Gu Rufeng watched the carriage go away before returning home alone. This book is published at the beginning of the book, and the follow-up book is here. Https://

Throughout the road, that little girl-in-law was carefully examining Liu Ye.

At that detailed look, Liu Ye felt it all at once.

At this time, not only did she have a little dissatisfaction with Gu Rufeng in her heart, if it was not for him, how could she be seen by others like this, and for him, she would not have been the focus of others' attention.

People say, sir lady, gentleman, how could you know that in this place, you met a handsome and beautiful man, and this girl is chasing backwards.

"The girl is really good at it. That prescription worked for our wife. The lady took a few days to relieve her cough. Later, even after taking it for a period of time, she even eliminated the disease." Xiaoya said with a smile.

"It's Mrs. Fukuzawa's generosity, and there will be good news for good people." Liu Yan said lightly.

The carriage arrived soon.

Liu Ye met his wife with that little girl. When she saw her again, her face was much better. Apparently, her illness had been cured.

When the lady saw her, the anxiety on her face eased. "Why did it take so long, I thought something happened on the road?"

The little girl answered reverently: "Madam, girl Liu was not there when we went, so the carriage was delayed for a while."

"It turned out to be this way, it's okay, I'm assured that there hasn't been any peace recently," said the wife.

"Yeah, there was a locust disaster in our village. The crops were eaten by locusts overnight. The village chief organized people to gather at the village to report the situation, so I was not at home." Say it to your wife.

I saw the lady touching her forehead and said, "This morning, I also heard of this situation. It turned out to be the village you are in."

The words were filled with sympathy, "It is the common people who will suffer in the future. I hope that the relief food for the emperor can be earmarked as soon as possible."

Seeing his wife's anxiety for the people, Liu Ye strengthened her inner thoughts.

After being silent for a while, the lady came to Liu Yan and asked, "How about the injury on your arm?"

Liu Ye nodded.

"Did Qiulan tell you on the road? I took the medicine you prescribed to me, and my cough was already cured, even the root cause of the disease was eliminated." Speaking of this, the lady's face was rejoicing.

"It's been said that the wife's body is not a big deal, and it will be better to adjust for some time." Liu Yan said with a smile.

"It was your life-saving grace, and then I saw a doctor for me. I did n’t know how to thank you. Last time you hurried away, I did n’t know where you lived. Thanks to that groom, otherwise I could n’t find it. You. "Madam said, holding her hand.

"This is what I should do."

After the simple politeness, the wife and Liu Yan became familiar.

Liu Yan said to his wife, "Madam, I have something to show you."

Madam's face was full of curiosity, "What?"

Liu Ye took the potatoes and sweet potatoes out of the bag and put them in front of his wife.

"Here are the potatoes and sweet potatoes grown in my field. These things may solve the urgent need in the village."

The lady carefully looked at the round things in front of her, and felt that she had not seen them.

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