The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 109 Accident

Although the problem of farmers in Hungary has not been made public, it is coming soon. And maybe this situation can be exploited.

And Peter finally got the trace of Mary. The entourage around her didn't mind a little more money, and said that the king would ride horses at the stable in the next few days. Even if you are pregnant, keep going.

In this case, Your Majesty, please forgive him for his rashness.

Sigismund called the groom in. The groom really didn't want to do this, but he had no choice because the other party was the king.

"Have you done everything you were asked to do?"

"Your Majesty, everything is ready."

Sigismund asked the groom to tamper with the saddle, which would cause Mary to fall while riding. Without timely treatment, Mary would definitely die.

"Well", the attendant next to Sigismund took out a money bag and handed it to the groom. The groom had no choice but to accept it and decided to resign after this matter. He would never work again.

At the same time, Sigismund also ordered that no one except Mary and the maid beside her could enter today. It seemed that everything was perfect, but he always felt that there was something missing.

Peter looked at the guard who intercepted him. The person in charge said with an apologetic expression that His Majesty the King forbids other people from entering today. Please come back.

"Can't you be accommodating?" Peter took out a money bag.

"This, this..."

"I just want to see other views of this place," he said, taking out another money bag.

"You, are you really just looking?"


The person in charge took two money bags and gave Peter a pass. Hope he doesn't get into trouble.

After entering the horse training field, Peter waited at the road Mary must pass. He had already found out clearly that Mary would definitely appear here.

Since her encounter with Peter, Mary was more curious about this Wallachian. She asked people to find the story of Wallachia's fight against the Ottomans. The Grand Duke Mircea was his son, Wallachia. Peter, the co-ruler of Guia, was also one.

Becoming a lord at the age of 10, and being able to lead an army against the pagans at the age of 13. Not many people got such a script, but Peter got it.

She looked at the portrait of Peter sent by the Wallachian envoy, and the more she looked at it, the more she felt like she had seen it somewhere, but she just couldn't remember it. But forget it, she probably won't see it.

Mary caressed her belly tenderly. There was a little life in it. Although her father was not her legal husband, he was her child after all. She only wanted love, but Sigismund could not give it to her.

"Your Majesty, you are ready."

The groom came to Mary with the horse in question, and Mary felt something was wrong.

"Why haven't you seen this horse before?"

Mary's question frightened the groom, but he went ahead and spoke anyway.

"Your Majesty, this is a fine horse imported from Bohemia. It arrived recently."

"Oh." Mary didn't have too much doubt. She just put on the equipment and started today's equestrian riding.

I saw a woman wearing a red dress, riding a black horse towards the depths of the horse training field. Soon there was no guard behind her. This was not because of Mary's speed, but because they were ordered by the king to slow down, saying they wanted to give his wife some space.

Mary found endless joy in horseback riding, but she was a little too selfless that she was the only one left to know.

When she came to her senses, there was no one around. Just as she was about to go back, the horses below began to neigh.

"Calm down, please calm down."

The Queen tried her best to comfort her and finally calmed down. Mary decided to give up the next action and go back. But after just a few steps, the horse leaned forward and pushed Mary down.

"Ah, my... belly..."

Mary was holding her stomach on the ground, and a stream of blood flowed out, but she couldn't see it because of the red dress.

Mary was about to faint from the pain, and vaguely she felt someone calling her.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?"

This voice... is so familiar! Mary thought this and then fainted.

When she woke up later, she found herself in her dormitory. Surrounded by doctors and attendants.

"I...what's wrong with me?"

"Your Majesty, you fainted. Someone brought you out, otherwise you might..." the maid cried while talking about the queen's experience.

At this time, the doctor next to him spoke. "Your Majesty, I am sorry to tell you that your child has passed away to heaven."

"What!" Mary endured the pain and asked the doctor if this was true.

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry."

This sentence undoubtedly touched Mary's most fragile nerve. She drove everyone out and cried alone.


Mary's cries almost spread throughout the palace, and all the attendants were cautious for fear of disturbing the king.

After grieving, Mary asked who had brought her back, since there was no escort around.

"It was the count that day. He also gave me a letter and said he would read it after you wake up."

When she heard it was Peter, Mary felt that things were not that simple, so she asked the maid to bring the letter. I thought it was going to be translated, but I didn’t expect it to be written in Hungarian.

"His Majesty the King, I know that you have many questions to ask, but a letter cannot solve all your doubts, but what I can tell you is that the answers to all of them can be found in your husband."

Sigismund, Mary has a bad feeling.

"You don't have to believe me, but you just need to ask the groom and you'll probably understand. But be quick, he's probably going to run away."

Such straightforward words had to convince Mary that this was her only hope.

"Quick, get me the groom, quick!"

This was the first order given by Mary. The guards did not dare to disobey and brought today's groom over as quickly as possible.

The groom originally planned to leave when the queen died, but he was surprised that she did not die.

The king snapped as he knelt before Mary's bed. "I only give you one chance, who did it?"

How could the groom resist the king, but he was still prepared to prevaricate, saying that he had been negligent. Today's harness was old and it was supposed to be destroyed, but it was put on inexplicably.

This reason seemed ridiculous to Mary. No matter how much she saved, the harness would be destroyed in time as it aged, and there was no way it would end up here.

"It seems that you don't tell the truth anymore. Pull him and his family out and kill them!"

Seeing that the king was about to take action, the groom had no choice but to tell him what Sigismund asked him to do. When Mary heard this, she understood everything. Her husband wanted to kill himself!

Mary could not bear the blow and fainted, but she did not let the groom go. Before that, she beheaded the groom and demoted his family as slaves.

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