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Chapter 1469: 1469: Nie Liang attacked Yang Tao, the sword pointed to the world (9)

Chapter 1469 Chapter 1469: Fa Nieliang attacked Yang Tao, and the sword pointed to the world (9)

The bandit's mouth was not as tight as expected, but it was very loose, and it was tortured in two or three strokes.

Li Yan said, "What are the military plan to do? One by one, the water village will pass?"

Yang Si said, "Otherwise? Simply Yang Tao's soldiers and horses don't care about this basin at all. We take the opportunity to catch more bandits. One is familiar with water warfare. The other is to understand the environment. The third is to gain some reputation. I checked it and found that many people still think of Yang Ye ’s goodness. As soon as Yang Ye died, this good reputation fell to Yang Tao. The reason for our troops to send troops was a bit far-fetched, even if the protagonist was the son of "Destiny" It is rumored that the local people still resist me and so on. It is better to take the opportunity to do some good deeds and gain popularity. "

Yang Si is a hardworking person who puts into action any idea.

He intends to use "mountain ghosts" to build momentum for Jiang Yanji. Naturally, instead of dragging three to four, he chose to execute vigorously.

Yang Si sent people to compile the "mountain ghosts" into nursery rhymes and let the urchins and beggars preach them, but after three days of hard work, the news has reached Yang Tao and others. Some idiots believed it, but Yang Tao and others saw it. This was intentional.


Yan Lin smirked and left Jane aside, he didn't believe what "the destiny is".

Throughout the ages, how many emperors have faked the Xian family to apply gold to their faces?

What happened at birth and the mother had a strange birth dream is just a lie by ordinary people to deceive fools.

Really a heavenly son, why can there be a hundred lives?

What "Shou Qi Tian Qi" and "Long live"?


Jiang Linji agreed with Yan Lin's concept.

This method is "myth" in ancient times, but "marketing" in the future, or a brainwashing marketing with a thick skin.

Qian Su laughed, "It's such an act, if Liu Ye loses, it will be interesting."

Yan Lin sneered, he said, "The princes and their protagonists under Liu Ye's account have a good character and pride. Mostly they find that the protagonist's reputation in Zhangzhou is unshakable, for fear that the people will interfere at critical moments. This is the strategy for Liu Yan. "

As everyone knows, this momentum has also pushed their protagonist to the cusp.


As long as the last person to sit on God is not her Jiang Yanji, she will become a celebrity joke.

There are pros and cons to this build-up. If it succeeds, a layer of mystery will be added to her. The fools of the world will not have the courage to confront the "fairy family". If it fails, it is just a joke after adding tea to the history.

Qian Su said, "Is Liu Yan telling the world of her ambitions?"

Yan Lin said, "Even if she doesn't say, who in this world doesn't know her ambition?"

Qian Su laughed, "Everyone knows that she and her own confess that there is a difference between the two."

This incident did not cause much waves, and Yan Lin and others did not talk about "mountain ghosts grant shipbuilding magic" to their hearts.

Shipbuilding skills are no secrets. Yang Tao, a well-known craftsman in the south, was collected.

Those who haven't gathered are mostly raised by people.

How high can the level of the warship over Jiang Yanji be?

No matter how high they can be?

The waters south of Zhangzhou are relatively dense, and shipbuilding technology has been accumulated and improved from generation to generation, making it the highest in the world. Most of the soldiers and horses under Jiang Yanji's account were northerners. Even if she planned for the navy several years in advance, the shipbuilding technology was not improved by Qi Kuang, nor was it able to steal the division in a short time. The shipbuilding technology in the north was not refined. condition. According to the estimates of Yan Lin and others, Jiang Yanji's warships should be behind them.

Water warfare not only places high demands on the navy division, but also on the quality of warships.

Even if the sailor is extremely powerful and does not have a strong and powerful warship, he cannot win the enemy.

Yang Si cleared the water bandits while fishing, and perfected the map of the nearby waters through torture and collection.

Such a big movement, naturally, can not hide the eyes and ears of Yan Lin and others.

Yang Tao said, "It's better to send people to test their naval combat capabilities first."

Yan Lin said, "Well, Lin is thinking so."

As a result, a group of people disguised as merchants and a group of people pretended to be bandits. The two sides met unexpectedly in a certain area of ​​water.

After a brief confrontation, Yang Si had a bad feeling and ordered a retreat decisively.

Yan Lin didn't chase him.

"How's it going?"

In order to be safe, Yang Tao, Yan Lin, and others did not pass by in person, but just sent a commander with rich experience in water warfare.

There are only a thousand men and women on both sides, and the fighting time is not long, because it is only a tentative test, and the fighting is not fierce.

As an experienced veteran, Bi will also find some enemies.

He said, "The enemy is afraid that it will be more difficult than we expected."

Yan Lin frowned, but did not expect this answer.

"How about the ships they use?"

Pi Jiang said, "According to the judgement of the end, it should be all civilian boats fishing from nearby fishermen."

The scale and firmness of civilian ships cannot be compared with that of warships. In order not to fight grass and snakes, their own ships also did not use warships, and they also used civilian ships commonly used by bandits. In terms of ships, the two sides are comparable, and the difference lies in the combat effectiveness of the combatants.

Yan Lin asked how the opponent's combat power was, and Bian will answer truthfully.

In a word, if it is not known in advance that the enemy is the northern duck, he really can't see the difference between the enemy and the southern sailor.

Good water solubility, good coordination, and forward and backward is not even a little flustered, except for less experience and tender, other aspects are not bad.

This is clearly a trained sailor.

Ruofei will retreat in time, fearing to be entangled by the enemy, and then exposed.

Nevertheless, Pi will feel that the enemy has guessed their identity.

Yang Si naturally guessed.

The bandit operations encountered this time are extremely coordinated. This is basically the regular army, not the black people.

Yang Tao frowned, looking at Yan Lin with his eyes and asking.

Yan Lin said, "I beg the Lord to order and send someone to continue the investigation, and we must test their depth."

No one knows whether this thousand-man sailor is Jiang Yanji's elite or mass level. The difference between the two has gone a long way.

Find out, there is something in his own heart.

Yang Tao also knew that he couldn't be impatient, and agreed to Yan Lin's suggestion.

The two sides began to test each other, watching the gunpowder smell getting stronger and stronger, Jiang Yanji did not let it go.

"Since it is certain that Nie Liang has no more days to live, let's add a fire and send him a ride."

The **** asked her, "What does the lord mean ... to send troops now?"

This is too radical and arbitrary?

"How is this possible? Knowing yourself and knowing one another can make it a battle, and I'm not the second sister-in-law. Nie Liang did die soon, but isn't he dead yet? People are still alive, and more than 200,000 elites aren't looking at it." Jiang Yanji shook his head. Denied, "I plan to send scouts to investigate first. When I figure it out, I'll send someone to attack and see what Nie Liang's reaction is."

(End of this chapter)

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