The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 414 The Elector’s Proposal

Jobst also felt that the southern region had received too much favor. As the ruler of HRE, he must be fair and just. And Wenzel also supported him, so this issue was put on the agenda.

After doing this, the southern princes gave up. The laws of our ancestors are immutable. The late emperor must have had his own reasons for placing these institutions in the south. How can this be changed?

The Archduke of Austria disagreed, so how could he pave the way for his emperor's plan.

This was not over yet. The Hanseatic League sent him a letter directly, requiring him to repay the money within one and a half months, otherwise all aid and trade would be cut off.

"This must be Brandenburg's conspiracy. Only he would do this."

Albrecht angrily told Sigismund that the two of them were directly in financial trouble. Except for Brandenburg, the Hanseatic League did not dare to ask for repayment in advance.

"It seems he is showing his loyalty to my brother."

At this time, Sigismund once again thought of his previous conversation with Peter. He thought he was not simple before, but now it seems that their whole family is not simple.

"The most important thing now is to make up the debt first and see if we can borrow it from Genoa."

Earl Sauron has been feeling a little absent-minded recently and doesn't know what to think about. It still depends on the Habsburgs, their loyalty is 100%.

Rupert of the Palatinate directly challenged Brandenburg, saying that Brandenburg under Vlad's rule was already a heretic and hoped that the Pope could form a crusade to drive him out.

Great idea, but first thing is, who formed it?

The Pope was unwilling to offend Rome for fear of another catastrophe of Rome. While the other princes were unwilling to send troops, the religious princes were willing to support it, but even if they could provide some supplies, they had no way to send troops.

The northern and southern factions jointly asked the king to convene the Imperial Parliament again, but the location should be changed, preferably in Hamburg or Lübeck.

But the south did not agree, especially Augsburg, which had been the seat of the Imperial Parliament since the empire was founded. How could it be changed at the drop of a hat? There are also important cities such as Nuremberg and Aachen, which are better than those in the north in terms of location and wealth. How can we give up on them?

The Archbishop of Mainz, the Prime Minister of the Empire, naturally wanted to refute the words of the Elector. First of all, starting from the past, successive kings kept their places unchanged, went to Aachen and Rome for coronation, convened the Imperial Parliament in Augsburg, and kept the crown in Nuremberg. In this way The process has remained unchanged for hundreds of years, why should it be changed now?

This time the religious princes were united front, and the two electors of Trier and Cologne also issued appeals asking the king to continue to maintain the status quo.

However, they also prepared a backup plan, which was to depose King De and elect Sigismund as king. They have already operated in this situation once and are now very comfortable with it. Even if Brandenburg disagrees, the other six are not vegetarians.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. This time it can be said that it is invulnerable. One against six, it is impossible to lose.

Well, the second one came. Vlad directly proposed that the current seven electors were too few, and eight more should be added to reach fifteen to ensure public opinion throughout the empire.

Good guy, it has only been a few years since Charles IV established the system of seven electorates, so you just add it to fifteen. Still can't make it?

Jobst is quite interested, after all, he also wants to get more supporters. So we are going to convene the Imperial Parliament again, and we will make a compromise and put it in Prague.

It can only be said that Brandenburg's proposal is simply too shocking. Increasing the number of electors means overturning the Golden Seal Edict, which is somewhat unreasonable in law.

Of course, the more important reason is that the bribes collected by these electors will be greatly reduced. This is something they cannot agree to. Their luxurious life depends on them.

This won't work! ! ! !

The Elector of the Palatinate began to rally southern forces and received support from other Electors. They advocate maintaining the status quo and not changing anything. It's okay to make changes, but you must get their permission before the plan can be announced.

Seeing that the other party was anxious, Vlad also knew that he had finished provoking the internal struggle within Shinra. This is really easy. It seems that being too fragmented is not good for a country.

"My lord, news from Prague."

Vlad opened the letter and the contents made him laugh. German King Jobst asked him to be responsible for the plan to increase the number of electors. He hopes to give a satisfactory answer to whoever will give the specific number.

Well, Austria has to be excluded first. Although the strength is sufficient, it is not possible because it often goes against Rome; followed by Bavaria, which has sufficient strength and territory, and the Wittelsbach family also has a HRE emperor (Louis IV), so it should be okay to give them one of.

"Do you have any good recommendations?" Vlad asked Bernhard. As the patriarch of the Askani family, he thought of a place.

As a fiefdom of the family, the Anhalt Kingdom has always wanted to seek a higher status, and now obtaining the position of elector is the only way for them.

It could be said that Bernhard was both selfish and capable of solving problems. Vlad added him to the list and had to communicate with him another day.

At this time, the princes of the empire were numb. They swore that the frequency of the imperial parliament had never been so high. It was only a few years ago that it was reconvened, and it was heard that the number of electors was to be increased. This was life-threatening. Except for Brandenburg, the other electors had to kill the proposer.

The HRE at this time is probably more suitable for Voltaire's HRE III Company, and it is also a time when reforms are needed within the empire. But how to do it and who will do it have become the current issues. In the past, Maximilian was the reformer. He worked for a long time and ended up creating a confederation. The problem of the emperor's centralization of power has still not been resolved, and those princes are blocking it for their own selfish interests. It's really hateful.

Vlad knew that Brandenburg was weak, and if he wanted to completely control the HRE, he had to control the north first. There are three roots in the north: Denmark, the Hanseatic League, and Pomerania. Only by getting the three of them to surrender or form an alliance can Brandenburg take the opportunity to grow. And it can also connect those enclaves into one.

"Now let's look to the west. I heard that the land in Brunswick and Lüneburg is very fertile."

"The Elector is right. The land in these two places produces a lot, and there are salt mines and iron mines in the area. They are very wealthy."

Since Bernhard said so, the next goal is determined. There are still some small princes in the north who can be swallowed, bought, and defeated. In short, as long as it is a matter of expansion, no matter what method is used, it will be done.

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