The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 204 Canonization

Peter improved the centralization of power in Rome, strengthened the control of local nobles, and established an intelligence agency. This centralized system that incorporated many East Asian characteristics was quite explosive in Europe.

Wallachia continued to pay attention to the Ottomans and Hungarians, two former powerful enemies who were embroiled in civil war. What Wallachia has to do is to seize land from it until it is completely annexed.

The road system has been improved. Since the bandits have been eliminated and most of the pirates have been eliminated, the trade routes have become safe, trade has flourished, and the cities have gradually grown.

The population of the capital, Bukur Yesti, has exceeded 60,000. The main handicraft sectors include food processing, textiles, construction, metal processing, tanning and wood processing. There are also some Armenians, Jews, Bohemians, Genoese, and Poles who settled and did business here.

The Danube, Prut, and Transnistria are the main rivers for water transportation, especially the Danube. The goods exported from the Iron Gate account for one-fifth of the overall trade.

Although Ragusa was officially a republic, its dependence on Wallachia became deeper and deeper. As the outlet of the Adriatic Sea, Ragusa was raised as a rival to Venice. Competition for trade was therefore fierce in the Adriatic.

Wallachia is reshaping its international status. Mircea is actively building good relations with Aragon, Castile, France, and Britain. Within the HRE, Wallachia is wooing Bohemia as a gap for invasion. . In Poland and Lithuania, they won over the Cossacks and Orthodox Christians and established good relations with the Grand Duchy of Moscow.

In the south, Wallachia improved its relations with the Mamluks and carried out strategic deterrence against Cyprus and Candia sandwiched in the middle. Forcing them to have good relations with Wallachia.

Although the Venetian navy is the largest in Europe, there are too many enclave ports and it is impossible to take care of them all, so it needs to slowly encroach. Of course, its own navy must also be strong.

Thessaloniki and Smyrna swept away the previous depression. Although they were still not as good as the prosperity period, they recovered quickly.

Many businessmen think these two places are good and settle here to do business. There are also a large number of farmers and handicraftsmen, and some people who fled into the mountains also came out to settle, which provided the government with a lot of revenue.

----Dividing line----

The relations between Wallachia and Eurasian countries were thus established. They spent a year like this, arriving at the end of 1398.

During this year, Wallachia continued to implement its farming policy. With its economic development and population increase, it became a well-deserved European power.

Many people have made a fortune here, and the local examination system has won the hearts of many people. Some Western Europeans immigrate here in order that one day they or their sons can become officials.

Wallachia's population, economy, and military reached new peaks. The population exceeded 4.5 million, the finances increased by 800,000 lei, the army continued to expand to 40,000, and a relatively complete border defense system was established. to prevent raids from neighboring countries.

Peter had been here for a year by this time, and Anatolia was flourishing under his rule. Many Christians settled here, and at the same time they continued to conquer foreign lands and wiped out some tribes. The losses suffered during the original expedition have been basically recovered.

At this time, his goal has been set in the north, and the three important cities of Prusa, Nicaea, and Nicomedia must be obtained. They were important towns in the Roman Empire and their strategic position was very important. Nicaea is also a holy place for the Orthodox Church, and an ecumenical council was held here. Therefore, winning here is a great encouragement both strategically and religiously.

Looking back at the Ottomans, the civil war was really exciting this year. First, Issa was defeated and went to Musa, and then Suleiman went to fight Muhammad. Trebizond was brutally beaten by Moussa, and the Mamluks hedged their bets, not to mention Karaman and other Turkic countries. Anatolia was undoubtedly the liveliest this year.

In order to solicit help from Wallachia, Musa was the first to make offerings, with a total of 50,000 silver coins and a large number of cattle and sheep presented, followed by Muhammad, who received more than 200,000 silver coins as a greeting gift, and an annual tribute of 30,000 supply.

Wallachia is not ready yet because she really doesn’t know who to help. As for Mircea, he was ready to go to Constantinople.

Facing the Great Interregnum, the Roman Empire not only failed to seize the opportunity, but continued to fight within itself. The two factions fought to the death, and the emperor went to the west to ask for reinforcements to regain his homeland, but to no avail. And if you have no soldiers or money, how can you send troops to attack?

Mircea has already won over many people, even the Patriarch of Constantinople. As long as he is willing, the throne is his. But Mircea felt that it was too dangerous to do it all at once, so he decided to follow the example of Michael VIII and first have a co-emperor.

So when Western Catholics celebrated the birth of Jesus, a debate began in the Royal Palace of the Fortress.

"Your Majesty, I think it is better to ask for the help of Wallachia to protect Constantinople. Although they are a little out of place, they all believe in God and obey the teachings of Constantinople, not to mention Trajan and Constantinople. Both emperors Ding and Ding led their armies to place Wallachia under Roman rule, so it is not considered an invasion."

One noble wanted to say something, but was quickly stopped by another.

"Shut up, you seller seeking glory. Wallachia is no different from the Ottomans and Serbians. They want to destroy our culture and destroy our cities. Don't forget how those barbarians invaded hundreds of years ago. From the city of Rome. Why do we still place our hopes on them? Isn’t it because the lessons have not been enough?”

Both sides hold their own opinions, but overall the Orthodox Church is superior. After all, Wallachia is the most powerful among its surrounding neighbors.

At this moment, the attendant sent someone to report that a solar eclipse had occurred. Everyone looked outside, and sure enough, there was one.

The sun was gradually obscured by darkness, and Constantinople fell into darkness. Although it only lasted for half an hour, this phenomenon still aroused everyone's discussion.

Some people say that God wants to punish his followers, some say that this is a sign of the fall of the castle, and others say that this is a sign that another force will take its place. But anyway, this got Manuel thinking. Is this the only way?

The Patriarch also came to persuade, but he only expressed it tactfully. But the emperor still heard the implication, and the fight between the two factions intensified. He was worried that he would be killed by a riot that didn't know when before he made a decision.

In order to bridge the rift and consolidate support, Manuel decided to appoint Mircea, the Archduke of Wallachia, as a Roman executive and set a date to go to Constantinople to receive the canonization.

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