The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 474 Mortals 80 years later

Zhao Shi and Chi Yaoyue stayed at Baiyunzong Qianniao Peak for two days.

After confirming that the knot in Chi Yaoyue's heart was untied, Zhao Shi took her and Li Mingyue back to Sky City and left.

The original Baihuzong Mountain Gate had to maintain the highest combat power alert before the Nascent Soul-level formation was built. He only left for three days.

Feng Nu was still busy rectifying the sect and did not go back with Zhao Shi.

But he assured Zhao Shi that he would return to the original site of Baihu within a month to wait for orders.

Zhao Shi had also heard about the matter of Feng Nu in the past few days. As soon as he returned to the sect, he arrested Wu Haotian and Shen Ling, and burned their bodies and spirits into pieces while the two were crying and begging for mercy. debris.

This made the disciples of the Baiyun Sect feel trembling these days.

Then, he took out an extremely accurate list, and arrested and executed all the spies of the White Tiger Sect, ranging from the elders, down to the disciples of the Qi refining period, and even the disciples of the outer sect's handymen.

For the past two days, the White Tiger School has been like a cage where everyone is in danger, and a terrifying cloud hangs over the hearts of all the disciples.

However, after venting the resentment he had accumulated for hundreds of years, Feng Nu began to clean up the mess, showing the evidence collected before, exposing how they, the White Tiger Sect spies, squeezed out and assassinated the original elder disciples.

These immediately aroused the hatred of the same enemy among the disciples of the sect, and the previous fears disappeared, and the atmosphere of the sect improved.

All these Zhao Shi ignored, since he promised he would not intervene.

The red star flew towards the direction of the White Tiger Sect, and the sky of the White Cloud Sect returned to the calmness of the past, and the inexplicable heavy pressure on the hearts of all the disciples in the past two days dissipated.

More than 80 years ago, players withdrew from the Cangqing Realm.

Different from other guilds, the members of the Blood Sea Guild at that time were not only players, but also tens of millions of mortals under its rule.

It is impossible for them to evacuate with the player. A few months before the player evacuated, all subordinate organizations received orders to hide, lurk, and stop development.

What the effect will be is also unknown.

Now the most important center of the player's coalition forces is at the gate of the White Tiger Sect, and the Blood Sea Guild has no intention of expanding to take over the mortal territory for the time being.

These things will only start after a complete victory, otherwise it will not be a good process for players and ordinary people.

The player army is restricted to the White Tiger Sect and is not allowed to travel until the war is won.

"I have to leave!"

But the proud sheep can no longer bear even a second.

Eighty years have passed, are his wife and son still there?

Are they safe? Have you been implicated after the player has withdrawn?

He has applied to the upper management of the guild, and has made up his mind in his heart that if the upper management disagrees, he will forcefully leave regardless of discipline.

His application made it difficult for his superiors.

Although this matter only involved a cultivator in the Realm Condensation Realm, its nature was a serious incident in which an individual tried to disregard the overall situation of the guild for his own benefit.

Do more than 50,000 people have any ideas?

Among them, there are more than dozens or hundreds of players who have important matters to deal with. You want to see your wife and son, and I also want to see the grave of my old lover and my old father.

There are more than 50,000 people, and among them, the person who has emotional ties to ordinary people is the only one who is proud of himself?

If you start this way, if you go, I will go, and if you disperse, I will disperse, then the army of players will completely disperse in a short time.

The matter is of great importance, and the order of step-by-step increase in the application level was quickly passed on to Zhao Shi and Sun Yue.

"How to deal with it?"

Inside the Blood Lotus Palace in the Sky City, Sun Yue handed the application of the proud sheep to Zhao Shi, worried: "According to the wartime military law, no matter what important matters an individual has, it is impossible to be allowed to leave the team.

Anyone who dares to forcefully leave will have a military law team waiting for them. "

"But these people who have a deep attachment to the Aboriginal people are losing their minds after losing their ties to their loved ones for eighty years.

If we forcibly kill them in accordance with the law, it is likely to lose the hearts of the majority of players. "

This left her in a dilemma.

"Military law is unshakable!"

Zhao Shi first said something resolutely, and then said: "You can turn around a little bit, advance the time to recover the mortal world, send a small number of players to carry out the mission, and restrict players who have a system-certified marriage relationship with the natives to receive it."

"This is good."

Sun Yue's eyes lit up, and he sent Zhao Shi's suggestion to the spear and others in the military department, asking them to follow this principle.

The processing speed of government affairs in wartime was extremely fast. After fifteen minutes, dozens of Condensed Realm players flew to different directions, both men and women.

Among them, the Blood Sea Guild has the most people, accounting for more than half.

The Blood Sea Guild has firmly implemented the aboriginal assimilation plan from the very beginning. Players have more time and opportunities to contact the aborigines, and naturally it will be easier to develop feelings.

A dozen or so players from the Blood Sea Guild, including Deyi Yangyang, stepped on the red sword energy cloud magic weapon, and formed a simple battle formation to fly towards the Baiyunzong area and Qingmu County of the Yue Kingdom. They all empathized with each other and couldn't wait look.

Two weeks later, Aoki County.

A dusty red cloud flew from the direction of the White Tiger Sect, continuously scattered smaller red clouds and flew in all directions along the way.

The last red cloud landed in the courtyard of Mr. Zhou's home, a well-known rich family in the county, revealing a triumphant and excited face.

With a sweep of consciousness, his excited face disappeared, his eyes were slightly closed, and turned into a cold and biting killing intent.

"See Shangxian!"

The well-known mid-stage foundation-building warrior in the county, Mr. Zhou, with his family, knelt down on the ground tremblingly, sweating profusely.

The family was still eating lunch when a red cloud floated over from the sky, and before they could react, it turned into a boy with a cold face.

Surrounded by killing intent and bloody aura all over his body, he is not like the fairy in the novel, but more like a demon.


The proud sheep's eyes were red, and his spiritual consciousness pressed down on the little guy in front of him: "Why did you appear in my house? Where is my family?"

"Your home..."

Mr. Zhou was taken aback, what is your home, this is obviously the home where I grew up, when did it become your home.

Could it be that the immortal has taken a fancy to his house?

He seemed to have done this kind of thing before when he was young.


Mr. Zhou's mind was spinning at an unprecedented speed amidst the cold killing intent of Deyi Yangyang, and he immediately understood the meaning of Deyi Yangyang.

He spoke quickly: "Shangxian, this house was bought by my old father when he was still alive. At that time, this place was still a wasteland, and I don't know where your family is."

Mr. Zhou has unleashed his full potential in this life.

Obviously, Shangxian must have left his hometown hundreds of years ago. Now that he has successfully cultivated and returned home, he doesn't want his hometown to become someone else's home, thinking that their home has harmed his family.

This is unfair!

His father also thought about this piece of land back then, but he didn't think that this was the hometown of the Shangxian hundreds of years ago. He didn't notice it for a while, but he didn't want to bring disaster to his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

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