The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1021 The real intention

"Are you crazy?" When Bing Wuxin was stunned, in her impression, Su Yu was a calm man with a strong reputation, and his behavior at the moment was absurd, far from the Su Yuxian she knew.

She even had some doubts whether Su Yu was taken away by the mysterious people from the outer domain.

Su Yu chuckled: "If I'm not crazy, how can I do things conveniently?"

Sure enough, he was thinking about something: "What is your plan?"

"Didn't you see, of course it is to win over a large number of outsiders to become allies of my Scarlet Blood Palace!" Su Yu said naturally: "You should have seen that the Scarlet Blood Palace may be regarded as the overlord in the Dongtianfu area, but in Linlang Wonderland , but reduced to the bottom of existence.”

Bing Wuxin did not deny this point.

With just a few people in the Tiandao area, almost all the main force of the Red Blood Palace was suppressed.

If the forces in the rest of the regions are not damaged, they are several times stronger than the Heavenly Knife Region!

"According to what Mo Tianxuan said, after each disaster, there will be a blowout era of good fortune, but do you remember the method to carry good fortune and increase the chance of obtaining it?" Su Yu said.

Bing Wuxin nodded deeply: "Of course I won't forget, murder!"

Killing people can increase the chance of obtaining fortune!

If you kill the tester before the disaster strikes, the chances of getting fortune will be higher!

"Now that the flower disaster is over and the book disaster breaks out, we will probably hide in the Wuta, so we don't need to worry about it. But, ten days later, when the Wuta is closed, it will be the third disaster, the martial disaster! Can you imagine What will happen if more than half of the testers gather here in the whole dangerous situation?"

"Who doesn't know this?" Bing Wuxin looked at the martial tower and said, "When the martial tower is closed, it is the day of the martial disaster. Whether it is to avoid the martial disaster or to gain the chance of fortune, blood will flow like a river, and wars will break out everywhere! The Blood Palace is in the Martial Tower, so I'm afraid it's hard to stay out of it!"

Bing Wuxin said: "But, what does this have to do with what you have done? Winning? What I saw was that I have won countless hatred! The Wu Tower is extremely valuable, maybe it is worth a book of top-grade mythical exercises, or a half-finished fairy weapon ! But in addition to obtaining, what you get is also hatred, and you will suffer tragic revenge afterwards, which is very different from your original intention!"

If Su Yu simply closed the film, the rest of the trainees would just let it go and find another safe place to hide before the disaster of books and martial arts came.

It's because they are incompetent, they didn't get the first chance, and they were put together by the Supreme Heavenly Demon Sect, no wonder others.

But Su Yu couldn't die, leaving a gap,

gave them hope.

At this moment, the price is so high that it will not get any allies at all, it will only add enemies.

"Hehe, those who are really willing to exchange mythical skills and semi-finished fairy artifacts are all stupid people. Such people are pig teammates. I don't even want them!" Su Yu sneered: "Only smart people know what I want. What do you want!"

The hustle and bustle is still there, and thousands of testers have their necks thick and cursed.

However, there are also some calm anomalies.

"This Su Yuxian is interesting." Bi Lingtian smiled a little, and stepped forward, and the surrounding crowd automatically separated.

There are strong people in their early years, and the crowd is much quieter.

"I have to sigh, how lucky to have a disciple like you in Scarlet Blood Palace!" Bi Lingtian walked up to Su Yu.

Su Yu shrugged his shoulders, but he didn't take it seriously, Mo Tianxuan, that pestering woman, wouldn't admit it like that even if she was killed.

"Leaving Zhongzhou together, on behalf of Tiandaoyu, I will give you the answer you want." Bi Lingtian took out an ancient heart oath scroll with his palms turned, and wrote the oath on it with blood.

"Heavenly Sword Realm Trialists, hereby swear that before the Martial Disaster, they will never take action against the subordinates of the Scarlet Blood Palace, otherwise they will be haunted by demons." Bi Lingtian's identity and status are sufficient to fully represent the Heavenly Sword Realm.

Under his greeting, the rest of the people also left their blood.

"Brother Su, are you satisfied?" Bi Lingtian handed over the Ancient Heart Oath Scroll.

The noisy crowd gradually quieted down, and finally figured out Su Yu's true intentions.

The clamoring transactions were actually just screening out those brainless idiots. Many people were secretly ashamed, and just now they cursed the happy people, and suddenly they were like dumb cannons, without saying a word.

The louder the clamor, the more stupid it is.

Su Yu didn't answer, and said with a sneer, "I'm generally satisfied, but there are three things that need to be revised!"

Bi Lingtian brightened: "Brother Su, please tell me."

"First, modify the attack to "all hostile acts"!" Su Yu pointed at the modification.

They don't shoot, but what about swords, knives, and magical skills? Word games have to be guarded against.

"Second, the time limit, which fills the entire Linlang Wonderland period!"

If you don't make a move before the martial arts disaster, you can do it after the martial arts disaster!

"Third, according to my observations, your trial practitioners in the Heavenly Knife Region should be more than the ones in front of you and the casualties. There are still a group of you who have not been there, right? They haven't left blood, and the ancient scrolls can't restrain them ! Therefore, add one more, all the hostile acts of the Heavenly Sword Domain Trialists will be borne by you!"

Bing Wuxin's eyes lit up, and she was almost fooled by Tiandaoyu through an inadvertent loophole.

There was a wry smile on the corner of Bi Lingtian's mouth. The two loopholes were intentional, but he didn't expect to completely hide it from Su Yu: "Okay, but there is one problem. We will never take half hostile actions against you in the Heavenly Knife Region. Then What about your Scarlet Blood Palace?"

Hearing this, many people paid attention.

They can swear that they will never attack the Scarlet Blood Palace, but what if the Scarlet Blood Palace takes the initiative to trouble them?

"We, hehe, of course we are not bound! If you don't want to die, stay away from my Red Blood Palace disciples, as far away as you can!" Su Yu said confidently.

"Damn! So domineering! It's even worse than the Heavenly Demon Sect!"

"What kind of oath is this? Due to my inner demons, I can't take any hostile actions against the enemy, but the other party has no scruples to attack. I am afraid that even fighting back may be regarded as a violation of the oath! Even if you repel, kill If you kill the opponent, you will also be haunted by demons, and it will be difficult for you to move forward in martial arts from now on!"

"Su Yuxian, don't you think it's too much and shameless to propose such a harsh condition?"

Seeing that the crowd was excited again, Su Yu said coldly: "Excessive, shameless? I only saw that I gave you a chance to enter the Wuta! There is no pie in the sky. If you want to get the opportunity of the Wuta, naturally There is a price to pay! The price is the risk!"

"Moreover, I can promise here that if you don't seek death yourself before the martial disaster afterwards, the people of my Scarlet Blood Palace will never take the initiative to attack you! As for after the martial disaster! Hehe, according to the previous data, how many of you are left?" Success? I'm afraid that before our Scarlet Blood Palace takes action, you have already died of various crimes! The people who may really die in our Scarlet Blood Palace are enough to be ignored!"

"Dare to ask such a small risk, can't you get the chance to enter Wuta?"

Attracting more than half of the testers to Wuta, the rewards must be astonishing.

What's more, this year's Taishang Tianmozong went against the norm and did something outrageous and monopolized the Wuta, which shows that this time the Wuta's chances are even more impressive.

Weighing the pros and cons, how to make a decision, they know what to do.

After a moment of silence, Bi Lingtian smiled wryly: "If possible, I really don't want to be an enemy of Brother Su."


Bi Lingtian flicked the palm of her hand, re-editing the ancient scroll of good heart oath.

Su Yu accepted it with a smile: "Please come in!"

The rest of the people in the Heavenly Knife Region entered with ugly faces.

In this way, in Linlang Wonderland, when they encountered the disciples of the Scarlet Blood Palace, they were the only ones who yelled to fight and kill them. Apart from running away, they couldn't even resist!

This is equivalent to putting a dog collar around his neck!

The feeling of being aggrieved filled everyone's heart, as disgusting as eating a bowl of live flies.

On the other hand, the disciples of the Scarlet Blood Palace were inexplicably excited!

This, this is equivalent to a trump card that can make unlimited fouls!

The 20,000 cultivators present were only allowed to kill them in the Scarlet Blood Palace, they were not even allowed to fight back, and they had no choice but to run away.

Next, if one of them happened to dig into a certain treasure house, any young man from the Red Blood Palace would run in and say hello, no matter who the opponent is the number one expert in the domain, just get out!

What, you don't leave?

Well, I will chop you with a sword!

What, you fight back?

Alright, the Heart Vow Ancient Scroll is here!

As long as they don't run into another 20,000 testers, the Scarlet Blood Palace can completely walk sideways like a crab in Linlang Wonderland!

Such a big ace is like a dream.

Looking at Su Yu's back, their yearning almost rushed to the Nine Heavens Palace and worshiped him like a god.

Knowing the whole story of Su Yu's intentions, Bing Wuxin was also dumbfounded.

This "ally" is very effective, very strong, so strong that he is tied up and let himself be slaughtered!

"This, isn't this making an ally?" Bing Wuxin said uncertainly, "It's like being in a dog pen."

No matter how surprised, unwilling, angry, and annoyed outsiders are, they have no choice.

What's more, Su Yu promised that before the martial arts disaster, he would never attack them.

If there is a chance to escape after the martial arts disaster, as long as the luck is not too bad and you don't run into these bastards who open cheats, there shouldn't be a big problem.

"Okay, the one with the surname Su, remember it for me! I'll sign it too!"

"I refuse!" Su Yu waved his hand.

"Why?" The rejected person was indignant.

"Because you don't have a grateful heart, I gave you a chance, even if you pretend, shouldn't you pretend to be grateful?"


"Haha, in the Oolong Domain of Xiananshazhou, thank Brother Su for giving us the opportunity to enter the Wuta Tower. I am very grateful. This is the ancient scroll of the vow, please read it."

"That's right, let's go in."

In this way, people who felt like eating flies but had to greet each other with smiles entered the Wu Pagoda one by one after handing over the ancient scrolls of vows.

Except for a small number of low-level warriors who felt that they had no hope of ascending to the top and it was not worthwhile to sign a contract, they left one after another.

In the end, only a familiar crowd remained.

Zixiao Palace!

At this moment, the Zixiao Palace disciples are in complicated moods.

Once upon a time, they smiled and watched the Red Blood Palace being tortured and bleeding by the Heavenly Sword Domain.

As a result, in just a short while, the salted fish turned over, no, it wasn't just the salted fish turned over, it was about to turn over to the sky!

To actually use the Supreme Heaven Demon Sect to strangle the throats of more than half of the testers with one hand, and become a lawless cheater!

It would be a lie to say that there is no jealousy and envy.

There is another question that remains at hand, should they enter or not?

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