"Presumptuous, how do you talk?" Xiao Chen stared dissatisfiedly: "This is an invisible watch, I bought it last year."

People who watched the theater from a distance were also stunned, the highest level of talking nonsense with their eyes open, nothing more than that.

"But we've been talking for a while, and a minute has passed." Liu Sewu said weakly, if you look carefully, you will find a little complacency in her eyes.

Xiao Chen pretended to look at his wrist again, "This watch of mine is getting old, and it's going slowly, it's almost ten minutes away!"

"Shameless, so fucking shameless."

Everyone complained crazily in their hearts.

Xiao Chen's eyes widened, he reached into the dark waterfall, and directly grabbed a poor guy.

"Help, my lord, help." The unlucky man shouted heart-piercingly.

"Howling!" Xiao Chen slapped him and turned him up like a spinning top.

"Help... help." The unlucky guy probably fainted from the pumped head, and fell directly to the ground.

"You can't kill me, my surname is Ye, and I'm from the Ye family."

"Master Ye." Xiao Chen stepped up and stepped on the head of the hapless man.

"Bang! Bang!" Two sounds, the head of the unlucky guy was directly blown into pieces of watermelon.

Red and white were spread all over the floor, and the fishy smell permeated instantly.

The faces of the people around them changed again and again.

It's not that they haven't seen murder before. Cultivators usually fight against each other. Most of the defeated side is blasted to pieces. In fact, they don't see too many bloody scenes.

And it was really rare for Xiao Chen to kill in such a wild way.

And how many people did Xiao Chen kill in a row without even moving his eyelids.

Probably the so-called killing without blinking an eye is exactly what it says.

Xiao Chen held his nose and kicked the corpse flying out.

"I said my cousin is getting old, so it shouldn't be a problem if he walks slowly, right?" Xiao Chen looked at everyone and asked cheerfully.

"No problem, no problem, you should have the final say on your watch, it doesn't matter if it runs for one second a day."

Seeing Xiao Chen's wolf-like smile, the people around agreed.

At this moment, a big fat dog suddenly appeared beside Xiao Chen, opened its mouth wide, and smiled like a fool.

The little gold on Shagou's head nodded to Xiao Chen, and got into Shagou's ears again.

Xiao Chen grabbed the silly dog's chubby face, and said angrily: "Stupid, where the hell have you been fooling around, causing me to make up excuses to delay time, and ruin my fame forever."

Shagou laughed more and more happily, and suddenly opened his mouth wide, and spit out a person.

Xiao Chen looked disgusted, jumped aside, and looked at the person who the silly dog ​​vomited out, wasn't it the monk Xuyun?

"Wow woof..."

The silly dog ​​barked happily and continued to spit things out.

What kind of golden Buddha statues, relics, and shiny beads...

Soon the stuff that the silly dog ​​vomited out was piled up to the height of a two-story building. From what it looked like, it turned his old den upside down.

Xiao Chen looked at it with black lines all over his face, forgetting that this guy has a hobby, which is to collect shiny things.

The silly dog ​​looked at Xiao Chen smugly, Xiao Chen really wanted to cut this guy to death.

A pile of junk, you can ask for it!

Xiao Chen pointed to the waterfall with a face full of black lines: "Hey, there is a second generation ancestor inside, I give you a minute to take him down."

When the silly dog ​​heard this, he opened his mouth wide. Before people realized what happened, the dark waterfall disappeared in an instant.

Xiao Chen was so angry that he almost had a heart attack, watching the silly dog ​​puff up his cheeks, and looked at him with a look of credit.

Xiao Chen went up and pulled the silly dog's ears fiercely, and yelled: "Who the hell told you to swallow theirs? You put all the crap in your mouth. What if you get sick..."

Sha Gou looked at Xiao Chen innocently, at this moment Sha Gou's cheeks suddenly swelled up.

It's like something is zooming in at a very high speed.


When the silly dog ​​opened his mouth, he spit out a ball of black stuff.

Xiao Chen was amused when he saw it.

That bastard Ye Hua looked at Xiao Chen with a sneering face, beside him were three small shields spinning slowly.

It seems that it was these three small shields that opened the silly dog's mouth just now.

Ye Hua lightly tapped the small shield beside her, and said with a confident smile: "This thing is called the Sancai Shield. It divides heaven, earth, and people. It can block the invasion of heaven, earth, and human power. What can you do with me?"

Ye Hua's realm is too low, so he can't see Shagou's realm. If he knows that Shagou is the most powerful pseudo-emperor, I don't know how he will react.


Xiao Chen slapped the silly dog's fleshy ass, "Come on, why are you standing there? There are still thirty seconds left, let's kill you first, then slowly search."

"Wow woof..."

The silly dog ​​barked twice, and suddenly appeared in front of Ye Hua.

The silly dog ​​opened its mouth wide and bit a shield fiercely.

Ye Hua looked at the silly dog ​​contemptuously, and didn't even bother to move.

Ye Hua smiled and said, "Do you expect this bastard to break the three-talented shield? It's ridiculous, unless there is a false emperor, but do you natives know what a false emperor is?"

The three shields around Ye Hua spun wildly at this moment, turning into three-color streamers, blocking the water around Ye Hua.

When Shagou heard someone calling him a beast, he was furious on the spot.

The eyes instantly became scarlet, and above the long fangs, strange black runes suddenly appeared.


The silly dog ​​caught a small shield accurately and bit it.

"Run, grandchildren." Xiao Chen sat on the big gourd and flew into the sky first.

At this moment, a huge collision force dissipated instantly.

The shock waves visible to the naked eye rippled away at extreme speed.

In an instant, a dazzling brilliance was formed at Shagou's mouth, like a rising scorching sun.

All this happened so quickly, except for Xiao Chen, almost no one reacted.

The black lines all over Xiao Chen's head, Xiao Chen never counted them.

The life-saving artifact on Ye Hua's body was actually of such a high level, it might be the false emperor's life-saving artifact.

With this level of collision, no creature below the level of the God Realm would be able to escape.

Moreover, the collision happened too fast, even if the participants had something to save their lives, it was too late to take it out now.

And the bosses on the stage, even if they wanted to rescue them, it was too late.

Xiao Chen instantly drew out the dagger at the back of his waist, because it was difficult to operate while holding Duguxue, Xiao Chen directly stabbed himself in the neck.

A large amount of blood flowed out instantly.

"Blood shield." Xiao Chen yelled violently, and at this critical moment, everyone in the field, including those monster soldiers, erected a blood shield in front of them.

A huge energy storm swept over, instantly flooding the entire martial arts arena.

Xiao Chen clutched his neck, and floated towards the sky with a stabbing sound.

"Blood loss." Xiao Chen covered his neck with a sad expression on his face.

This was the first time Xiao Chen used his own blood to activate the blood supernatural power, and he didn't know how effective it would be.

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