The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 222 The vacuum in the north

In Cyprus, facing the threat of the Wallachian army and artillery, King Janus proposed a manor and an annuity of 7,000 ducats in exchange for his position. Peter agreed. After more than a month, Nico West Asia finally opened the city gate.

After Nicosia surrendered, other places surrendered one after another. The Luchinan dynasty, which ruled Cyprus for nearly three hundred years, fell and the Orthodox Church recovered it.

Mihai recovered from the excitement. Compared with the excitement of killing the enemy, the casualties after the war and the tragedy on the battlefield were more eye-catching. The corpses on the ground and the water of blood made him vomit. The glorious deeds of those people came from here.

This is also a process of growth. After this battle, Mihai has matured a lot. In his letter to Peter, he admitted his recklessness and shortcomings, but he was unwilling to return to Constantinople to learn those boring stripes, and asked his brother to give him a place or an official position.

"It seems he has learned a lot."

After reading Mihai's letter, Peter felt that this younger brother had really grown a lot. In response to his request, Peter temporarily planned to let him study in Cyprus and then transfer him to the north.

The situation in Anatolia has been relatively stable recently, and the Ottoman Civil War has entered a brief calm. The orthodox Sultan Suleiman has recently been addicted to opium and beautiful women, while Muhammad, the easternmost one, is recharging his energy and preparing to push through in one go.

Peter was also preparing to push eastward, and for this purpose the Anatolian legions began to be formed. This legion was initially set at 40,000 people, mainly infantry, supplemented by cavalry, equipped with 170 artillery pieces, 10,000 muskets, and the artifact that Peter claimed to have obtained from the East: rocket cars.

Peter was also the first to imitate this. He only had a rough look at something hundreds of years ago, and it was not easy to make it into a real thing. We can only continue trial and error, use the flying monkey of later generations as a prototype, turn the front end into an iron arrow and put it in the compartment. A rocket vehicle has 64 so-called rockets with a maximum range of 120 meters, which has a certain deterrent effect on cavalry.

An army of 40,000 people, plus weapons, firearms, horses, and food, all add up to a huge cost. At present, more than 28,000 people have been recruited and are intensifying training. In addition, the surrendered tribes can also provide some light cavalry. There is definitely no problem with defense, only offense is left.

News of the recapture of Cyprus also reached Constantinople, and Mircea felt that the co-emperor was no longer good enough. If he intends to take over all the power, the little emperor should go to a monastery to cultivate.

The successive reconquest movements brought the Orthodox Church to a collective peak, which was no more efficient than in Iberia. It took just ten years to regain a large area of ​​land in the Balkans and Anatolia, but it took more than 600 years for Iberia to still have Granada. This is really shameful.

Mircea met with the Polish envoy, who said that the attack on Suceava was entirely an unauthorized action by the more than 1,000 people and had nothing to do with the king. But Mircea knew that Wladyslaw was jealous of his acquisition of large tracts of land, and was afraid of the rapid rise of Wallachia and the danger of southern Poland. That's why he unleashed this dirty trick.

However, Mircea did not want to fall out with Poland for the time being. He endured the discomfort, calmly said that he was willing to coexist peacefully with Poland, and gave the other party gifts to express his sincerity. After the meeting, he sponsored the Cossack Emirate with 20,000 gold coins to allow them to gain a foothold and then attack Lithuania.

For the two towns founded by the Rus Company in Lithuania, Mircea followed the example of Central Europe and granted them city charters. Gain some autonomy while ensuring central government control and expand around. This was used to maintain ties with Moscow.

At this time, the Golden Horde took advantage of the situation to attack south after defeating Lithuania, with the goal of Crimea. Under the call of the local church and government, many free people took up arms and gathered in Veruga, preparing to live or die with the city. People living in the suburbs burned down their homes, killed or moved their livestock, moved food, poisoned wells, and used any trick that could consume the other party. The army of the Golden Horde, like the Mongolian army, came as fast as the wind.

This time the army did not bring siege weapons and had no choice in facing Veruga City. They began to shout that as long as the city gates were opened, the residents would not be killed. Some timid people tried to obey them, but most of them stopped them. Bishop Veruga directly said that this was a pagan conspiracy, and they would rather die than see pagan costumes.

Seeing that the opponent was not fooled, Golden Horde Khan directly ordered an attack. But the lightly-armed cavalry couldn't do anything against the city wall, let alone a town that had been built for several years. After being unable to attack for a week, they had to order a retreat. Because they had run out of food, there was a long stretch of road from Viruga to Salai that would not provide them with food, and they had to cross the Don River before things would get better.

Neither Lithuania nor the Golden Horde gained much benefit from this expedition. Lithuania suffered heavy losses, and the Golden Horde was unable to control the land west of the Don River. Wallachia's opportunity came again.

A peasant crusade composed of the Crimean church and government set out north along the Dnieper River in an effort to open a land passage between the two cities of the Rus Company. This operation was entirely sponsored by the church and local people and was a private crusade.

They quickly occupied many places, because they were all burned and killed by the troops of the Golden Horde. The only local threats were disease, sparse population, and the occasional appearance of the Tatars.

Despite the difficult situation, they pushed all the way to the Dnieper River. and traveling north to the first Rus' town, they were discovered by caravans along the way who not only gave them food but also carried news to their destination. Because the Orthodox have regained their confidence, they can do what the Catholics do.

Thousands of miles away, Moscow also heard about what happened in Lithuania. Grand Duke Vasily I took the opportunity to seize a lot of land in Novgorod to the north and prepared to annex other Rus principalities. Because the Moscow bishop was promoted to patriarch, local religious orthodoxy also improved. The appointment of Orthodox leaders in Lithuania became illegal, which made Vasily feel that his ally was really worth it.

In this case, he has to start working. Since last year, Moscow has been annexing nearby small countries, first the Second Principality of Rostov, and then the Principality of Yaroslav in the north. The Ryazan Principality in the south is also in danger, and a unified Rus' country is about to emerge.

Lithuania, a Catholic country, is about to face attacks from two sides, and the time has come to test Vytautas. It is really exciting to see what tactics this famous ruler of Lithuania will use to face this different situation in Eastern Europe in Vilnius.

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