The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 6 Chapter 10: Quarrel

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East floating palace.

After talking about Li Yan, the Taobao Taoist reported the miscellaneous incidents with the mud dust Taoist as usual. During this period, most people in Mudust Road just listened and nodded, and only spoke a few words in a very joint place.

At the end, Mud Dust said humanely: "Now it is an eventful season, the battle of immortals is endless, and the battle between worlds is also at a critical time. You have a lot of things to deal with. If you are too busy, you can give more to Jin Ling- If she has this ability. "

The Taobao Taoist respectfully said: "Master, rest assured, the Mother of the Holy Spirit is not under the disciples, and her ability to handle various affairs is no worse than that of the disciples. Since Master moved to the East Floating Palace, she did share a lot of pressure for the disciples."

The dirt man nodded, "In this case, give her half of the burden on your shoulders."

The eyes of the Taoist Taoist changed, but because he lowered his head, his reaction was not exposed to the sight of the Taoist Taoist.

In the case where the muddust Taoist was placed under house arrest in the East Floating Palace and the disciples and disciples could only be controlled by remote control, the Taobao Taoist mastered a considerable part of authority when handling specific matters.

Now the meaning of the Taoist Taoist man is tantamount to dividing the power of the Taoist Taoist man half to the Virgin Mary.

The Taoist people cannot object.

As a matter of fact, Madam Jin Ling is not weaker than him as a cultivation practice. Although she is not the chief disciple of His Majesty, but she has been responsible for about 30% of daily affairs.

However, the difference between 30% and ordinary is still too big.

The authority of the Taoist Taoist was reduced by half by the Taoist Taoist, which made him extremely dissatisfied. However, he did not show anything. He still smiled and talked to the mud duster, and praised the virgin Jinling for his outstanding talents. This made his shoulders lighter, and thanked the mud duster for his concern.

"If the master has nothing else to command, the disciple will retreat first."

After chatting with the mud dust people for a while, the Taobao people bowed down and resigned.

The dirt man waved his hand and motioned to him.

The Duobao Taoist retreated from the sight of the Dirt Taoist before turning and walking normally, his face still smiling.

It was not until the gate of the East Floating Palace that the eyes of Duobao Taoist people gloomed down, and there was a very vicious and spicy color in their eyes.

That's more than the level of resentment that some authority should be given away.

When the Taobao Taoist turned and left, there was no glance at the muddy Taoist here, and the corners of his mouth flashed a cold and frosty arc.

Not long after, a person walked out of the East Floating Palace and came to stand beside the mud-dust man.

Mud duster looked at the garden without turning back, his voice was light: "You saw it too, Duobao's response was very problematic."

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit looked unflinching and hesitated, "Master, what's wrong with him?"

Mud duster said nothing.

Not all words need to be told by the people below.

It was just that he suddenly had the power of the Dao Taoists, but the other party did not show any resistance, which is really abnormal-there is no verbal resistance, and there is no even resistance.

Halfway, the mud duster said, "You arrange it for the teacher to meet someone."

"Who does Master want to see?"

A meaningful smile appeared in the corner of the mud duster's eyes, "A person who is suffering."


Duobaodao people left the East Floating Palace and returned to their own imperial palace. After staying for a long time, they sneaked in to see a person.

The Emperor was staring at a furnace of elixir in Danfang. As the master of the fairy court, he rarely had the time to practice the alchemy himself. The elixir that was usually rewarded was made by the immortal officials. At this moment, it was these immortal officials who refined the alchemy in the Dan room.

Sensing that a special person had arrived, Xiandi left Danfang and went to the side hall. He waved his sleeves to form a layer of enchantment, and put only that special person in.

Seeing the Emperor, Duobao Taoists respectfully salute, and they are more devout in their attitudes than when they face muddy Taoists.

The immortal sat down on the large and elegant theme, instructed the Taoist people to lay flat, and then asked gently: "What's the matter that He told you to do?"

Duobao Taoist stood in the temple, revealing joy in respect, "Chen has repeatedly confirmed that the plan of the muddy Taoist this time is still the usual!"

Immortal Emperor is undecided: Examining Duobao Taoist, "Is it really the same?"

With the eyes of the Emperor, the Duobao Taoist did not dare to move for half a minute. He knew that if there was any sign of lying at this time, he could not hide the eyes of the Emperor, but fortunately he did not lie at all. We also said today that we ... they haven't accumulated enough strength yet, we can only hide our strengths now and use the world for chess as a place for standing cones. Wait until ... there is enough accumulation of strength, then think of him. "

The immortal nodded and nodded. "So, when Li Zhi and Zhu Wen are at war in the Central Plains, you will confuse Li Zhi's eyes, the mind and the layout behind the disaster, will he be completely activated and let him be completely defeated?"

"Her Majesty," the Taobao Taoist quickly said, "the Muddy Taoist they have this strength now."

Speaking of this, when seeing the Emperor Xian lost in thought, the Taoist people shut up and did not dare to disturb.

Half a moment, wait until the Emperor stopped thinking. The Taobao Taoist then tentatively asked, "Your Majesty, this time, the price offered by the Taoist Taoist is six hundred or more Xianguan positions."

"Six hundred? He really dared to open his mouth." The Emperor Xian laughed, and he stood up and waved his hand. "Forget it, just give it to him. When this happens, I will completely clear them!"

"Yes!" Duobao Taoist looked stunned.

The Emperor Emperor glanced at the Taobao Taoist with a grim smile and said, "You can rest assured that you always have a clear reward and punishment, and you will definitely not treat you in the future. When you completely pull out the muddy Taoist group of young people, you will be ranked third. "

Hearing the word "San Gong", the Taobao Taoist was overjoyed, and quickly bowed to the ground.

In the imperial dynasty, the status of San Gong was the most honorable, and he led all the immortal officials, and below that was Jiuqing.

As the great disciples of His Majesty the Tongtian Catholic Church, they are now the most powerful and highest-ranking person in this group. The Duobao Taoist is originally in the ranks of Jiuqing, but it is undoubtedly inferior to San Gong.

Duobao has the strength of San Gong, but strength is not everything. He needs the opportunity given by the Emperor.

And this is exactly why the Taobao people turned to Xiandi and were willing to undercover him.

In fact, Xiandi has always paid a lot of money to win over the Taoist people.

But it is worth it to the Emperor, because with the Taoist people's refusal, he has the ability to completely wipe out the Tongtian leader.

Back to his own palace, it took a long time for the Taobao Taoists to hold back their joy.

He came to the window and looked away from the East Floating Palace, the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

For a long time, the Taobao Taoist sighed with shame: "Master, don't blame me. Xianting is ultimately Xianting's Xianting. From the moment we defeated that year, in fact, there is no chance for Dongshan to rise again ... Xiandi Never give us this opportunity! "

His eyes were gradually darkened, "The Tongtian School has no chance, but I have the Taoist people! I have such cultivation strength, why go to the dark with a group of people who are destined to perish? I should have a great future , There is an opportunity to impact the sage's realm! This opportunity can only be achieved if you first become the San Gong and master more cultivation resources! "

"Even if I do n’t trust Xiandi, there will be others. In fact, I ’m just self-protection ... Master, you have done a good job in the world for many years, but you have done it in the world. There really is no chance. But it doesn't matter, the disciple is your disciple, after all, the disciples have made great achievements in the future, and you should be relieved, right? "


Abyss of Heaven.

The vast abyss that is not visible at the bottom is filled with billowing black smoke, and no fingers are visible. There are countless beasts roaring around in the dark and dark bottom, sometimes thousands of thunders roar and fall, sometimes ghostly blood shadows rush forward, making this place even more terrible than infernal hell.

In the center of the bottom of the abyss, there is a lonely towering mountain peak. There is an open space at the top of the mountain. There is a dense and dense stone pillar. The center of the pillar is locked with a person with a star mox chain. This person is being bitten by the beast. The spirit was bombarded by lightning, and ghosts penetrated into the body.

He was tortured all the time, his blood was trembling and he looked like a rotten human body.

But he did not die, and his strong cultivation for strength made his wounded body heal continuously. However, this is not his blessing, but the source of his pain. The new flesh on the wound is always tortured by various tortures before it grows.

So the pain never ends.

However, there were countless sounds in the abyss, but there was no shout of him.

He leaned his face from side to side, leaning his head, looking pale but contemptuous. Therefore, even the look of the wolverine that emanate from the shawl, because of his look, it doesn't seem to have an uninhibited charm.

"Looking at Zhenjun's calmness, if I didn't know it was the abyss of heaven's punishment, I would almost think that Zhenjun was not undergoing punishment, but was just using external forces to sharpen his cultivation."

A voice sounded in Yang Ming's ear, and a phantom figure appeared in front of him.

Yang Yan glanced at the projection of the mud duster, his eyes were indifferent, and he was too lazy to talk.

The mud-dust man floated in front of him and sat cross-legged, turning a deaf ear to the ghosts and wailings around him, saying quietly: "Zhenjun understands people, and the old man doesn't talk nonsense anymore. I am here to make an alliance with Zhenjun.

Yang Yan was still too lazy to speak, but the disdain in his eyes had already shown his attitude.

The people in the dust do not think of the pestle, they seem to know what the other person thinks: "Zhenzhen may think that I have not the ability to overthrow the Emperor, so I think I can do nothing. Indeed, if it is done in the past, the old way can really only survive. There was a lot of movement in the world, and it was necessary to obediently let the good situation make people in exchange for the place of standing cones. "

Speaking of which, he laughed at himself: "So no matter how you look, the old man looks ridiculous-doing ridiculous things, so ridiculous people."

"However, Zhenjun should know that in an old-fashioned situation, if not for this, would the Emperor allow my people to survive and survive until now? Only if the Emperor feels that we have no ability to truly threaten him, he will not be in a hurry. Let's break the dead net with us. It is precisely to convince Xiandi that for so many years, the old way has given countless good things to Xiandi. "

"Perhaps in Xiandi, my ridiculous behavior also saved him a lot of things. After all, the world is so big, so many princes, so many problems, our people destroyed some princes and solved some problems. You just have to deal with us. "

"The key is that every time we get to the end, we really give him a good situation. He really solved many threats without much effort and gained great benefits. In this way, Zhenjun said that there is no reason for Xiandi Erase us? We are simply his minions. He wants us to go to trouble in the world to save him a lot of energy. "

Mud duster sighed suddenly, "Take the world as a chess, change the place of the standing cone ... is it the place of the standing cone for the situation in the world? No, actually it isn't, I actually used this behavior to change it!"

Having said that, the mud duster looked at Yang Yan and stopped talking, and seemed to be waiting for the other party to make a statement.

If he can say this, he has already shown his sincerity.

Yang Yan tilted the mud duster, "You and your disciples said the same thing?"

Mud duster smiled frankly, "Of course not. For people like Fairy Guanghan, I would say the ideal of righteousness, because they pursue this. For people like Duobao Taoist, I would say power struggle, because they do not believe in ideals, only selfish desire , They thought they saw the true face of the world, so they only believed in reality. "

Speaking of which, Mud Taoists sneered: "Compared to others, Taobao Taoists are more stupid. What is the true face of reality at all? Reality is the strongest, reality is the fortune of those who are lucky, and reality is the wisdom Those who are able to reach the heights, reality is that true feelings are more precious than benefits, reality is that benefits are more real than true feelings, and reality ... is reality! "

Yang Yan said coldly: "The reality is that you are talking in a dream now."

Mud dusters were stunned and laughed.

At the end, he gave his thumbs up and admired: "Zhenjun really is a man of wisdom!"

He stood up, shaking his sleeves. "It's true. The old Tao has long noticed that the Taobao people have turned to Xiandi. He thought he knew his master, but in fact his master knew him better than him. So he borrowed him. With his hand, you can blind the Emperor for a while-to convince a person to believe in oneself, sincerity is the most important thing. The Taobao thinks that what he knows is the fact, so he can convince the Emperor naturally. "

"Of course, the real monarch would not want to hear this from the old Tao. What this old Tao wants to say this time is that this time the world war is different from the past. Li Ye is also different from those previous monarchs. He is a chance for the old Tao. Will help him. So, if Zhenjun is willing, he can join hands with Lao Dao. "

The disdain in Yang Yan's eyes continued, "When you talk to others, you talk to ghosts. You tell Guanghan Fairy that you want to reshape the order of the heavens and earth, and tell the Taobao Taoists that you should continue to keep your eyes on the dark. What do you think I would believe? ? "

Mud duster was silent for a moment.

He stared directly at Yang Ye's eyes: "The Lord never tells the whole truth to the people. He always speaks different things in front of different people, and when he needs to say something, he should say it. Then Zhenjun should know There is one thing that never changes in the Lord. "

"what's up?"

"The reason why the Lord is the Lord, he will never be subservient!"

Yang Yan silently.

The Master of Heaven is of course the Lord of Man.

His goal, naturally, was to overthrow Xiandi and become the master of Xianting.

So as soon as the time comes, he will thunder.

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