The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 785: The Abilities of the Legendary Great Mage

Timothy's Dark Alliance is in the midst of a turbulent civil war.

Just like many wars, the people in that area have also fallen into a difficult life.

The raging flames of war destroyed the land, powerful magic destroyed the city, and the sky was covered with thick clouds because of the convenience of those vampires, making the whole of Timothy En shrouded in shadows.

As a result of lack of sunlight, in addition to the vegetation starting to die, the temperature also gradually dropped... This change became more obvious after the sudden cold snap three days ago.

The livestock were killed by the severe cold, and the crops that were already ready to be harvested were also killed by the blizzard, turning into a roll of dead leaves full of despair.

And the houses of the poor peasants who could only live in thatched huts were directly crushed by the snow and lost their homes.

People suffering from hunger and cold either participated in the desperate struggle between the rebels and the culprits that caused it all, or they were displaced and could only rely on the snow-covered weeds and bark that had not yet completely withered to eke out a living.

If a missionary of any religion came to preach at this time, the effect would definitely be amazing.

The problem is, that missionary has to bring enough food first, otherwise the starving refugees won't even listen to you. Then you have to have a certain level of strength to prevent the food used to relieve refugees and feed yourself from being robbed.

However, it’s okay for a strong man at the level of a great magician to say that even if a great magician enters Timothy’s grandly, as long as he doesn’t infringe too much on the interests of the current ruler in a certain area, the other party will not fight against this kind of person who is already standing at the peak of the Eastern Plains. The combat power turned against each other.

If it's just a mid-level or high-level magician. Doing such a thing is likely to offend the local rulers.

Probably because of this consideration, a series of religions such as the Pure White Church did not take advantage of this moment to come to preach on a large scale.

Due to the destruction of the entire palace, the magic mark that Xi Wei had left there also disappeared. Naturally, there was no way to use gap magic to teleport there directly, and the weather of the blizzard was not suitable for flying. To sum up, , he and Shalan could only trek honestly to the ruins of the vampire's palace.

As a result, they encountered an astonishingly large number of refugees on the road...

Looking at those refugees in ragged clothes, yellow and emaciated, and in a trance. Shalan frowned: "Xi Wei, what should we do? Can we do something for them?"

At any rate, her elder sister was once the highest leader of Timothy En. Seeing that the people of Timothy En have become like this, she will naturally feel worried.

If Xi Wei was still a great magician, he would at most send a certain amount of food from Edric College to let them eat first. Then let these refugees go to join the rebels.

After all, the Chamber of Commerce under Edric College did not purchase grain. Although the college has also stockpiled a certain amount of food for emergencies. But it was hoarded according to the number of Edric's students, and it was only a drop in the ocean to these refugees, not worth mentioning at all.

But now it's different. He has become a legendary great mage.

"Of course, try to see if you can persuade them to walk with us."

Xi Wei replied with a smile.

Hearing this, the vampire girl immediately ran to the pile of refugees, and after drawing their attention, she began to speak loudly.

Anyway, this girl also worked as a teaching assistant for Edric for a while (for some reason she refused to be a professor anyway), so her eloquence can be considered good, and soon those faces that were already full of numbness There seemed to be a glimmer of hope in the eyes of the refugees, looking towards Xi Wei who was here.

Seeing this, Xi Wei smiled, stood up and slowly walked in another direction. Shalan nodded to the refugees, and then followed.

The refugees froze for a moment, and started discussing in low voices.

"Do you think we should believe that girl's words?"

"Hey, old John, we're all like this, what else is there to plot?"

"I heard that some demons can sacrifice humans in exchange for power..."

"We have no way to resist, why don't we just sacrifice us here?"

"Maybe some preparations are needed for the sacrifice... such as a magic circle or something..."

"Made, I'm about to starve to death. Even being sacrificed is better than being starved to death. I'll go first. You can figure it out."

A fairly tall man gritted his teeth, walked out from the suspicious crowd, and followed Xi Wei and the others.

After having the first role model, more and more people followed. Human beings have a herd mentality. When a certain number of people followed, even if they swore just now, ‘There is definitely a problem! ’ The people followed along with the crowd.

After walking for a short distance, they came to a wood.

No, it should be a place that was originally a forest.

Now the trees in the forest have become bare... Not only the leaves, but also the bark have been peeled off, and a few tooth marks can even be seen on the clean trunk.

This kind of scene is generally quite funny, but Xi Wei and Sha Lan couldn't laugh at all—how hungry and desperate do they have to be to try to bite the tree trunk...

Xi Wei didn't know what happened to the refugees who ate up the grove, but it was estimated that something bad had happened.

Thinking of this, he sighed, stopped, and looked at the woods.

The refugees stopped obediently behind him, as if they were waiting for something.

After a long while, some of the refugees started whispering uncontrollably.

At this moment, Xi Wei finally made a move.

He took out a wand from nowhere—this action startled the refugees, and some even wanted to run away in a hurry—then he stuck the wand in the edge of the woods, which was frozen like On the ground as hard as steel, a few incantations that humans cannot understand were chanted softly.

In the next moment, as if going back in time, the trees in the forest regrown their bark and leaves, and bloomed cute little flowers.

The refugees were dumbfounded, but Xi Wei's magic wasn't over yet.

Soon those little flowers withered, fell to the ground and disappeared, and then, the fruit appeared.

The honey-like sweetness permeates the air, and each fist-sized bread hangs on the branches, tempting to salivate.

Yes, bread grew on trees that should have yielded fruit.

"These trees can probably produce a week's worth of bread." Xi Wei put away his wand, smiled and said to the refugees who were still dazed, "Before the civil war and severe cold end, it's enough for you to eat." (To be continued, please search Piaotian literature, novels are better and faster!

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