The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 7 Chapter 38: Reversed relationship

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Li Yan did not plan to spend too much time in Lanzhou City.

This was the front line during the war, and the key place for the two armies to confront each other. After the war, there was nothing to pay much attention to. For example, the Great Luna Religious Temple is in Luzhou, but Li Zhi does not mind going to Qinghai.

In Hexi, there are many Tubo people, and Li Zhi did not plan to implement a genocide policy. After the war, everything will return to the normal track. The surviving women and children of Tubo, Li Yan gave them the right to continue living.

After all, the land needs people to cultivate, and the pastures need people to graze. The former leaves aside, while the latter is more skilled at Tubo. Li Yi only needs to give them a small amount of necessities, and they can supply military and horses to Datang, which is a very cost-effective business.

Moreover, the land on the plateau is really not suitable for life, and it is difficult for the Han people to adapt to it. For the Han people, it is good to cultivate fertile land and live in a place with a favorable climate.

Of course, the premise is that the Quanzhen conception enters the plateau, religion controls the thought and spiritual world of the Tubos, monks control the Tubos' physical and living rules, and at the same time, it performs the necessary sinicization of the Tubos.

In this way, there is no need for the army to fight hard. After a period of time, the plateau will no longer be in serious trouble.

The Han civilization's ability to localize people in the mountains and rivers is not comparable to the Tubo culture. Tubo has occupied Hexi for a hundred years. The Hans are still Hans. The Hans have truly controlled the plateau for 20 years, and the Tubos are mostly Hans.

After regaining the twelve states controlled by the Tubo Moon Gods, Li Zhi's strength naturally rose to a level, and he saw that the Golden Wonderland would be achieved. He wondered if he could take advantage of the current good situation and still have a little time to attack the prefectures and counties occupied by Wen Mobe in the north.

The end of Wen is the land of Shimen on the plateau. If the Shimen can also be resolved, the entire plateau is equivalent to falling into his hands completely.

If this is the case, "Qinghai will only drink horses today, and the Yellow River will not have to be more fall-proof". The western part of the Tang Dynasty has completely stabilized.

Datang wants to restore the great cause of the great age, to the north to die with the Khitans, and to the west to call it Central Asia on the earth, which is the place where many clan prefectures in the western region of Datang are set up. It will inevitably run into Islam.

The Khitan is different from the nomads such as the Huns and Turks, who established the Liao Dynasty.

Liao, which was also established by the nomadic peoples of the north, the first army to cross the Central Plains, captured the capital of the Han Chinese, and occupied the empire of Chinese ancestral territory for hundreds of years.

After the Liao Dynasty, Jin even occupied the vast Central Plains north of the Huaihe River. It was not a temporary occupation, but a real rule. Since then, the cause of the Mongolians has been even greater, and the Yuan Dynasty was directly established.

It can be said that since the demise of the Great Tang Dynasty and the rise of the Khitan, the war situation between the Hans and the northern nomads has been completely reversed. For more than a thousand years, except for the short-term Zhongxing of the Ming Dynasty, the northern nomads have always prevailed.

In order to stifle this trend, Li Yan must fight Khitan first.

Before that, to recover the entire Hexi, and even the Western Regions, to completely calm China, was the journey he had to complete.

"Erase these **** Tubo barbarians from the map! They must be completely erased!"

King Qi was using a good bite to bite an oily and slippery leg of lamb, and after hearing Li's plan to travel north, he immediately expressed his support. Although the words in her mouth were vague, her tone was resolute and strong. In order to show his firm and mighty will, the other hand waved desperately.

On several occasions, Li Min shook his Qi Wang's waving hand away from him. Without this, he could not deal with the fatty lamb in the plate in his hand.

They sat in front of a bonfire and were eating roast whole lamb. Of course, the barbecue lambs do not need their own hands. The Tibetans have a better craftsmanship. Now it is the son of Tochigi who is sweating and devoting himself to roasting sheep on the shelf.

Speaking of which, Na Nab ’s life was very bad. He only enjoyed a life of more than ten years and fell from heaven to hell. But from another perspective, his life was actually good, at least that night Did not die in the city's main mansion.

Before Zhang Changan took the body of his father and left the city main government house, he went to his bitter sister. When I entered the door, I found that my sister was holding a pair of **** scissors in her hands, and she was sitting at the table. She was naked, and her naked body was covering her lower body, and she was rolling around in pain. One place.

When the Han people attacked the city's main mansion, the self-assured Zanab had no intention of going out to answer the enemy, which made him take his life. But the evil thoughts he raised for no reason also let him lose his final dignity.

Zhang Changan naturally wanted to kill Panabu, but his sister said that it was too cheap this little thief, so that Zhang Changan brought him back to Zhang's house, fell down as a slave, and served Zhang's people all his life. Atonement.

This suggestion is naturally excellent, and Zhang Chang'an didn't want to be cheap anymore, which agreed with her sister's idea.镲 Naab the 纨 绔 child-if the savage can also be called 纨 绔, although the temperament is not good, but the person is not stupid, at least the skill of grilling lamb is very good.

Li Yan planned to leave Lanzhou City tomorrow, so tonight he feasted the heroes of the Lanzhou Campaign. Zhang Changan heard that Li Yan wanted to eat roasted whole lambs, and then he solemnly recommended Zanab, and Li Yan was very satisfied.

In addition to Li Qi, besides King Qi, there were only Zhang family ancestors and Liu Baifu Chuyu masters and apprentices, and others could only sit elsewhere.

Tieban sat with Mother Zheng.

Teppanyaki is very big, and there is no piece of good meat in his whole body, but he can still survive. Mother-in-law Zheng is no longer an old woman, but she has restored her original appearance, but she is a wonderful old woman. She used to be short and looks small and exquisite, with perfect curves.

Zheng mother-in-law constantly gave dishes to the iron plate, virtuous and coy, the latter was very restrained, groaning and smirking from time to time, this scene is personally visible, the two will have a happy and happy life in the future.

Being able to keep the moon and seeing the moon is what they deserve.

I heard that King An's intention was to go north. Zhang Changan and Chu Zheng lost their mutton at the same time, and all of a sudden stood up, bowed down, looked at each other, and pleaded in unison: "I'll wait for His Royal Highness!"

Li Yi waved his hands with a smile, motioned them to sit, turned around and asked the king of Qi to kill the fierce Qi King: "To regain Hexi, I transferred most of the middle school real life and practice high monks, Qi Wang felt, If I go north again this time, and farther away from Changan, will Wang Jian take the opportunity to go through customs? "

King Qi responded leisurely: "He isn't stupid, how could he do such a foolish thing? Even if he can attack Changan while taking advantage of this time, when we return, he won't be able to keep even Shu Zhong, his own life It is also difficult to guarantee. "

Li Xun said: "He doesn't attack Changan while he's imaginary. When we return, he can hold Shuzhong?"

Qi King froze, and the meat in the cheeks had forgotten to chew, and shouted at the half-thin lamb leg: "Yeah ..."

This is a very serious problem, but King Qi just stopped for a moment and continued to fight the leg of lamb. There was no consciousness to think of a way to deal with it.

Of course, she knows that since Li Yan raised this issue, he should already have corresponding countermeasures. She was too lazy to be distracted by this, and her tragic memory had proven that she had better not show her wisdom in front of Li Yan.

Li Yan's plan is actually very simple, let King Qi go back to sit in Chang'an.

With her there, Wang Jian didn't have the certainty to win, and decidedly did not dare to act rashly. The same king who came out of the secret world of heaven, Wang Jian thought he would win King Qi unless he was kicked by his donkey.

Qi Wang's mind was still clear. After a while, he wanted to understand Li's intentions, put down the leg of lamb which was already clean, and turned to look at Li to say: "You want me to go back?"

Li Yan laughed: "Isn't it convenient for King Qi?"

King Qi was silent for a moment, and once he said it was convenient, he yelled and gave another leg of lamb.

Zanab was grilling four fat sheep by himself. His legs were constantly trembling, but he was also a monk because he was a monk. Even if his legs shook so hard, I don't know if it was tired or because it was uncomfortable in some places.

After eating roast lamb and drinking the empty jug, the banquet was almost the same. As for those who are not happy, you can invite three or five friends, go back and drink, An Wang definitely will not continue to entertain here.

Zhang Zhongli, Liu Baifu and others got up one after another, and said goodbye to Li Zhi and Wang Qi. After everyone else turned, Zhang Chang'an didn't leave immediately, but instead looked at Na Nabu.

Because the injury was in a critical place, Xiu Naibu, who had fallen a lot, was too tired to breathe, but at this time he put his sweat towel on his shoulder and Mali trot before Zhang Changan.

Without paying any attention to the strange eyes of the crowd, Na Nabu Tongtong knelt down in front of Zhang Chang'an, walked forward, finally extended his mouth, and kissed carefully, Zhang Chang'an's unclean boots.

After doing this, Zanab took a big breath, got up and lowered his eyebrows and stood behind Zhang Changan, waiting to follow the other party to leave.

This scene made King Qi look straight and his lips were stunned.

Zhang Changan quickly explained: "His Royal Highness An, His Royal Highness Qi, it was not Changan who forced him to do so, but he volunteered. The two His Highnesses may not know that Zanab realized that their father and son had previously told our Zhang family. The sin is deep, fearing that I would not let him live or torture him cruelly, that's why I insist.

Li Yi nodded his head and waved his hand, indicating that Zhang Changan could leave.

Zhang Changan retired.

Li Yan groaned for a while and said to Qi Wang standing next to him: "Zhang Xun tortured himself for the sake of other people's lives. Even so, he couldn't sleep every night; and now, Na Nabu knelt so clearly , Flattering, but just to be able to survive, seeing his lowered eyebrows, he has completely regarded himself as a slave. Comparing the two phases, the Han people and the Tubo stand against each other. "

King Qi nodded and said solemnly: "In Hexi, even in Qinghai and the plateau, in the future, there will only be Tubo kneeling to the Han and respectfully kissing the shoes of the Han. Let the relationship be reversed, and this is what we fight. The most significant thing! "

Li Xuan looked at the direction of Liangzhou in the north and the direction of the northwest and western regions, and in silence, said, "There are still many Han Chinese who are waiting for us to reverse this relationship."


Early the next morning, King Qi was about to return to the south. Li Xun was waiting to send her out of the city, and she received a report. A group of monks sought out of the gate.

I heard that it was a monk. How could Li Zhi guess that most of them were disciples on the plateau? King Qi doesn't have to rush anymore. The situation may change. She should at least stay and take a look.

The two met each other together in the lobby.

The headed monk was too old, holding a cane in his hand, as if he would fall without a certain step. Following the left was a resolute middle-aged monk, who was very angry with Vajrayana, while the other was a milf-like teacher. His charm was very seductive and surprised Li Li.

As for the other monks, they did not have the qualifications to see King An and Qi and were placed in the side hall.

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