The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 312 The target of winning over

After experiencing the political changes in Constantinople, envoys or spies from European countries in the city wrote letters to their kings or rulers informing them of the situation.

"Your Majesty, the recent political changes in Constantinople have made the emperor's position more secure, and with Caesar's imminent return, Romania will be a reliable ally in twenty years."

"The Romanian wars with northern Italy destroyed the Burgundian support base, especially the sack of Rome, and it took a long time for that bishop to recover."

As a French nobleman who came to "travel", Baron Robert naturally visited the Castle several times. Of course, he also had another purpose, which was to make the Roman Empire secretly ally with his Orleans faction.

The Duke of Orleans was very happy to see the Duke of Burgundy suffer a heavy blow. Due to the competition for the French regency, finding allies was also an important goal of the two factions.

Burgundy has been flirting with England and the princes within the HRE, and wants to establish an independent country like the Middle Frankish Kingdom. Although the Duke of Orleans is not very patriotic, he will not let their conspiracy succeed.

The Roman Pope and Savoy, both supported by Burgundy, were beaten to the ground by Rome, and Venice, an important trading partner, was even destroyed. Burgundy could only trade with northern Europe and the HRE via Flanders, with the southern roads temporarily controlled by the Orleanists.

Duke Louis decided to continue to strengthen cooperation with Rome. Before Burgundy could not be completely crushed, the strength of the Orleans faction must continue to be supported by the Roman Empire.

Since the Duke of Orleans sent people, the Duke of Burgundy naturally also sent people to win over the nobles of Rome. William, Count of the Netherlands, was assigned by the Duke of Burgundy to attend the Roman triumph and look for an opportunity to talk to the emperor.

England, Genoa, Naples, Bohemia, Moscow, Brandenburg, and other countries also sent people here in order to deepen relations with Rome and expand trade.

At this time, the European trading system was still dominated by Mediterranean trade. Constantinople, Genoa, Naples, and Venice before the destruction were all important port cities. Commercial activities include the long-distance sea transport of food. The most transported commodities are grains, salted foods, oil, wine, cheese, raisins and sugar. In addition, there are various raw materials such as wool, raw silk, cotton, leather, alum, metal, etc. The more important trade in the Mediterranean trade area is that merchants transported spices, silk, cotton, gems, gold and silver jewelry, etc. from the East, and exported wood, woolen fabrics, metals, etc. to the East. The development of commerce in the Mediterranean trade zone brought economic prosperity to many cities.

After the fall of Venice, Rome has gradually regained its position as the largest trading power in the Mediterranean. Genoa has expressed its surrender, and there is no opponent in the entire Eastern Mediterranean. The crucial spice trade is in the hands of Rome. In order to continue to maintain the flavor of their tables in the future, they can only improve their relationship with Rome.

----Dividing line----

Peter, in his capacity as Caesar, ordered Claude's arrest. This sudden execution caught Claude and his allies off guard, and they were quickly arrested. The mayor of Skopje tried to escape with his family, but was surrounded by angry citizens and farmers, and was beaten to death. It's really surprising.

Claude and his surviving henchmen were loaded into prison wagons and transported to Constantinople, while Peter stopped at Adrian. The army he led also stopped here, and he would only lead a small number of guards to the castle. This also gave Mircha reassurance. After all, he has tens of thousands of troops, so it is inevitable that people will not think wildly.

When Adrian was resting, the first person who came to see him was not the civil servant sent by his father, but Kadajyu, the leader of the East India Company. Because the current company situation is somewhat critical.

After receiving the letter from the Eastern Governor Mason, Cadajo held a shareholders' meeting, and they unanimously agreed to continue expansion and military confrontation. But while the Company's power in the East grew steadily, the heathens would not stand idly by.

Merchants in Mecca and Medina began to organize fleets to attack Roman merchant ships. The Mamluks blocked the canal project in every possible way. Tribes near Aden attacked the governor's station. The company's plan to attack Muscat was postponed. These things The whole weight rested on the Governor and the Company. Moreover, the correspondence was too slow to be delivered. Just as Caesar came back, Kadajius decided to ask the boss if he had any clever tricks.

"In other words, we were attacked by unknown forces during our exploration of the East?"

"Yes, Your Highness, we don't know whose fleet this is yet, but we have a lot of stations in the east, and we don't have enough merchant ships and warships, so we are often attacked."

Peter also expected this situation. Before the opening of the Egyptian Canal, the colonies in the East would have to endure some hardships to develop.

According to the report given by the company, they opened 28 trading stations and 7 churches in the East. Since their exploration was frustrated, they focused their energy on consolidating their power and preaching.

In order to expand armaments, Mason began to cooperate with some local tribal leaders and local snakes. The labor force needed for the army and shipbuilding was obtained through interest exchange or peace treaties, and due to the massive expansion of armaments, the funds brought by the company were not consumed as fast as usual.

"The company must find its own way to protect trade routes, not just rely on me to figure it out."

After saying these words, Kadajiu felt a little disappointed. But Peter couldn't bear to see the colonial institutions that had just risen decline, he added.

"The fleet and crew of this attack are different from ours. I am sure it is a fleet from the East. But it is not from the Eastern Empire, maybe it is a pirate."

"Now we should consolidate the company's current power, and it seems that the company has discovered another island larger than Cyprus."

Peter also mentioned the company's newly discovered island. The spices and gems produced on it were welcomed by many people. Kadajo also told Peter about the current situation on the island, and named it Ceylon after the Arab name for the island.

"This island company must be managed well. The wealth on it is very much needed by the empire."

On Peter's orders, after returning to Constantinople, Cadajou persuaded the company's shareholders to invest large amounts of money in the East. Caesar has granted them a 15-year trade monopoly. If they don't take advantage of it, there will be no point in establishing the company.

The company still has to continue to recruit those explorers, and some civilians also need to be recruited. Don't they want wealth? Then go to the East. There is gold everywhere. As long as it is big enough, you are not afraid of fish taking the bait.

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