The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1162: Ultimate defense

Mo Xie and Li Hong both sighed, and Saint Princess was also surprised by the spectacular sight in front of her eyes...

On the way to fly, Lianna had already sent a message to Mo Xie more than ten minutes ago, and they successfully greeted the Holy Light Army on the way, and returned with these allied forces to the imperial city.

Now only need to find the Earth Son and his Earth Legion, and Mo Xie's thoughts are all completed.

With the help of the two great temples, even if it is still unable to defeat the Fire Temple, but only to defend the tower, there shouldn't be much problem.

The two horses flew down towards the tall cliffs at the edge of the forest. Because of the defensive enchantment of the Holy Land, they could not fly directly to the halfway of the mountain. They could only fall in front of the stone steps at the foot of the mountain under the black light curtain.

However, it seems that on the wide platform in front of the mountainside temple, countless black armored figures have seen two mounts fall from the air, and countless burly black figures have appeared on the mountain path, quickly walking down the mountain along the passage.

"Xiao Mo, the people from the Temple of the Earth have come out." Li Hong looked up at the tall black stone mountain, and immediately found that the dense silhouettes on the mountain road were quickly gathering at the foot of the mountain.

"I saw it." Mo Xie smiled and looked up and stood in front of the black light curtain, in front of a tall stone platform with a black beam of light rising into the sky, waiting for the people from the Earth Temple to come out by themselves.

In a short while, countless tall figures appeared one after another within the light curtain at the foot of the mountain, and then the black light shone. From the beam of light on the stone platform, one by one tall figures continuously rushed out, and countless black armored soldiers began to order in front of the stone platform. Lined up.

The Moxie trio quickly gave up the space, watching thousands of black armored warriors, armed with black spears and large black shields, wearing shiny black iron armor, appearing from the beam of light, and then neatly arranged in a square array, motionless. Stand there.

The last two figures appeared. One was wearing black obsidian heavy armor and a heavy helmet covering the entire face. Only a pair of familiar eyes were exposed. They also held a tall heavy shield and a black long shining with colorful glow. Spear, at a glance, he knew that he was the son of Earth.

But beside him, walking out of the beam of light was indeed a tall and enchanting woman wearing a black leather armor long skirt.

This woman is holding a black longbow, a black quiver behind her back, and a black mask on her head. She has white skin, red lips, and a tall nose. She looks very cold...

However, the name on the top of the woman's head made Mo Xie scared. She was actually the princess of the gods of the earth, and the mother of the son of earth.

Mo Xie never expected that the Temple of the Earth was dominated by defensive powers, but the Princess of the Earth's archer equipment was really surprising.

"Mother and concubine, these are His Royal Highness the Holy Princess and Lord Mo Sad." Dadi Shizi led the princess out of the light beam and walked straight towards the three.

"I have always heard of the prestige of the holy princess. This time, thanks to the gift of the princess, our Earth Temple can get rid of the clutches of the Fire Temple, and Lord Mosad, if it were not for you, our mother and son will not say that they are holding the Temple again. Life is hard to save, the three of us, please be respected by our mother and son." The Princess of the Earth bowed her head in gratitude and said.

"The princess don't have to be like this. The Fire Temple is rebellious, betraying the divine power contract, and causing chaos in the world. I now need you to support the empire and clean up the rebellion." The holy princess quickly helped her and said with a smile.

Now the wall of fire on Mount Huangcheng is almost on the verge of burning out. If you don’t go back to fight quickly, the powerful offensive of the Protoss will be fully launched, and the tower can no longer withstand such a powerful fire attack!

However, the Earth Shield War of the Earth Protoss possesses the powerful strength known as the ultimate defense, but each of the Earth warriors wears heavy spar armor. The fastest movement speed is the same as when the players are walking, and they cannot run. .

Coupled with the number of thousands of ground soldiers, there is no way for them to speed up their march.

"Everyone hurry up, I will think of a way." Moxie said.

"Understand." Dadi Shizi nodded, and immediately waved his arm to initiate the march.


The sound of neat footsteps sounded, and the burly land warriors carried shields and spears, and moved forward neatly, and the Black Legion officially set off.

Mo Xie, Li Hong, and the Saint Princess followed closely by Shi Zi and Princess Wang. Seeing that the legion phalanx became two straight lines and began to move forward, they began to discuss ways to quickly return to the city to support.

"The soldiers marched too slowly. I have just ordered the cavalry regiment to come from the imperial city to meet them, but I am afraid it will take more than half an hour to meet, and it will take an hour to return to the imperial city," Moxie said.

"Yes, going back during this time, I'm afraid the tower has already been occupied by the Protoss." Li Hong nodded.

"You think of a way, how can you quickly go back and support." The Saint Princess frowned and said.

"His Royal Son and Princess, besides the earth soldiers, are there any extra holy crystals of thick soil that can let us return to the protection tower as soon as possible" Mo Xie asked.

"The holy crystal of the thick soil is extremely hard. It is a rare mineral vein that is only found deep in the belly of the holy land. It requires special tools to collect. And it is only a palm-sized piece of output a year. You said the armor and armor worn by the earth warriors The weapons are all the sacred crystals of the thick earth collected by the gods of the earth after thousands of years, and after the armors and weapons are made, all the soldiers who inherit these holy armors swear that unless they die in battle, the armor and weapons will never leave. Body." Princess Dadi explained, shaking her head.

"I understand what the princess meant, which means that the holy crystals of the thick earth are difficult to collect, and it is impossible to collect them now, and the armor and weapons made by these holy crystals of the thick earth cannot be separated from the soldiers..." Said blankly.

"Exactly." Dadi Shizi nodded.

"This is troublesome..." Mo Xie was really helpless now.

If you want to deal with the enemy's defensive enchantment and lightning enchantment, you can only rely on the power of the holy crystal of the thick soil, but this is actually the case now, which really makes him feel helpless.

"Xiao Mo, or else bring some fighters back to the city to help defend, and the rest will be sent back in batches." Li Hong said.

"What you said is very simple, but our mount can only accommodate two people at most, and it can't carry much." Mo Xie sighed.

"You forgot, Qing Bing'er and Fairy Blazing Phoenix are still there. They are transformed into the true form of mythical beasts, and they can take many people to fly at a time." Li Hong suggested.

"What... Binger and Fairy..." Mo Xie's eyes lit up suddenly.

He was so busy that he had forgotten these two goddesses behind his head.

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