The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 141 Great Victory

As one of the successors of Rome, Wallachia would naturally take up the banner after the decline of Eastern Rome. This is not only for the Eastern pagans to see, but also for the Western heretics.

Serbia was also obedient and quickly surrendered to the pressure of Wallachia. It paid 40,000 gold coins per year in exchange for continuing to live in this world. At the same time, it also sold some land to Wallachia at the price of this year's tribute. Asia, including Krusevac. It was only a day or two away from Nis, so it could easily be captured quickly.

In recent years, the situation in the Balkans has become increasingly unclear. Who would have thought that the Ottomans, who used to be the overlord of the Balkans, now only have a small coastal area left. It was replaced by a country they had never heard of. Why don't they inquire about it?

So all kinds of people began to come to Wallachia, either doing business or seeking information. Strive for this place to achieve their own or the goals of the country behind them.

After successive victories, Mircea decided to imitate the emperors of Rome and hold a triumphal ceremony in the capital. After all, Wallachia can be considered the heir to part of Rome's legacy, so there is no problem in holding a Roman-style triumph.

Peter also chose a place in the capital to build a triumphal arch. This was built for the victory of Wallachia, so it had to be tall and magnificent. He wanted the people to see that the prosperity of Wallachia was inseparable from the Bartland family. Without Bartland, the fate of Wallachia would have been uncertain.

There's something heroic about that, but in the Middle Ages, that was really no problem. Only with a steady stream of victories can the family survive for a long time and continue to promote the implementation of its own policies.

"Immediately send people to the new land to count the population and acres. I need to get exact data."

Peter issued orders to everyone in the Senate. His years as governor had made his political methods more and more flexible. The status of co-ruler ensures that he participates in making national decisions. In the absence of the Grand Duke, he governs the country as the ruler.

At present, farming is the top priority. Peter is very concerned about the farming situation in various places. He hopes to maximize the productivity of farmers. For this reason, most policies are tilted towards farmers.

"Your Highness, more than 20,000 people have immigrated to Moldova from Lithuania and Poland this month and have been resettled in places such as Iasi, Suceava and Uxhall."

"As I said before, food, seeds, and farm tools must be prepared for them. They only need to pay back with food in the coming year."

"Your Highness, their taxes are already one-fifth less than the citizens of Wallachia."

The finance minister expressed his doubts, because Peter was too kind to these new people and farmers, and the remaining boyar nobles would be unhappy if this continued.

"These people abandoned the place where their ancestors had lived for generations and came here with their families, isn't it just because they can live here? If so, why not create a tolerant environment for them?"

Peter blocked the mouth of the finance minister. He also knew that the policies from above would change the taste below, and there would be conflicts between technocrats and local nobles. But fortunately, the church was on his side, and farmers and serfs were the most pious. Believers.

According to Petkov's intelligence network, the policy implementation in Moldova and Bulgaria was better, while Wallachia was somewhat uneven because the boyars in some places did not cooperate. They could not imagine that these untouchables would acquire large amounts of wealth, and they did not want to see unknown people governing the place. They believed that their rights were being violated.

The educational system in Wallachia is just in its infancy and does not have thousands of years of heritage like in the East. Moreover, the bureaucratic levels of selection are also different, so the selection and supervision mechanism for officials must be established as soon as possible.

After leaving the State Council, Peter came to the training ground, where his brother Mihai and Castriotti's son Stanissa were receiving swordsmanship training.

"It seems he has adapted to this place."

Now that Castriotti has become a vassal of Wallachia, this heir is also a noble of Wallachia, and there is no need to treat him differently. And it won't be long before his father will come here to reunite with him.

"The foundations in Kosovo and Macedonia are currently unstable. We must closely monitor all those who may damage it." Peter said to Petkov next to him.


Half a month later, Mircea led the army back to Bukul Yesti. Residents stood on both sides of the street and cheered them, thanking the Grand Duke and thanking him and the soldiers for their service. If it weren't for their protection, Wallachia would probably be Ottoman territory.

Duke Mircea rode in front, and the soldiers walked behind. Behind them are the trophies they obtained on the battlefield, including 250 carts of precious statues, paintings and other works of art, 77 boxes of gold coins, and 750 boxes of silver coins. As for the other gold and silver utensils, weapons and equipment and wealth seized, they are countless. Most of these trophies were turned over to the state treasury, except for those given to soldiers and those that fell into the commander's private pocket.

Following the procession carrying the loot was the procession of prisoners. They range from Sipaxi to ordinary soldiers. The most shocking thing is that there is also a royal flag of the Ottoman Sultan. Maybe Bayezid left too fast and forgot to take it, so Wallachia took it. .

The appearance of the enemy's flag among the trophies is undoubtedly the best proof that the enemy army has indeed been defeated. And the people's voice became louder again.

Mircea then came to the church and was greeted personally by Patriarch Carol, who congratulated him on his victory in the battle against the pagans. The entire triumphal ceremony officially ended.

What followed was a grand banquet, with nobles, officials, and foreign guests all coming. Meats, spices, and even peacocks are constantly on display. The most exotic and expensive things in Europe can be found here. This made one wonder at the wealth of Wallachia, and also a bit jealous. Why are these not yours?

"Everyone, God created Wallachia because he has a special mission. He is a warrior who defends God. He is destined to fight against the pagans."

At this time, Peter shouted from the side, "Long live Grand Duke Mircea!"

"Long live Grand Duke Mircea!"

"Long live the Grand Duke!"

Grand Duke Mircea said, "Long live Wallachia," and the nobles began to shout again. The sound was loud enough to knock off the roof.

After Peter's propaganda and Mircea's triumph, most of Europe knew that Wallachia had once again defeated the Ottomans. They began to improve their relations again, striving to put their relations with Wallachia in a particularly green light.

Venice and Genoa expressed friendship to Wallachia, and the Florentines also wanted to try their luck, but their favorites were the Hanseatic League people, because they did not ask for anything else and would only do business honestly.

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