John of Burgundy was a fan of Roman intelligence, and he liked to spend a lot of money on gathering intelligence about Rome. Anyway, I have plenty of money.

The annual income of the Duchy of Burgundy is approximately 550,000 florins, second only to Rome. Even the king of France did not have such a large income, which led John to start a dream: to connect the lands of Burgundy.

After reaching an agreement with the Duke of Orleans, John gained control over the vassals in the northern region. He began to gradually seize their fiefdoms and power, which was more beneficial to John in the long run as the economic potential of the North was greater than that of the South.

However, due to the war, the local chaos has not yet recovered. Coupled with the plunder carried out by mercenary groups to increase income, the people were living in dire straits. John had to enfeoff the heroes on a large scale so that they could start to govern the area.

"Any news of our men in Constantinople?"

John asked anxiously. He had received a letter from Henry IV. The truce was about to end. He was preparing to attack France again, hoping that John could assist him. Victory will give him a large amount of land.

Originally, everything had been settled, but the marriage between France and Rome disrupted this arrangement. He had to make sure nothing went wrong.

"Not yet, it will take time for the news to come back from Constantinople. Don't worry, sir."

"Can I not be anxious? Now all plans are disrupted. I must know whether Charlie has secretly contacted Rome. I heard that his secretary has gone to Rome."

John is also very anxious. Once Rome ends, everything before Burgundy will be in vain. He can also unite his allies to attack Rome, but judging from the current situation, Shinra does not listen to him, Poland is injured, and Aragon is busy with internal fighting. The probability is 0.

"Sir, we can bribe some Roman officials and ask them to deliver news to us."

A staff officer suggested to John, and the Duke simply rolled his eyes, how could he not think of such a simple thing. And he's already doing it.

The contents of Peter's conversations with Salmon were put into writing and combined with other documents to form a written agreement between France and Rome. Salmon left with satisfaction after getting the other party's promise.

"It was a hearty battle. Put these things away and show them to His Majesty later."

Peter left the office with his attendants. At this time, there was only one eunuch cleaning the floor in the corridor. After seeing Peter walking away, he quietly entered the office.

"Where is it? Where is it?"

This man was rummaging through documents in the office. As long as he brought out any document from Rome, he would be rewarded as the Duke of Burgundy and qualified to ascend to heaven in front of the Pope.

There are two types of eunuchs in the palace: white and black. The white eunuchs are mainly young slaves purchased from the Caucasus. The Duke of Burgundy has plenty of money, so he spends it heavily. There are always one or two people who can't resist the temptation and work for them. With the Pope's persuasion, they will soon change.

Finally, he found one in the mezzanine of the bookcase. The content is that Rome is preparing to win over the Duke of Orleans. This news was very important, and he had to go to the contact person immediately.

But he was not the only eunuch in the palace. Another young eunuch saw the door of the office open when he passed by. He felt strange and walked over to take a look and found that he was stealing things.

"What are you doing?"

The sudden words startled the eunuch who was about to leave. Seeing that he had been exposed, he simply rushed forward and killed him without stopping. But the other party screamed at the top of his voice before he died, and Peter, who hadn't gone far, naturally heard it.

"what sound?"

"Your Highness, it seems to be coming from the conference room."

Peter asked the guards to take a look, and asked other soldiers to guard all entrances and exits of the palace. Don't let a suspicious person go.

The eunuch ran into the garden after killing someone, planning to leave when there were fewer people around. He was still holding the document tightly in his hand, thinking that he would soon be rich and prosperous.

But little did they know, the guards had already seen the body in the office. Realizing the serious situation, the leader of the Praetorian Guard immediately ordered the Praetorian Guard to conduct a large-scale search and reported the matter to the two emperors.

"Your Highness, we found a body and the office is in a mess. We think someone sneaked in here to look for something."

The ministers next to Peter were sweating. They didn't expect that if anything was lost, the consequences would be disastrous. "Hurry and investigate and see what is missing?"

Peter didn't expect that the other party was so brave that he dared to steal on his head. At the moment, we still need to take stock of what has been lost in order to formulate an emergency plan.

At this moment, several guards came with a man. But the man didn't move, and when they put him down they realized he was gone.

"Your Highness, we saw this man sneaking around in the garden, and he had something in his hand. He ran away as soon as he saw us. During the chase, he ran too fast and hit his head against the wall."

This method is really eye-catching. Although I don’t know who is behind it, fortunately there is no loss. The document was also lost and recovered, and judging from its content, it was most likely under Burgundy's instigation.

"Okay. Okay. He actually used such a move. It seems that he was beaten lightly."

Peter smiled, but everyone felt scared like this. The last time I saw His Highness laughing was when he was dealing with traitors. How could anyone laugh and talk about execution at the same time? Moreover, they were still impaled on a sharp wooden stick. Only the person involved understood the pain.

The palace began a strict investigation, and the contacts outside did not wait for the news until they saw the guards in action and knew that they had been exposed. Leave quickly. Everyone in the palace was searched. Except for one person who died, there were two people who received money, and three people who sneaked out of the palace. Peter killed them all.

Only in this way can we deter the remaining thoughtful people. Of course, we also need to fight back. Since Burgundy wants to get ahead, it should confront the Empire. You should know what the consequences are.

"We have found out all the information about Burgundy and England. Since they don't want peace, then don't even think about it."

It seemed that someone was going to be unlucky, but the minister was also very helpful and took out a lot of things, including the Burgundian political illustration and the distribution map of England's power. These two countries, which are collaborating with each other, need to learn a lesson.

"Your Highness, they are all here. If two countries want to be dismembered from within, it is best to find someone who is currently their enemy."

Peter searched carefully and found that Orleans was of no use, and the other powerful princes had no enemies. However, he did see an interesting force in England: Owen Glyndwr, the claimant of the Prince of Wales.

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