Since Liu Ye and the Liu family cleared the relationship, Liu Zheng has been extremely depressed, for which he has been seriously ill and cannot get up for a month.

For this reason, Mrs. Liu invited all the famous doctors in Beijing and did not take Liu Zheng's illness seriously. Xiandi also made a special purpose to give him a good rest at home.

The Liu family lost Liu Yan, the happiest of all were Liu Yan and Liu Zhuo.

There was a time when these two people secretly rejoiced for a few months because Liu Ye left, but after a long time, the two also found that Liu Ye was no longer in the Liu family, and the noble sons in the family were fewer. Began to miss Liu Ye's time at the Liu family.

Among them, one person did not think so, that was Liu Wuyang, the eldest son of the Liu family.

Liu Wuyang didn't have much feelings for the sister-in-law. When he found that Liu Yan had no use value, he did not give up on himself, but thought of a separate way out.

When Nangong abolished the military merit system and began to implement a new policy, he saw the opportunity and joined the army.

In the military barracks, he didn't mention his identity, he just worked hard. In just a few years, he actually gained some power by virtue of military achievements.

With the rise of Liu Wuyang's position, slowly, he also appeared on Chaotang.

Regarding the empress queen of the dynasty, in his opinion, it was the shame of the Liu family. It was always the daughters kicked out by the family. Unexpectedly, she actually proposed to sever the relationship with the Liu family. Every time she thought of it, his teeth were The bitter rattled.

Shortly after Nangongyu took the throne, Liu Zheng handed a resignation to the emperor, saying that he was too old to continue to work hard in the court, and asked the emperor's grace to support him at home.

In this matter, Nangong Yu thought he was a bit arbitrary in his decision. When he told Liu Ye about this, Liu Ye's reaction was very flat.

"What do you think about this?" Nangong asked sincerely.

Liu Yan looked at the willows outside the window and said, "I have nothing to do with them anymore. This matter, the emperor can take care of it, don't worry about me."

Nangong Ai thought for a while, and felt that Liu was doing nothing here, so he should give up his position to others, so he agreed.

In this way, there is less gossip in the court, and Liu Zheng's embarrassing days are over.

Early last morning, Chao Liuzheng took a long breath and looked at the towering palace behind him.

The taunts in his ears haven't broken since Liu Ye and the Liu family broke up.

"Master Liu, you gave birth to a good daughter. Now you have become the queen maiden. You are now the countryman."

"Master Liu, the emperor will depend on your face in the future."

"Master Liu, why did our queen maiden sever ties with the Liu family at first? Is it because you think that someone is a daughter who has been scooped out and is not good for others?

The irony of this time is still echoing in Liu Zheng's ears. Starting tomorrow, I will never have to hear such sarcasm again.

Although Liu Zheng's face was worn out during this period of time, he thought that he would live a quiet life in the future. He felt that he would not have enough to go on duty in the court.

As for the son, it's all up to him, he can't help himself.

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