The Director of Music Department

1425. Silence and outbreak

Then Spider-Man chooses to disappear.

Instead of doing good deeds everywhere, he chose to be an ordinary student. There were countless news about Spiderman on the Internet, and there were countless reports about Spiderman in newspapers.

The emergence of this superhero has received mixed reviews.

At the same time, the police are also looking for Spider-Man.

Spider-Man is doing good, but he's outside the law, and at one point he's trying to kill the robbers...

Although he finally stopped, he did break the law.

No one knows that the robber killed Spider-Man's uncle.

Everyone has seen the video of Spider-Man violently beating robbers. In that video, Spider-Man is full of violence and destructive desire. This is the intuitive reason why some people don't like Spider-Man.

This is also a point worth thinking about.

If in reality an individual is so powerful that he is not bound by the law, then even if this person is doing good deeds, do people like it more or fear it more?

In fact, this is similar to the three rules of robots.

As we all know, artificial intelligence is pursued with disdain by human beings, but in the same way, the theory of robot threat has never stopped.

The same is true for superheroes. He has the ability to easily destroy everything. Once such a person loses control, he will definitely cause more damage than ordinary criminals.

Of course, it is impossible for movies to continue to be criticized like this. If so, how can Spider-Man be a good neighbor to people?

So at this time, the villain needs to appear.

Ordinary villains naturally don't need Spider-Man, the police can solve them.

But what if it is a villain with superpowers like Spider-Man?

That's completely different.

Everything needs a contrast before it can hurt.

Everyone thinks that a person like Spider-Man is so powerful that he is not bound by the law. Even if he is doing good deeds, it is still frightening. I am afraid that when will he turn bad?

But when a real super villain appears, at this time, everyone will start to miss Spider-Man.

Because in comparison, their fears were actually a little unreasonable, and things that didn't happen were defined for him.

As a result, a new villain appeared in this city, and this time the villain was unprecedentedly powerful, not weaker than Spider-Man.

This villain is the chairman of a scientific research company. He has lost his mind due to long-term research on weapons, and now has amazing destructive power.

He continued to engage in criminal activities.

The strength of the police cannot stop this villain.

After all, the only thing that can defeat superpowers is superpowers, right?

At this time, it is highlighted that the rarity and importance of Spider-Man.

At this time, no matter whether they like it or not, people suddenly miss Spider-Man. Perhaps only the disappeared Spider-Man is strong enough to defeat this villain...

Moreover, in contrast, what Spider-Man did, and what this person did, it is simply a world of difference.

In contrast to Spider-Man's reluctance to kill, even at the last minute, the villain shows them what the real bad guy is.

Of course, it also highlights another point. Their fear is not unreasonable, because once such a person with superpowers embarks on the path of crime, they will definitely be much more destructive than ordinary people.

In fact, this kind of routine was really common in previous lives.

The same twists and turns.

First explain the birth of Spider-Man's superpowers, and then there are setbacks, he becomes confused and disappears.

Then, a villain appears again to form a contrast.

And this will also give the audience a sense of anticipation, looking forward to the return of the Spider-Man king.

Looking forward to Spider-Man cheering up!

Looking forward to Spider-Man returning as a hero to guard the city again!

Of course, Spider-Man must not come out so easily.

Otherwise, the taste will be bad.

Therefore, at this time, it is necessary to arrange a reason for him to make a move.

And Peter Parker, the Spider-Man that everyone misses, seems to have forgotten his own abilities. He even confessed to the girl he likes.

It turned out so well that he made an appointment for dinner with the girl named Gwen.

But when he was about to go out, Spider-Man saw the news on TV.

The Green Goblin appeared again. By the way, the Green Goblin is the big villain, the villain who also has superpowers.

He's wrecking the city, he's committing crimes, he's destroying, he's...

Panic continues to spread, and the police are helpless in the face of the Green Goblin's terrifying and destructive power. There are countless cries among the crowd...

This reminded him involuntarily of the last conversation he had with his uncle during his lifetime.

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility!"

If he is just an ordinary person, then he can turn a blind eye, but he is Spiderman, and he doesn't want his uncle's tragedy to happen again because of his inaction.

So, he suddenly opened the dusty drawer and looked at the Spider-Man suit that he hadn't worn for a long time.

At the same time, the girl who had made an appointment with Peter was constantly looking at her watch.

She couldn’t help but sent a text message to Peter.

Peter hesitated for a moment, but finally put the suit back on.

This scene made the audience feel agitated.

However, this scene makes Spider-Man look more flesh and blood.

He's not perfect, but that makes it all the more real doesn't it?

Just when the audience thought that Peter was going on a date and gave up, the camera suddenly changed.

A red figure, the figure in the familiar Spider-Man suit, shot out!

He eventually gave up on dating and chose to come forward.

Although that date, he had planned for a long time.

Although at that moment, he was looking forward to it.

Although that girl, he likes it very much.

But when the Green Goblin destroyed the city, when people fell into despair, he still chose to fight.

It can be said that this paragraph is very routine, bloody, and old-fashioned, but the audience enjoyed it very much, because this is exactly what they want to see.

So, it's naturally very cool. As for whether it's bloody or not, routines or routines, let's talk about it first.

Meanwhile, a train sabotaged by the Green Goblin has gone completely out of control.

Just when everyone in the car fell into despair, Spider-Man fell from the sky.

"It's him!"


"Spider-Man is back!"

Yes, Spider-Man is back, and at this moment, everyone is relieved.

Because Spider-Man is here, he is still the good neighbor of the people you know, Patronus!

People's eyes suddenly burst into great anticipation, just like the audience in front of the big screen!

However, although Spider-Man also has superpowers, he is not a god. Even Spider-Man's spider silk can't stop the out-of-control train, it can only collapse powerlessly, and the hope in everyone's eyes has turned into despair again.

The plot became more and more tense.

The audience in the theater also forgot their identities, they only care about what to do next?

What would Spider-Man do?

Can he save the people in this train?

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