The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 771: The Closure of Truth, Continued for Thousands of Years

Not only the Ulamog Breakers, but also those Ulamog Walkers who couldn't move freely were also tied firmly by the chains protruding from the door and pulled into it.

The last thing swallowed by the gate of truth was the lump of Eldrazi meat that Robert regarded as a treasure.

The century-old foundation was destroyed!

"Damn it! You bastard, I'm going to tear you to pieces and feed those wasteland ogres!"

Robert Velen's eyes were red, and he roared hoarsely.

"Didn't I tell you?"

Xi Wei grinned, and finally showed a smile: "If you can do it, try it!"

Robert Velen roared, and many tentacles appeared on his body. Even the human appearance was completely destroyed, and he rushed towards Xi Wei like a rhinoceros.

It's just that, unlike the slightly bulky Ulamog Breather, the miracle is that Robert, who distorted the space, folded the space between him and Xi Wei, appeared in front of Xi Wei in an instant, and slammed into him!

Xi Wei compared a spellcasting action, but no earth-shattering magic was activated, but a puddle of... oil appeared on the ground?

Originally, Robert, who had the characteristics of the Eldrazi, could pierce through almost all defensive magic in this world, so he chose to use this method of attack without the slightest technical content.

As long as it is touched, it is lore!

But even though his feet also carry the power of the Eldrazi, so they won't be hurt by magic like ground thorns, but they haven't swallowed up the friction - otherwise he wouldn't even be able to take a step.

In the same way, at the moment of stepping on the oil. He lost his balance and slid forward.

But Xi Wei was in front of him, so it was no different from running over like this.

But Xi Wei just showed him an indifferent smile, and immediately the soil in front of him began to mutate, and finally turned into a passage like a slide, and the end of the passage was exactly the gap where the door of truth opened!

"Damn! Damn!"

Robert, who turned into a monster, seemed to have lost his other language abilities. He just kept repeating this sentence, but his vocal cords seemed to have mutated, and his voice sounded like the roar of a monster.

Fortunately at this time. He has many tentacles on him. And each tentacle has the devouring ability of the Eldrazi.

Using the tentacle as a climbing pick, he devoured holes around the corridor, and after gathering the devouring power, he stretched the tentacles in and fixed it, but he was able to stop himself in the corridor. Not slipping into the door of truth that can destroy oneself forever.

But it was too early for him to worry.

Just when he was about to open a hole in the corridor to escape. Xi Wei has already dismantled the entire corridor. Throwing into the door of truth together with Robert inside...

"That's the end."

After finishing everything, Xi Wei sensed the surroundings with his own perception ability, and after confirming that there were no remaining Eldrazi. Start closing the door of truth with the key of truth.

As long as the door of truth is closed, the battle against Robert, a patient with immortality and mental illness, will be considered as over.

It's a pity that something went wrong in the last step.

At the moment when the door of truth was about to be closed, the whole door shook violently, as if something was hitting the door.

Xi Wei's face turned pale, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

As a user of the Gate of Truth, he and the Gate of Truth are closely related in a sense, and the attack on the Gate of Truth will also affect him.

The Door of Truth, which wouldn't tremble even if it was attacked head-on by the Ulamog Breathers, is actually under attack now, and because of this attack, even the closing action halfway through is affected.

Looking at the sentence written on the key of truth 'this effect will not be prevented or interrupted by abilities/magic/miracles that are less mysterious than absolute truth', Xi Wei couldn't help but smile wryly.

This undoubtedly shows that the mystery of the thing that is hitting the door inside is even equal to the absolute truth!

In Xi Wei's cognition, if it is not considered a god, there is only one thing that has this degree of mystery.

He was really afraid of something, because he was afraid that the thing inside would come out, so he only opened the door with a gap that wasn't too big. Who knows, he finally attracted that guy...

Immediately, there was another huge earthquake at the door of truth, but this time Xi Wei was well prepared, swallowing the blood that gushed up to his throat, and stood still in front of the door, desperately giving the command to close the door.

The third impact came as expected, and instead of closing the door, it was blown open a crack that was almost as wide as before.


Xi Wei's mind was buzzing with alarms, but he was so badly injured that he couldn't react for a while!

A thick tentacle protruded from the crack in the door, but if you looked closely, you would find that the tip of the tentacle was actually in the shape of Robert Velen.

At this time, his face no longer had the panic and fear just now, and it was full of a crazy smile.

"Thanks to you, Xi Wei Edric! Thanks to you, I can become one with that lord! Becoming a part of that lord's body! For me, it is simply a supreme honor!"

At this moment, Xi Wei's throat was full of blood, his face was in pain, and he couldn't even speak a word.

"You are the strongest enemy I have ever seen! As my respect, you also come to be one of us! In this way, this damn gate will be completely open to us!"

Robert Velen didn't know if he noticed Xi Wei's abnormal state, but he just laughed wildly and grabbed Xi Wei's chest, who couldn't dodge in time!

Is it possible that I am actually going to die here, so that my future self will avenge my current self...

It's a pity that Lixiao is just on the right track now, and I don't know how far they can go under the double suppression of the Salvation Army and the Abyss Army.

Xi Wei looked at the other party's ferocious expression, and countless scenes flashed through his mind like a revolving lantern.

At this moment, Xi Wei was startled by a feeling like an electric shock, and the next moment, a slender figure stood in front of him.

That was Laven who rushed here by using the time-stop ability of the hero's treasure, the time-eating clock.

Almost at the same moment, the hand of Robert Velen, who had been completely reduced to Eldrazi, touched the treasure watch hanging on Laven's chest.

Even the Noble Phantasm of Heroes is far lower in mystery than the Eldrazi behind the Gate of Truth.

Immediately, the pocket watch was torn apart, and the mystery and magic power inside poured out all of a sudden, turning into a terrifying storm.

This force was so astonishing that not only the immobile Xi Wei was blown away, but even the complacent Robert was blown out and fell directly back into the gate of truth!

Only then did the door of truth seem to respond to Xi Wei's command to close the door just now, and the thick black door slammed shut!

Immediately, the entire door slowly disappeared into the air...

But Xi Wei didn't pay attention to the door of truth now. He looked at Lawen who was in the center of the storm and couldn't say a word.

There was a faint smile on the girl's face, and her lips moved slightly a few times.

Xi Wei could barely make out the mouth shape.

She said 'live'.

"Don't..." Xi Wei reached out to pull the girl out, regardless of the fact that he was still coughing up blood, but it was too late.

In the next instant, the girl's figure was completely engulfed by the storm.

When the storm subsided, her figure had disappeared... (To be continued...)

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