The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 226 East, West

Mason wrote a letter explaining the reasons for his resignation to the ruling group. He also guaranteed that his adventure would bring great benefits to the motherland and hoped that the government would not involve his family.

With the special envoy, the fleet is almost completed, and the pagan pirates near the Aegean Sea have been almost wiped out by the Wallachian fleet. The trade treaty signed with the Mamluks is still valid. If nothing unexpected happens, we can set off once the ship is built.

According to the route map, they will first go to Alexandria to rest, and then head east to the Nile Delta. Although the old Suez Canal was abandoned five hundred years ago, there are still several shipping routes that can lead to the Red Sea. Pay some money to hire people to transport parts. Then you should be able to assemble it again.

Entering the Red Sea is an unknown area, and everything can only be explored by the fleet itself. Whether it is danger or oasis, everything is random in front of the fog.

Except for a lot of work at the beginning, Peter had it easy at other times. So much so that I have time to accompany my wife every day, and talk to my mother and brother by the way.

"Look, there's a letter from Mary."

Mary placed the letter from Naples in front of Peter. Peter smiled, then opened and read the letter.

Since Mary came to Naples for her wedding, she has been living in the palace in the city. Laszlo loved her very much, gave her enough material comforts, and built a small Orthodox chapel for her. She felt very happy.

However, the king of Naples married the daughter of the Grand Duke of Wallachia, which was a betrayal in the eyes of ultra-religious people. In this country with a strong Catholic atmosphere, there are many people who think this way. They felt that Mary was not worthy of becoming the queen of Naples, and some people asked Laszlo to divorce Mary because Mary had not given birth to a son or a daughter for the king in the past few years. The church also agreed to persuade the Pope to allow them to divorce, so Laszlo agreed.

The king's marriage sometimes required the support of the nobles. Wallachia took advantage of this loophole, otherwise the Naples nobles would definitely make a fuss.

"It seems they are still having a hard time in Naples." Peter said to himself after reading the letter.

Maria also felt sorry for her daughter, but there was currently no way to help them. I can only send someone to deliver some things to Mary so that she can live a better life in Naples.

Peter felt it was a pity for Naples. It can be said that before Spain ruled South Italy, South Italy was ahead of North Italy, at least by no means worse than North Italy. In the classical period, Great Greece, represented by Syracuse in Sicily, spread the fire of civilization to the west. , Thousands of years later, the Emirate of Sicily built Palermo into the second largest city in Europe and left the glory of the Islamic Golden Age in Sicily; the Norman Kingdom of Sicily unified southern Italy and created a prosperous era of diverse integration; and the Holy Roman Empire of Fetus Emperor Frederick II made Palermo his capital and ruled the largest historical territory of the Holy Roman Empire. Emperor Frederick II continued the glory of Norman Sicily in the "Renaissance of the 12th century" in southern Italy. The "Sicilian School of Poetry" organized by the emperor "Laying the foundation of Italian language and literature, these are undoubtedly the highlight moments of southern Italy.

Peter was ready to intervene before Aragorn got it. As long as the family can obtain the inheritance of Naples, it can join a succession war. Regardless of geographical location or agricultural population, it is the top existence in Italy, and Wallachia is separated from it by the Adriatic Sea, not as far apart as Aragon.

As for Peter's other sister Elena, who is already engaged to the son of the Duke of Milan, the Duke is also satisfied. After all, the Principality of Milan lacks access to the sea, and Wallachia is in conflict with Venice. If a war breaks out in the future, Milan will be affected. With assistance, you might be able to get access to the sea.

----Dividing line----

Wallachia's standing army is worthy of the training it has received over the past few years, and its weapons, equipment, determination and morale are higher than those of its opponent.

Even the militiamen are better than the other side's levies. At least they will listen to orders seriously and fight bravely, unlike other armies that disperse at the first touch. Radu relied on the militia to successfully deal with the Tatars on the road, and soon arrived in Zaporizhia. Here they rest and wait for others to join them.

After receiving news of Mircea's departure, Radu decided to lead his army east to Azov and clear the way for the Grand Duke to attack. The Black Sea Fleet also entered the Sea of ​​Azov, but because there was no well-built port, it could only be built on the spot.

Most of the southern region is grassland and swamp. It is not easy to hold on to Zaporozhye. There are still hundreds of kilometers to go to Azov, which is a test for the troops carrying artillery.

Radu decided to quickly advance to Azov with the cavalry as the vanguard, and he rushed as quickly as possible with the infantry. The encirclement can be completed in up to 20 days, and he will leave some troops to protect supply transportation and avoid retreat due to lack of food.

News of Wallachia's expedition against the Golden Horde reached the rear. The nobles east of the Don River were unmoved, while the lords west of the Don River were busy transferring their property and did not want land or anything else.

Although there was a morale bonus from defeating Lithuania, the failure of their expedition to Crimea made them feel that it was better to retreat to preserve their strength. Besides, the Great Khan of the Golden Horde is now less authoritative than before, and the situation where he responded to every call is gone forever.

As for Lithuania and Poland, the envoy sent by Wladyslaw met Mircea in Varna. The envoy asked the other party about the purpose of gathering so many troops. Mircea said that he was following the example of the Grand Duke of Lithuania in his expedition to the East to spread the glory of God to everyone. a place.

Such an excuse was impeccable, and the messenger could only express his blessings, but he wanted to suspend his support for the Cossacks, which made Mircea change his face instantly.

"What are you talking about? You mean that I secretly attack Lithuania. I will never do such a small conspiracy. For ten years, my subjects and I have been on the front line against the infidels, but you people are so suspicious. You should Shameful."

The person whom Mircea was scolding wanted to find a hole in the ground, because he was a devout Christian. Mircea used God and Christ as the firepower to spray him. He was too embarrassed to answer, so he could only take Mircea to Vadis. Wafu continued to walk away in despair.

Mircea gathered the Wallachian army in Varna and prepared to sail to the Crimea. People welcomed them along the way. Because of the archduke's hard work, Wallachia not only led the Orthodox Church to continuous victories, but also returned to Anatolia. In addition, they can also become officials and nobles, and blood is gradually replaced by knowledge and experience. These are all changes brought about by the Bartland family.

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