The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 698: Legend of the Dragon Slayer (6)

Finally, the blue dragon roared and flew away, leaving only a messy airport and St. George in despair.

The next day, Xi Wei blocked St. George, who was carrying his luggage, at the back door of the temporary residence.

Wei An is not dead, her vital signs still remain, but she cannot be considered alive because she has lost her soul.

Xi Wei has seen people in this state before - when the ghost disease broke out, Claude, whose soul completely separated from his body, also looked like this.

Not only Wei'an, but also many people who were contaminated by the mist also showed this kind of illness. To be honest, if Xi Wei hadn't acted decisively and thrown most of them into the void as soon as the fog appeared, the number of people whose souls had been usurped would have doubled.

"What are you doing here?" Xi Wei leaned against the wooden door frame and asked the serious St. George.


St. George stared at Xi Wei with a gloomy face, but did not answer.

Xi Wei sighed: "Where's your status as Emperor Sword Knight? Now the entire human temporary residence is in a precarious state. As a knight, can you leave them alone who will be attacked by the Lord of Plague at any time?"

Now the largest airport where humans are temporarily stationed is completely abandoned, dozens of magic ships have also affected Chi Yu and lost their fighting ability, and the whole camp is in panic. With the story of the ancient giant dragon, the plan to ambush the Lord of Plague almost fell through.

"The Lord of Plague won't sneak attack here. It's okay if he just escaped. If he still tries to get involved here after losing his own shadow, then he is just looking for his own death. If it wasn't for the ancient dragon that beat humans If we were caught off guard and only the three of us responded to the enemy, the current situation would not be like this." St. George shook his head and said in a low voice: "As for the status of knight... I have already submitted my resignation to the chief knight."

"In other words, between knights and lovers, did you choose the latter?"

Xi Wei pointed out the essence of St. George's behavior.

"From the time I became a knight servant, I owed Vivian too much." St. George's face was full of pain and bitterness, obviously giving up his knight status was a big blow to him: "A knight can't do anything for his own desires. The best choice is to keep the temporary station stable... But I can't do it, no matter how slim the hope is, I want to try to see if I can bring Wei'an back with my own hands."

Hearing what he said, a slight smile appeared on Xi Wei's face, which had always been stern.

That's right. St. George in mythology is not a knight, but the pioneer of human beings to kill ancient dragons, the legendary dragon slayer!

And Xi Wei doesn't like people who kill all their emotions for the sake of the so-called chivalry. Maybe a person who puts the whole human race first is great, but losing the existence of his own emotions and desires is really a complete one. people?

"In that case, I'll help out a little too."

With that said, Xi Wei stretched out his hand to St. George: "I think I'm quite useful."

"But is it really okay?" St. George didn't accept Xi Wei directly: "You just came here temporarily, so you're not obligated to do such a thing, right?"

"I don't really like that guy named Wei'an... When you're not around, she always leaves me alone and does short-term meditation exercises on her own."

Xi Wei didn't retract his hand, but smiled and continued, "However, we are partners. Isn't that reason enough?"

"It's enough." The gloomy expression on St. George's face finally improved a little. He reached out to hold Xi Wei's hand, and said affirmatively, "Very well."

After formally accepting Xi Wei's joining, the two began to move in the direction of the dragon flying away.

It was said to save Vivian (and other humans whose souls had been taken), but St. George could only think of defeating the dragon. Although I don't know if it will be useful, but it's better to do it first.

Xi Wei was also very curious about this situation.

What's more, it might be able to solve the problem of ghost disease that has plagued him for a long time.

However, compared to St. George who specializes in combat magic and arcane art, Xi Wei obviously has more experience in survival and tracking in the wild...Although they are all forced out by dungeons.

"Ancient dragons...I mean that most of the ancient dragons are relatively proud and don't hide their magic power. So if you use the magic of 'Strong Enemy Probe' at this time, you can easily find the direction of the opponent. "

While releasing a few strange pointer-shaped magic, Xi Wei explained: "Because in the previous battle, all the perception and analysis work was handed over to Wei An, presumably your perception is not the battle after that I will try my best to be responsible for its perception, so you just let go and fight."

"Speaking of which, Xi Wei, you are actually a great magician, right?"

St. George stroked his chin. Looking at the pointers that were constantly spinning with interest, he asked Xi Wei at the same time.

"Why do you think so?" Xi Wei asked curiously.

Since traveling to this era, Xi Wei has always been careful not to reveal his identity as a great magician, and the only time that he might reveal his identity, the Void Demon Sword, was not launched in the end.

"Didn't you perform quadruple enchantment on my sword before? Temporary enchantment is one of the magics that test the most control. The difficulty of each additional enchantment will increase geometrically, not to mention that your enchanted object is still me. A flame-shaped sword made of demon-hating metal."

Temporary enchantment also belongs to combat magic, so St. George, who is also proficient in it, explained.

Only then did Xi Wei feel relieved. It turned out that he had let it all out on this little magic that he hadn't noticed.

Fortunately, this era is originally an era in which there are as many great magicians as dogs, and legendary great magicians walk everywhere... Well, although it is a bit exaggerated, compared with later generations, the number of powerful people in this era is really not the same. language.

So even seeing such a young great magician as Xi Wei, St. George was not too surprised.

"That's right, I'm a great magician who came out to travel. It's just that I didn't expect to encounter such exciting things as soon as I showed up."

Xi Wei said half-truthfully.

"That was really hard work, but this is how this era is." St. George also smiled on his face: "This is the most dangerous, but also the greatest era!"

Xi Wei deeply agrees with this.

Throughout the entire history of mankind, there is probably no period that is more turbulent and magnificent than the age of mythology.

But now is not the time to talk about this, because the 'powerful enemy probes' he cast all pointed in the same direction.

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