The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 166 Expanding Central Europe

These countries are too small, and I don’t know why the Grand Duke signed such a treaty with them. Even Venice disdained to sign commercial treaties with them, but Wallachia loved it.

Even if Wallachia annexes them, these countries have no choice. Their armies have been lost in previous wars against the Ottomans. It can be said that at this time, they are no different from lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Of course, the Grand Duke gave them another option. Since they were so worried, let's sell the land to him. Anyway, I don’t have much money in these places, so I might as well sell it and go somewhere else to be cool.

This proposal made them excited. Wouldn't it be better to exchange the money to buy a manor in Italy or Shinra? Because of the expansion of the Ottomans, the output of their own territory has become less and less. Even if they want to sell it, no one wants it. Now someone wants to buy it, why don't they take action?

Anyway, this is your own, just sell it. This is the Balkans, not Western Europe, and it’s not that safe here.

Mircea did this because he wanted to quickly unify the Balkans. If he could unify through diplomatic means, he would not use military means. Although there will be some governance problems, he believes that he can overcome them, but it is really not possible without Peter.

Peter has been a little bored recently, and he doesn't know what else to do. How about going to Adrian and dragging Murad out to have a chat?

However, his batch of wine was well received, especially by the Cossacks. When asked what kind of wine it was, Peter thought for a moment and said that it was a newly discovered wine called fire water.

The spicy taste and exciting feeling were very suitable for the Cossacks. A large number of orders were placed instantly, which made Peter very busy. You must know that these wines are only preliminary products and have not yet been mass-produced, so he quickly upgraded the production equipment and Recruit people and try to meet their needs.

The first batch of 100 bottles of fire water was quickly sold out. They would have protested if Peter hadn't promised that there would be more to come, and he also said that whoever killed the most enemies would get more fire and water.

With this promise, the Cossacks' combat effectiveness doubled. The battle in Hungary diverted the energy of many rulers. Their destructive power caused many villages to be reduced to ashes, a large amount of wealth was lost, and some nobles no longer supported him.

The number of immigrants from Italy and the Ross area is still increasing. The Ross area is mostly landless farmers and runaway slaves, while the Italian area is composed of craftsmen, urban citizens and intellectuals. Wallachia's official examination system was very attractive to them. With the mentality of giving it a try, they came to this Orthodox country and relied on the examination to request conversion.

There are more and more multiculturalism in Wallachia, which Peter cannot accept. Relying on his own identity, he strongly encourages Orthodox Christianity and Wallachian-Greek culture. Wallachian dictionaries are vigorously promoted, and Serbians and Bulgarians Be divided and distributed. The church also became a helper of the government, and a large number of paintings and literature came out of here.

Immigrants from the Rus region easily integrated into Wallachia, but immigrants from the West found it somewhat difficult. Some poor people surrendered to Wallachia in order to make a living, but some craftsmen and intellectuals disdained to associate with them and were ruthless. After scolding Wallachia, he went back.

Despite this, some craftsmen settled here. They brought the most advanced industrial technology in Western Europe and improved Wallachia's handicraft industry. Textiles and mining were the two fastest growing industries.

In addition, brewing, breeding and other industries are also growing rapidly. Wine, in particular, was even exported to Western Europe, and some places even suppressed Burgundy wine, which led the Duke of Burgundy to order a ban on the import of any Wallachian wine, although he also thought it was good.

The conditions in Eastern Europe are better than those in Western Europe, but they are vulnerable to attacks by nomads. This is why Eastern Europe has always lagged behind Western Europe, because they serve as shields for Britain and France.

----Dividing line----

In Hungary, nearly five months of civil war are finally coming to an end. The Transylvanian army crossed the Theiss River and captured Debrecen. Seeing this, Sigismund could only negotiate peace with Mary.

Representatives of both parties signed an agreement in Debrecen, recognizing the Principality of Transylvania. The two countries were bounded by Debrecen and the Tisza River. In exchange, Mary recognized Sigismund as King of Hungary, but if he There was no male heir, so the throne had to go to Mary.

The Hungarian Civil War ended, but the five-month war changed Hungary forever. The original Great Hungary was irreversible. The Orthodox Church successfully expanded its sphere of influence to the west of the Carpathians and had a great impact on the Hungarian economic system.

Of course, Sigismund retained his throne. He only needed to have a male heir to eliminate the danger of Mary inheriting the throne, so he quickly selected from within the HRE, and finally selected a noble daughter named Barbara and got married on a selected date.

For Mary, this was her first time in a position of power. She finally no longer needs to see Sigismund's face. In order to prepare for the next war, she must seize the time to govern and establish a good relationship with Wallachia.

As for Belgrade, Mary only ruled ostensibly and was actually a Wallachian enclave. The garrison and officials here were all sent by Wallachia, and many Wallachians also immigrated. The Serbian majority was replaced and it was gradually becoming a Wallachian city.

As agreed, Mary handed over three cities including Busolaf to the Chamber of Commerce, and the Chamber of Commerce handed them over to Peter. Due to the large number of Catholics moving away, Peter established a three-year tax exemption for these cities. And by converting the local Catholic church into an Orthodox church, the influence of Catholicism must be eliminated to the greatest extent possible.

Transylvania was also under the jurisdiction of the Patriarch of Wallachia, with the bishop's seat in Cluj, and the Wallachian language began to be promoted. Transylvania appears to be an independent country, but is actually a vassal of Wallachia.

Wallachia's layout in the south and west has been successful, and the entire Balkans are already his family's place. As long as you wait a few more years, you can send troops to take away all the Ottoman lands in the Balkans, and then it will be Alexios' territory again. As long as he works hard, Basil II's territory is not impossible.

Mircea sent someone to congratulate Mary on her victory and invited her to attend Peter's wedding and bar mitzvah in Bukur Yesti in the future. Mary also agreed. If it hadn't been for Peter, she would have died. She must repay this kindness.

In the alliance treaty between Wallachia and Transylvania, Transylvania will unconditionally support any military operations of Wallachia, and Wallachia will also guarantee the security of the other party and support her in Claims on all Hungary. The two countries supported each other, laying the foundation for a series of subsequent events.

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