The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 9 Chapter 25: Tenma World

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The same goes for Li Yan.

But just for a moment, he calmed himself down. He did not believe that the Azure civilization would betray them. This was not confidence in others, but confidence in himself.

In these days, he has not relaxed his observations on Bai Lin and Ji Ningyun, as well as other high-level civilizations of blue civilization. Taking his current practice as the realm, if someone has disturbed his mind, no matter who the person is, even a saint Monk, he will definitely feel something.

After calming down, looking around, Li Min quickly discovered some problems.

Although the demon army came in like a tide and seemed to engulf them all, in fact, the leading monks of the saints did not come straight to them, they still carried their own songs, and their positions were very Is scattered.

Observing this, Li Zhi intentionally extended the consciousness behind him. Sure enough, behind them, there was a huge army of slayers, and the number of them was not less than the number of slayers in front.

If you are nervous and skeptical, Li Ye will think at this time that these five people have been pinched by both sides, and have fallen into siege. It will undoubtedly die. For example, He Jie and others will inevitably make such judgments.

But now, Li Zhi's answer is naturally different.

The demons didn't come at them.

The demons are training.

Li Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said to a few people who were in shock: "We accidentally broke into the Tian Mo training ground, and now they are training. Now listen to my order, follow me, we will leave here immediately!"

Hearing Li Ye ’s words, Zhou Bashan looked surprised and rejoicing, but He Jie was doubtful, but Li Yi ’s “command” was exported, and the results of the previous team training appeared, and no one hesitated. Immediately followed Li Yan to leave quickly down the left.

Although there are sage states in the army of the demon, their attention is obviously focused on the opposing army, not too much energy to scan the void, coupled with Li Zhi's powerful strength, he found them first, and the reaction was fast. In order to be far away quickly before exposure.

In the safe zone, Li Zhi and others turned around to see that the two armies of the demon had "killed" together, the battle was very fierce, and the original dark void lit up a sea of ​​light.

At this point, He Jie and others were completely relieved. An Qier patted her chest and said, "It's dangerous, I can't help but want to take a shot and kill a **** path. If it weren't for the captain, I wouldn't let it I am approached infinitely by danger! "

He Jie did not run An Qier, "To be honest, I was scared, and I almost wanted to shout to break out. If I put it in the past and face such a dangerous situation, I must find a way to save my life. Do you care about others? "

She did not hide herself, and dared to speak out in public.

Of course, this was not the case at first, but after the team fight, everyone said a lot of things that shouldn't be said under emotional turbulence, and later found that everyone actually thinks about the same, and no one is because of others. With a little thought, he hated him.

Gradually, everyone let go a lot, and they also forgive a lot.

Zhou Bashan said, "The captain still sees it. I almost couldn't hold back the old week. It was too dangerous just now. A dozen sages were in front of me. They might be found by the other party at any time. Who dare not do it immediately? Reacting? This time was really bad luck, and broke into the training ground of others. "

Although the hump galaxy was the site of the blue civilization before, it is now tightly controlled by the demon. Naturally, there is very little understanding of the current situation here. It is also impossible, or even inevitable, for people to enter the danger zone by mistake.

At this time, your own strength and emergency response are very important.

It is also the reason why the group of monks of the sages dare to come here.

The strength of the crowd naturally exists, but when the matter is imminent, it is enough to decide the choice of life and death, but everyone can not do the best. At this time, the importance of the captain Li Zhi is highlighted, this factor also makes everyone Li Yan became more convinced.

"It may not be bad luck," said Li Yan, moaning. "You see, the demon army here is no less than 50,000. This is half of their strength in the rock galaxy and the hump galaxy. Now they are training here, you say this means What? "

An Qier's eyes glowed, and he blurted out: "The Ding Wei DP3527-1021 stellar system is the place where the handsome demon of the Demon Army!"

Everyone showed an expression of agreement. This is the most reasonable guess, and it is inseparable. Li Xun nodded: "In this case, we only need to sneak into Dzizhu, and it is very likely that we will find the Tianmao handsome account and complete the assassination mission."

Dzizhu is the largest, richest, most auratic, and most habitable planet in the Dingye DP3527-1021 galaxy. It used to be the pearl of the hump galaxy.

Everyone glanced at each other, the spirit was a lot of inspiration. This time by mistake, although everyone is less accountable, it is worth the money to have such a big gain.

Under the guidance of Li Zhi, the team of monks in the saints sneaked and went directly to Dzizhuxing.

Before entering Dzizhu, Li Yan and others changed their appearance to conform to the image of Tianmo. After all, it is necessary to walk and explore in the demon world. It may take a lot of time, and the situation facing it will be very complicated. All things that should be considered must be considered to avoid unnecessary trouble.

The disguise of several monks in the sage realm cannot naturally be discovered by monks of ordinary demons, unless it is in the sage realm and it is only possible if they are stronger than everyone else.

After a while, everyone came to Henghai City, Dzizhuxing.

When the azure civilization ruled Dzizhu, Henghai City was the most important city of Dzizhu, and it was second to none in terms of economy, transportation and scenery. Li Yan and others who want to find the center of the Demon Army naturally need to be brought to this core first, just like finding the emperor and going to the capital.

Walking on the bustling and lively streets of Henghai City, Li Yan and others pretended to be ordinary monks, and looked left and right, planning to find an inn first.

The former Henghai City was a standard science-level civilized city. Although the building is not like the steel jungle of the earth era, the infrastructure is full of science and technology. Now it has completely changed.

The building is still the previous building, the street is still the previous street, but the branch-level elements have been completely abandoned, there is no trace of re-use, and many facilities have been damaged and rusty.

For example, in the ground transportation system, the previous "floor tiles" were composed of metal plates, which can be changed at will like a Rubik's cube, in order to provide convenience for the flying plate. Now it's a stationary body.

The shops on both sides have also changed their appearance. There are no various shops with rich varieties, and the ancient wine shops, inns, medicinal materials, and utensil stores have been restored. Of course, the most important thing is that the creatures walking here have been transformed from human beings with uniform "standard" appearances, and become strange gods.

Some demon are just like a flaming flame, floating around without any regularity, sometimes showing two big eyes to look around, sometimes showing a sloppy face, do not know what to do.

Some demon are like beasts. For example, the white "dog bear" sitting on the corner and lazily basking in the sun is still picking teeth. Obviously he just ate something. It is a very enjoyable look.

Some demon are half humans and half beasts, and the two-legged "bats" are walking swaying. The monk with a tiger's head and huge breast muscles exaggerate Zhou Bashan.

This part is somewhat similar to the demon.

There is also a considerable part of the demon, which basically has the shape of a human being, which is always something weird. It's not scary looking pale and thin, or the wings are growing behind, and the arms are mechanical.

No one is "normal".

Since it is not a "normal person", what is done is naturally not what a "normal person" does. At some noon, some devils gathered at the side of the road to drink alcohol. They lost their consciousness, and they fell bowls and smashed bowls, or screamed or cried.

Some demon actually hugged and embarrassed themselves in the audience, and they did not care about the eyes of others. There are also people who buy watermelons asking if they are sweet or not, and then they are dissatisfied with the arrogant attitude of the stall owner.

Li Yan was walking, a seemingly normal old demon suddenly banged at him. After he evaded, the demon even came up to lie on his feet that day, shouting that he had been hit by a broken rib and died. Pulling **** Li's clothing corner, he would not be allowed to leave without paying Lingling Coins.

When Li Xun stunned the old scorpion-like demon with a nasty and swollen face and couldn't move, an energy group-shaped savior passing by didn't know which tendon was wrong. When he came over, he cut the larynx and cut his throat. Quickly disappeared into the demons.

In a bank next to the bank, a group of beast-shaped demon with a tiger's back and waist dropped a human-shaped demon and fought and kicked him together. He scolded and said that he dare to deceive the bank's spirit coin.

The humanoid demon screamed in disapproval, saying that when he took the spirit stone on the ATM, the cash machine spit more than twice the money, and it only took away its own part, and the rest did not move. It doesn't matter if you stole it, it has no obligation to protect the property of the bank.

The Qianzhuang thugs cursed, the part of the Ling coins it took was Qian Zhuang's, and the stolen part was its own. It had to return the Ling coins! The humanoid demon yelled, accused the banker of bullying, and the banker's thug laughed, saying that the rules set by the banker were naturally for the benefit of the banker.

The humanoid demon wants to refute, but has been beaten by Qian Zhuang's thugs without even screaming. Obviously, there is a huge difference in strength between the two sides, and there is no possibility of equal communication and reasoning.

The disorder on the street is not the overall chaos. In fact, there is still a general order, but there are many strange situations. Li Ye even saw a few energy-shaped gods, shouting for my hard-earned wages, rushed into a brilliant commercial bank and exploded.

The explosion was very dynamic, and the demons on the street were attracted attention and stopped to watch. Everyone was pointing and talking, and very interested. Those self-destructed slayers were soon carried out of the messy commercial bank, and when they saw them, they were very indignant, blaming the business for owing their wages.

The family of the self-defeating demon cried and blocked the door for compensation. However, the management of the commercial bank said that they blew themselves up in the commercial bank, causing huge losses to the commercial bank and not paying enough wages.

At this time, a luxuriously-shaped humanoid Demon stepped out and asked about the situation of the self-destructing Demon family. He went to the business office to see the loss and took out an abacus in public to calculate the account. In the end, it told the commercial bank that after the explosion of Tianmao's labor compensation for the loss, there were three surplus coins.

Obviously, the demon's identity was extraordinary, and the business management was afraid to rebel, so he threw three spirit coins to the family of the self-exploding demon. The three spirit coins are not enough for a meal, but the family members of the self-exploding Tian Mo can only leave with tears.

The matter was not over yet. A few demons went up to stop the stewards, saying that the commercial banks also owed them wages, when could they be paid. The manager waved his sleeves and drove away these demons, saying impatiently: "Wait until you explode!"

Li Xi, who looks like Shura, decided to find a place to settle earlier, and did not want to see these magical farce and tragedies anymore.

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