After the rebellions in Venice and Croatia were put down, it was time to liquidate the regimes that had supported them. Whoever most wanted Rome to fail and who was included in the anti-Roman alliance were all enemies of Rome.

Austria, Luxembourg, Burgundy, Milan, and some small princes of the Holy Roman Empire have never been so united. The goal is to withdraw Rome from Central Europe. Since the other party is so enthusiastic, Roma cannot let them down.

The Imperial Parliament was held in Prague. Regarding the proposal to add electors, the Count of the Palatinate, representing the secular power, disagreed. Seven electors were enough and there was no need to add a few more.

On behalf of the religious community, the Archbishop of Mainz stated that the Golden Seal represents the will of God, and any unauthorized changes will be punished by God.

This is really more objectionable than the other, but a few people have a somewhat ambiguous attitude. Large principalities such as Ernst, Duke of Bavaria and Munich, Frederick, Count of Nuremberg, and Duke of Pomerania all expressed neutrality. This is understandable, after all, it is good for them to expand the electorate.

The Berlin League influenced a third of the seats, but it was not enough to pass the bill. The Vienna League proposed a condition in exchange for Vlad to give up his inheritance rights to the Kingdom of Bohemia.

They have understood that if they want to prevent Vlad from controlling HRE, they need to restrict the growth of his power. Under the current situation, it has become their policy to prevent Vlad from inheriting the wealthy Kingdom of Bohemia.

The importance of the Kingdom of Bohemia in the HRE is self-evident. Vlad already has Brandenburg. If Bohemia comes again, no one in the country will be able to control him.

The Archduke of Austria, who was committed to promoting this matter, also had his own ideas. If Vlad did not inherit Bohemia, then Sigismund would inherit it, and his son could inherit it after the death of his in-laws.

Vlad also knew that this was the other party's conspiracy, but he also offered his own price: if he could obtain the Principality of Silesia, he could give up the inheritance rights of Bohemia.

Silesia is an important economic area in Bohemia. Textile, coal and other industries play an important role in Bohemia. The Vienna Union really disagreed after hearing this. What is the difference between ceding Silesia and ceding Bohemia? The conversation failed.

At the critical moment, the Hanseatic League was still the strongest force. Some cities in the southern empire could only vote in favor of it with tears in their eyes in order to remain in the alliance. Other alliance members also exerted their influence, and ultimately passed the resolution with 10 more votes.

The specific increase is that in order to highlight the status of the electors, two were added to reach nine. They were obtained by the Duke of Bavaria-Munich and the Duke of Pomerania respectively, but Austria still did not get the slightest advantage.

Vlad was encouraged by the alliance's initial success. Although one was added to the pro-Habsburg forces, one was also added to his own side. Overall it's good.

What the elector still needs to consider is how to use the Hanseatic League for his own use. Vlad is a little unhappy with this independent economy. If it can be directly included in Brandenburg's rule, it will be a great help to the economy.

In order to raise compensation, the Teutonic Knights had to sell the Newmark area to Brandenburg, but this was not enough, so they increased taxes on the domestic people. This made the businessmen in the western region dissatisfied and planned to resist them with force.

As imitators of the Teutons, the Knights of the Roman Empire seemed much more loyal. They passed through Yerevan and entered the Kingdom of Georgia. When King Alexander saw this group of uncles coming, he treated them with good food and meat, and sent them to the border as quickly as possible, which was Sylvan's territory.

After Timur's death, the area lost control and regained its independence. The Shah was also a good ruler. The local economy and agriculture were prosperous, and it was also a sacred place that the Knights longed for.

The Knights raided Ganja and occupied Ganja as their base. After learning about it, Shirvan Shah immediately commanded his army to attack them.

The Knights were not idle either. Their military chaplains began to convert the indigenous people one by one, and at the same time wrote to the Patriarch of Constantinople, hoping to be given the right to launch holy wars against infidels.

The Knights are here with nearly 2,000 people, many of whom are ordinary people and explorers. They built positions in Ganja and prepared for defense. As long as the logistics were guaranteed, they could continue to defend them.

The Shah's soldiers were all composed of ordinary peasant soldiers, while the Knights were mainly composed of well-trained soldiers. The victory or defeat was decided as soon as the two sides started fighting. In particular, the priests of the Knights directly fought with the opponent with weapons. These were recruited from the monastery in Trabzon.

Mircea had previously approved that the Knights could recruit monks in the monastery as an army. Without exception, these people were members of the Andrei Order, and they were also the most fanatical about their faith. When faced with the pagans, they wanted to eat their flesh alive. After repelling the opponent's attack, the Knights captured dozens of fortresses and towns in one go, with a population of more than 100,000. The Shah could only initiate peace talks with them.

Another kingdom of knights was born, but this time it was Orthodox. The Timur Empire is currently under the actual control of his fourth son Shaharul. After his third brother Miran Shah was jointly killed by the Black Sheep Dynasty and the Zarayier Dynasty, he signed a contract with them, temporarily maintaining the western empire. situation. At the same time, the conquest of India continued, and the spoils obtained could make up for the losses. At the same time, he continued to have good relations with Rome in order to attack from the east and west.

Yusuf never forgot the threat from Rome. After Rome conducted an expedition into Syria, the Black Sheep Dynasty transferred some of its troops to the western border. I am afraid that the other party will give me a shock.

But on the other hand, the two countries are really inseparable from the income from Roman transactions. Revenue from trade from Tabriz to Trabzon could provide the Black Sheep Dynasty with a large income. At the same time, Shaharul opened a route from Khrumos to Aden, and the trade volume between the two sides increased again.

The Arabs on the peninsula had great objections to the Roman monopoly. They could only let the Sultanate of Oman or other tribes attack Roman strongholds and trading stations. There was no other way. Rome also had no way to deal with the erratic Arabs. Even if they shot and searched for them in the desert, they would not be able to find them.

As for Mecca and Medina, Rome is currently not thinking about it. This is a powder keg. Once they do something, they are afraid that Crescent believers around the world will avenge them. But directly ignoring them and not stopping trade directly hurt their vitality. Without trade, they probably wouldn't be able to survive, and they could only live in the desert oasis eating dates.

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