The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 114 Siege and Call for Help

Wallachia began to create a core in the newly conquered land. After witnessing the methods of Grand Duke Mircea, the Bulgarian nobles collectively pretended not to know. Especially when more than 70 nobles were executed in one breath, they felt that accompanying the emperor was like accompanying a tiger. Just stay in your own manor and don't get involved in any political affairs.

In fact, as long as they were obedient, the Grand Duke would not attack them. After all, this kind of situation once is enough, no more will be enough.

The Roman Emperor Manuel also began to pay attention to Wallachia. Not only did he send him the title of Despot, he also invited him to Constantinople, but Mircea refused.

Because after the defeat in Wallachia, Bayezid began to attack the villages and towns around the castle. Citizens of Constantinople could see the Ottoman Turks building castles on the Asian side across the Bosporus from standing on the city walls. It seemed that Bayezid was planning a raid on Constantinople.

This frightened Manuel. He asked Venice for help, Genoa for help, and the Papal States for help, but there was no response. Wallachia was his last hope.

No, Manuel sent someone again. However, this time he sent his younger brother, Theodore, the Despot of Morea.

"Welcome, envoy from Rome."

Facing Duke Mircea, Theodore knew that he did not have much leverage to allow him to send troops, and could only use Orthodox Christian doctrine and paganism as reasons.

"Grand Duke, those heretics are defiling Constantinople, and His Majesty the Emperor hopes that your country will send troops to attack them."

Mircea listened to his request, but declined on the grounds that he had signed a treaty. Then he started talking about another thing.

"I heard that you have a daughter who is not yet married?"


"In that case, wouldn't it be better?"

Mircea told Theodore of his idea of ​​marrying his princess to the grand duke's eldest son. Theodore quickly figured out that he wanted to seize the position of Roman Emperor, because his brother, the emperor, had no heirs yet, and he only had one daughter. If they got married, not only would Morea be his, but also the castle. It's theirs too.

"Think carefully," Mircea said to Theodore, whether to live or to die.

In order to make him determined, Mircea also gave a lot of things as betrothal gifts. In addition to gold coins, there are a lot of valuables, silk, glass, spices, etc. These are things he can't afford in his life. He has no choice but to be poor.

This can be seen from the coronation of John V. A Byzantine historian who recorded the coronation of John V once lamented: "Most of the emperor's crowns and crowns only look like gold jewelry, but they are actually leather dyed with gold. , decorated with colored glass to pretend to be precious stones. The tall gold cups studded with red emeralds and pearls used by the previous emperors to taste wine have been replaced by white tin cups or clay cups. ... You can see similar natural cups everywhere Beautiful gems and colorful pearls are the same things, but these cannot deceive everyone's eyes... The prosperity and glory of the Roman Empire have declined to such an extent that the former glory has completely disappeared...".

The emperor is like this, and these autocratic princes will naturally have an easier life because they have territories. But it was just a good time. As for the army, there were only a small number of mercenaries and militiamen.

Theodore was moved by the fact that he could gain so much wealth through marriage. But it was just a heartbeat. He knew very well about Wallachia's ambitions. Unless he could reverse it, he could only agree.

----Dividing line----

The siege of Constantinople started by Bayezid was Ali Pasha's idea. Since Wallachia was a bit difficult, it would be easy first and then difficult, to defeat Constantinople and conquer Europe and Asia. territory is connected. Then head north.

Bayezid had already begun to build a fortress on the Bosporus and formed a naval fleet to prepare for a complete siege of the castle. Manuel could only stare, after all, there was nothing he could do.

The Roman Empire actually had no friendly country that was willing to really help it. Venice and Genoa have substantial economic strength, and their armies, especially the navy, have strong combat effectiveness, but they all just want to take advantage of the empire's internal and external difficulties to obtain more promises from each other, and to gain more benefits from the disintegration of Rome. , and even wanted to share the spoils of war with the Ottoman Empire. In the case of the Republic of Venice, it only considered its own narrow economic interests and did not consider the changes in the military and political structure of the East and West after the demise of the Byzantine Empire and the adverse consequences it would bring to Venice.

Within the empire, there were constant palace struggles, centrifugal local forces, corruption and lewdness among the aristocrats, and the upper class of society was clearly divided into pro-Pope (or pro-Western European) faction, pro-Ottoman Empire faction, and those who were both opposed to Western Europe and the Roman Pope. The Orthodox sects of the Ottoman Empire were infighting and incompatible with each other, so much so that some people believed that the Roman Empire could not survive.

But in any case, it is certain that the Ottomans besieged the castle. Basilius could only watch, calling for help was useless.

"Sultan, we have started building three forts, and the fleet is also under construction."


At this time, Bayezid had overcome the fear of fighting Wallachia, and he was no longer afraid of anything.

"Is there anything else going on?"

"There are rebellions in various places, and there are also some border confrontations with some countries."

The Sultan listened to the minister's report and then asked them to withdraw. Only Ali Pasha remained.

"Grand Vizier, do you think we can succeed this time?"

"Sultan, Allah's light will surely shine on the empire, and He will take care of you."

Ali Pasha was also confident that as long as the siege lasted for a few years, the castle would surrender due to depletion of food. They can capture this place without spending a single soldier.

"Then I'll be relieved. By the way, what's Wallachia doing?"

Bayezid asked about this sworn enemy again. He had gotten an advantage last time, but he couldn't let them go this time.

"They don't seem to have done anything, but a few days ago, the Archduke of Wallachia dealt with more than 70 nobles in one go, which made people panic."

Oh, there are more than 70 people. This prince is afraid that he will not step down, right?

Even Bayezid was stunned by Mircea's actions. What is the difference between such bold behavior and that of a tyrant?

"They wanted to oust the Grand Duke, but someone snitched on him and they were executed."

It turns out that this is the case. Bayezid is a little pity. If they are still there, it would be good to cooperate.

"The attack on Rome cannot be stopped now. As long as we defeat them all into the city, it will be easy to capture it."

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