she did not stop. During the period, she suffered from food shortage due to An An's calculations. Go through that crisis.

She had the intention to continue to fight, but the logistics could not keep up. If she insisted on doing it alone, it would be necessary to temporarily suspend the management of Nansheng.

Jiang Yanji is very clear that there are still many opposition voices in Nansheng. If she relaxes her control of Nansheng, these voices will be in trouble. Even if she couldn't help her hurt her muscles, she could learn flies and disturb her.

Zhongli is indeed a piece of fat, but now she eats, she is afraid of indigestion.

The eunuch's meaning is estimated to look at it again, but the account of the main group of wolf cubs is too excited.

The eunuchs who regarded themselves as middle-aged men and Sun Wen, the elder representative, felt that they were old, could not stand the soft grinding of the wolf pups, and simply asked Jiang Yanji what he meant. Based on their knowledge of their protagonist, she will most likely choose a conservative approach this time.

With her speech, those howling wolf cubs can also stop for a while.

At the same time, they also revealed the situation in Beiyuan to Jiang Yanji.

"In the long run, Beiyuan will dig his own grave. If I wait for the troops to be sent out, it will cause Beiyuan to wake up and let the Beiyuan clan drop the internal fighting for the time being, but it will be extremely detrimental to our army ..." The belly is full of black crickets. "It's better to just watch them fight internally. Both defeated and wounded. Our army will send troops to conquer again, and the loss can be minimized."

(| 3 [▓▓] good night

Shiitake did not sleep all night yesterday. A relative was killed by a random three-wheeled battery car in a car accident on the last day of National Day. Her daughter was eight and a half months pregnant. She looked forward to her grandson for a long time. , Take care of her daughter, wait for her confinement ... I didn't expect it to be so gone. Mushrooms did not sleep vigil yesterday, and sent another ride early in the morning. They were busy until noon before rushing to the banquet to go home to make up their sleep. Now my mind is still a bit heavy ... Alas, life is too fragile ...

(End of this chapter)

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