The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 737: Illusory World, Kingdom of Dragons (1)

In the end, Xi Wei still failed to get what he wanted, and let the members of the mercenary group wear the robe uniform of a certain organization that had been destroyed.

But to be honest, now is not the time to care about this.

The eyes of solidified mages and various scouting bugs he left at the human coalition headquarters have almost been wiped out. But before their entire army was annihilated, they still managed to bring back information about the enemy that Dawn was about to face.

Ai Terras, the legendary sorcerer, accomplished a miracle that lowered the temperature of the entire world by nearly ten degrees Celsius.

Although it seemed like a very inconspicuous miracle, it meant that he could almost perfectly control the temperature in an area.

It can be said to be the ultimate of ice and fire.

To him, the glowing fire with a temperature as high as 6,000 degrees Celsius is no different from the small flame on a lighter.

Then on top of that, he took another step and became a legend.

To be honest, if Xi Wei met each other without any preparation, it is estimated that as long as they meet each other, they will be frozen into a popsicle and sent to the headquarters for people to admire...

If it was placed before, Xi Wei would probably try to stay as far away from the Taliesid plain as possible... Wait until the battle of Taliesid begins before he can try to invade it and take advantage of the chaos to complete what he wants to do.

But Xi Wei wasn't too scared now. He didn't even disband the members of Lixiao, but let them continue to hunt the lonely big devil and other creatures.

Because not long ago, a long-awaited copy finally appeared on the system's copy page.

——"Tower of Grinding. Fifth floor"——

Xi Wei touched his head, which was wrapped in a white bandage. The injury he suffered in the war was still painful. Thanks to it, his memory was missing and disconnected.

However, compared to those who injured their arms and legs, or even lost their lives on the battlefield, I can already be considered lucky.

It's a pity that the war is not over yet, this degree of injury can't keep him away from the battlefield that is about to become a meat grinder.

"Xi Wei, how is your head?"

One was about his age, with a dusty face. The dirty-looking girl sat down in the trench next to Xi Wei without hesitation.

"Fortunately, it shouldn't affect the sense of balance."

Xi Wei touched his head again, and said after confirming that it would not affect the subsequent battle.

Humans in this world are very fragile.

They have no magic, no martial arts, no supernatural powers to enhance their strength.

The only thing they have is wisdom and creativity.

Generally speaking, monsters have almost no intelligence and cannot be domesticated. However, some people discovered that there is a kind of biped wyvern that can be cultivated in a special way to serve as a human mount.

Then this kind of mount was used in battle, and the strongest human arms, the dragoons, were born.

Dragoons are a very special profession. Men in this world can't communicate with flying dragons, no matter what kind of method is useless. However, women in this world cannot control flying dragons, and can only drive flying dragons when the two complement each other.

So the so-called dragoons are actually a man and a woman partner.

So did Xi Wei. The girl next to him is his partner, her name is Nuo'er, and she comes from the North Desert Snow Country. According to her, the special flying dragon there can spit out ice blades, which subverts Xi Wei's common sense that "dragons are all fire-breathing/fireballs".

Their mount is an ordinary Wilson green dragon named Fireball.

The Wilson Green Dragon is the most numerous of the basic establishments of their country's dragoons. Belongs to the high-speed assault arms.

This kind of flying dragon is three meters long, and its wingspan is about the same length. It flies extremely fast, but also because of this, the scales on its body are very thin, and its bones are a little weaker than ordinary flying dragons.

It can spit six fireballs a day, and each fireball is powerful enough to set a wooden ship on fire instantly.

If it's just breathing fire, it can last for three minutes. The flame temperature is so high that it can even melt ordinary iron weapons.

It can be said that if this kind of dragon is singled out against humans, no team of archers will be able to hurt a single hair on it—even though flying dragons don't have such things as cold hairs at all...

But this did not give Xi Wei the slightest sense of security.

Their enemies are not humans, but creatures that emerge from the sea, driving sea monsters larger and more dangerous than wyverns.

They are called Naga Siren by humans.

Half a year ago, the Naga Sea-Monsters tore up the peace agreement and found a tide-fiddler sea monster from nowhere. The sea level around the continent rose sharply, and nearly one-seventh of the area was swallowed by the ocean.

And the Naga sea monsters also took this opportunity to launch an attack on humans.

Occupying land is not their purpose. In fact, the area of ​​land that can be occupied in the sea is much larger than that on land. They simply want to rob humans, take their livestock and even themselves for food. Get all those luxury goods and artworks into the sea, decorate your own palace, and destroy all the civilizations that humans have built with great difficulty!

Countries that were still arguing with each other immediately stopped their civil wars. When facing a powerful enemy, human beings shook hands for the first time, united as one, and launched a defensive war.

It's a pity that the physique of human beings is already weaker than that of Naga sea monsters, and the number of sea monsters and sea dragons on the other side is also more than that of human flying dragons.

Most importantly, although it is slower than the crazy rise at the beginning, the sea level is still eroding the living area of ​​human beings bit by bit.

If things go on like this, human beings will face defeat without any surprise...

"Huh?!" Xi Wei came back to his senses and realized that he had thought so far without knowing it.

When did my brain become so easy to use? If it was my former self, I would definitely not think about these messy things, but just accept the orders from above, just like ordinary soldiers, right?

But if the things I just thought about are correct, then is what I'm doing now just in vain?

"What are you thinking? The expression on your face is silly." Nuo'er handed Xi Wei a steamed bun that had become hard: "Hurry up and eat, we don't know when we will be leaving. Those Naga sea monsters It won't give us time to rest."

"Rather than worrying about me, it's better for you to care about the fireball." Xi Wei tore open the steamed bun with great effort, and then returned half to the girl. He knew very well that the other party must not have eaten yet: "Its spit today is almost the same." gone?"

"There are still two fireballs, after that we can only rely on your crossbow bolts."

The girl was not hypocritical, and started to chew on half a steamed bun.

Suddenly, exclamations came from outside the trench.

Xi Wei choked, hit his chest hard, and poked his head out at the same time.

In fact, this place is still in the safe zone. Humans have built high walls to find a piece of peace on the battlefield for themselves.

The trenches are just dug out by habit, and the biggest function is to avoid the wind when sleeping at night.

But now Xi Wei saw a huge sea dragon raised its slender body like a water snake, exceeding the 35-meter-high city wall by a lot for a while, and then its body hit the wall hard, abruptly. A gap was knocked down in the wall made of huge stones!

Afterwards, countless sea monsters stepped on Hai Long's body and rushed in through the gap.

Those who were lucky enough not to be hit by bricks standing near the wall were torn to pieces by sea monsters of various shapes before they could escape!

Xi Wei felt a little sick to his stomach, but more often than not he felt cold all over his body.

He didn't care about other things, he grabbed Nuo'er who was stunned by his feet, and ran towards the dragon shed where they tied the fireball.

At the same time, he also yelled to the other comrades around who were stunned or paralyzed by fright: "Don't stay on the ground! We can't run that kind of thing! Take your partners and prepare to go into the air!"

Hearing his shout, those talents ran to their respective dragon sheds as if they had just woken up from a dream.

Being one of the first to move, the two soon ran up to the restless Fireball.

Helping Nuo'er to get on the back of the flying dragon without steps, Xi Wei climbed up by himself a few times later, and then took out a knife to cut off the tendon rope that tied the fireball.

"Let the fireball take off!"

After giving instructions to Nuo'er who was behind him, Xi Wei tightened the reins with one hand, while with the other hand he took out the bow and crossbow from his pouch behind his back, wound the string with one hand, and asked Nuo'er to help set up the arrow.

When he finished all this, the fireball had climbed to a relatively safe height.

"Are there any sea monsters that can breathe?" Xi Wei asked again.

"I haven't found it yet!" Nuo'er behind him glanced around briefly and replied immediately.

That's good, if there is no sea monster that can breathe out, it means that the opponent has nothing to do with them who have already taken off-unless they will be so stupid that they will enter the range of the opponent's arrow or javelin.

Only now did he have the time to take a good look at the current situation.

Nearly half of the people in the station died at the hands of sea monsters or Naga sea monsters. Some of them reacted too slowly to escape, some were knocked to the ground by their comrades and had no time to get up and run away, and some were frightened by flying dragons. Time has broken the rope, there is no mount to ride...

The super giant sea dragon with a body length of nearly seventy meters that broke through the wall at the other end has now fallen to the ground without a sound. The close relatives of this kind of flying dragon living in the sea are not restricted by gravity, and at the same time, they are also assisted by the buoyancy of the ocean. They are quite large in size, but generally speaking, thirty meters is the extreme. I didn't expect it to be so big. of……

But the bigger the sea dragon is, the greater the load they will be on land. If they leave the ocean for too long, they will die from internal organs rupture.

"Why do sea monsters appear in such a place! The first line of defense!" Xi Wei cursed in a low voice, and the crossbow in his hand had already been shot, killing a dancing Naga sea monster.

At the same time, Nuoer found something on a Naga sea monster...

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