With the Archduke's approval, Peter could smoothly implement his next plan. In addition to sending legions for surveillance, they also hired soldiers from their own pockets to go to the rescue. A total of 2,000 Albanian and Serbian soldiers were sent to Thessaloniki to assist the Order.

Theodore had also gathered his army and started heading north. They made rapid progress and quickly occupied many villages. Turkic immigrants either fled or were enslaved.

Theodore adopted a policy of reducing all Turks to slavery. Although the number was small, these immigrant pagans all became serfs and a source of foreign exchange. After the Ottoman wars and turmoil, northern Greece had long been dilapidated, with barren land and sparse population. For this reason, a large number of people were needed to enrich the north. Therefore, the serfdom of the Turks was strengthened. Not only did they lose their freedom, they also lost other things. right.

Adrian's army was also dispatched. They expelled some Ottomans southward and expanded the border with Rome. However, the Ottomans could only continue to shrink and finally retreated to Kuprü.

News of Wallachia's attack reached Bursa. On the one hand, Ali Pasha asked the defenders to hold on, and on the other hand, he quickly reported to the Sultan to go back for rescue. As long as the Sultan launched the attack, everything would be fine.

Peter's order to the Wallachian army was to fight quickly. To this end, the army was mostly composed of light cavalry. They not only captured the land, but also plundered many Turks to replenish the border. Of course, without exception, they were all serfs and could never be redeemed.

The Wallachian attack accelerated the Turks' flight, and a large number of Turkic immigrants crossed the Gallipoli Strait back to Anatolia. Only the Turks who had permanent settlements on the Gallipoli Peninsula were still holding on. But facing the Wallachian army, I'm afraid they won't be able to hold on for long.

Osman was caught in a two-front battle, with difficult characters on both sides. Coupled with the unstable public sentiment in the newly conquered land, this gave the Sultan a headache. He finally realized the feelings of the previous Eastern Roman emperors. Once the land of the Four Wars declined, it was just a lamb to be slaughtered.

Moreover, the Hospitallers of Rhodes and the King of Cyprus, seeing the decline of the Ottomans, formed an army to plunder the Ottoman coast. These two places finally made the Sultan fall ill. He had never felt so tired, and when he went to bed yesterday, he It seems that he saw his father Murad smiling at him. Are they father and son going to meet?

"Sultan, something bad is going on. Wallachia and Morea in the south are attacking us."

Early in the morning, Bayezid heard the news he least wanted to hear. Why did Wallachia not keep its promise and send troops again in less than two years?

"Here, what is going on? Why did Wallachia send troops again? Don't they need to recuperate? Who can tell me why."

Bayezid's roar almost shook the tent. The generals around him did not dare to say a word. They were also confused. You said Wallachia has no Western aid, no powerful mercenaries, and no large population. Under the premise, why was it possible to defeat the powerful Ottomans twice in a row and seize a large amount of land. Has Allah turned into Jesus and become the protector of Wallachia?

"What is the situation now?" Bayezid asked about the situation in Europe.

"It's not optimistic. The Grand Vizier has ordered soldiers to hold on to various castles and asked the Sultan to come back immediately for support."

Bayezid fell into hesitation. If he went back to rescue, the east would definitely take advantage of it, and the expansion in the past few years would be in vain. But if he didn't go back, the territories in Europe would suffer the same fate.

It's nothing more than a matter of choice. It's lost in the East and Europe, and it's gone when you go back to the East. It depends on what he chooses.

"No, we can't go back now. If we go back, everything here will be over. It's all over."

Bayezid sat in a chair and murmured to himself. The generals around him looked at their once invincible Sudan, and now he has become like this. This made them doubt the Sudan. Can he really still fight?

"In this way, tell the Grand Vizier that I gave places like Thessaloniki and Larissa to the infidels. After I solve this place, I will come back to settle the accounts with them, and I will make them pay back ten times."

Bayezid finally made the decision to withdraw some of his troops from Europe, give up some land, and temporarily block Wallachia's mouth. Bayezid took this opportunity to use all his strength to solve the problem in the east. It was a brilliant plan.

In fact, ten days had passed when Bayezid received the news. These ten days were enough for many things to happen, such as Wallachia officially accepting Thessaloniki,

Seeing that the Ottoman army made no move. Constantine decided to enter Thessaloniki and suppress the Ottomans at Gallipoli.

The army set off without encountering any decent resistance along the way. It easily reached Thessaloniki, and the local people warmly welcomed the heroes who rescued them.

Constantine officially declared Wallachia's acquisition of Thessaloniki and invited Peter to come on another day so that Wallachia's love for the new land could be demonstrated.

Peter did not expect that things would go so smoothly, and he immediately prepared to go to this Mediterranean port. If the Ottomans did not want to win the war, they would not expand the conflict.

My father-in-law is not bad either. Most of Greece is already in his hands, and it is only a matter of time before Larissa falls. I heard that Basilius of Constantinople wrote to him twice, offering to give some land to other members of the family, but Theodore refused. These were all for his daughter, how could they be given to other families? Where are the insects?

Manuel was angry, but he had no idea what to do. He only had Constantinople and the surrounding areas, while Theodore had most of Greece. No matter how you looked at it, his younger brother had the upper hand, and he fell out with him. If so, he should go to Luo tomorrow with his soldiers carrying swords.

No matter it is a war or anything else, it takes time. The speed of soldiers and the speed of drawing are very suitable for today's situation. When you need to be urgent, go fast, and when you need to be slow, go slow. We should seize opportunities when we have them, just like this one now. We should seize every opportunity to expand and farm, and then we can become big in the world.

Farming continues in other parts of Wallachia, and in order to obtain more revenue, the government has begun to levy other taxes, such as the bee tax levied from last year and the wine tax starting next year, both of which are exports from Wallachia. The bulk is expected to bring in an income of 600,000 lei.

The economic and trade center of Western Europe is the Netherlands, and the economic center of Eastern Europe is Wallachia. Venice only has more trade, which is why it cannot compare with Wallachia.

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