The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 692: St. George

The Emperor Sword Knights is a very famous organization in the Age of Mythology.

They belonged directly to Alexander, the Emperor of Magic, and were composed of more than a hundred high-level magicians who had transferred to magic swordsmen. In the age of mythology, many hero-level legends were left behind.

In fact, even after Alexander's death, the establishment of this knight order still existed. It wasn't until the middle of the Great Migration that humans were stopped by the coalition forces of centaurs and night elves, and the Emperor Sword Knights were responsible for the rear of all humans, and this was the tragic end.

According to legend, the Last Emperor Sword Knights, which had only 182 members at that time, forcibly blocked the nearly 180,000 coalition forces of the two races for a whole month, and it was still under the condition that the two races were strong. Fighting unyieldingly to the death, the whole army was wiped out in the end.

Since then, there has never been an organization like the Emperor Sword Knight in the several big countries formed by the split of the Alexander Empire.

The golden moon hanging high in the sky, and the Emperor Sword Knight who suddenly appeared, all showed Xi Wei a certain fact.

He... seems to have traveled back to the age of mythology without relying on the academy's dungeon system.

At the same time, he finally understood what was going on with the ambiguous and subtle connection with his other self.

I'm afraid that the current situation is that I and my other self hundreds or even thousands of years later have only one life.

If he dies here, the traces of his existence in this era will disappear, and through the effect of double existence, he will be resurrected to the original era.

If he himself died in that era, he would also disappear from that era, and be pulled to this era by the effect of dual existence.

If you think about it this way, it seems that you can directly commit suicide and go back to the city now... Cough, I mean to go back to the original era, and not taking any risks is the best choice.

However, magicians are also a group known for their thirst for knowledge. As a member, they naturally have extraordinary interests in the history hidden in the mist thousands of years ago.

After thinking about it again and again, he still didn't make any strange moves to hit the monster and return to the city. Instead, he quietly followed the members of the Emperor Sword Knights who were escorting the demons, and headed towards the nearby human gathering place.

Probably out of safety considerations, the Knights of the Emperor Sword did not let Xi Wei sit on the horse. Two of them had already galloped back to the gathering place, probably reporting the incident to the people in power over there. The others led the horse and the swollen abyssal demon, and moved forward slowly with Xi Wei.

Along the way, Xi Wei got a lot of information from the knight walking beside him.

But it's different from those paladins whose heads are filled with holy light in the pure white sanctuary. The members of the Emperor Sword Knights were originally magicians, and their brains were relatively good. The other party had already seen Xi Wei's intentions, so most of the information revealed was not important.

Some time ago, the Lord of Plague who was going to the ancient forest was severely injured, and the hand he lost in the high elves was not able to get back. As a result, its strength was greatly damaged, and it had to start looking for a way to retreat. However, at this time, humans occupied the place where the gate of the abyss was opened and completely blocked the space crack. This made the Lord of Plague find other ways to escape from the mainland battlefield .

The great prophet Merlin Qiyao predicted the place where the Lord of Plague would pass. The main mission of the Emperor Sword Knights this time is before the Lord of Plague appears. Move all people on that route to safety.

At the same time, let the heroes of the human alliance ambush each other on the path.

When he heard this, Xi Wei understood why those abyssal demons were so fearless - it seemed that they had been infected by the plague lord's special plague, and maybe even their self-awareness had become very blurred. .

The Lord of Plague's intention to release these demons in such a big way, apart from investigating, is probably to announce to humans that it already knows about their actions and doesn't care about their ambush.

It was precisely because of this that the members of the Emperor Sword Knights did not keep this operation a secret, and told Xi Wei most of the situation.

"Your strength is very good. Do you want to join our Emperor Sword Knights?"

Then, the knight who had a good chat with Xi Wei suddenly invited him.

Xi Wei was stunned for a moment, and asked in disbelief, "Aren't you afraid that I'm a spy from the abyss?"

"My armor is made of righteousness stone." The knight knocked on his breastplate and made a bang sound: "Although it is not as sensitive as the magic of 'detect evil' and 'hostile detection', it can still distinguish Out of friend and foe."

He opened his mouth and showed a sunny smile, looking quite handsome: "You don't have an evil aura about you. The righteousness stone also resonates with you to a certain extent, which shows that you at least admit that you are a human being." .So as a human being, why should we hesitate to fight against demons together?"

Unexpectedly, he was still soliciting others before time travel, but after time travel. It becomes someone else's solicitation.

Xi Wei turned his face away, he was not used to staring at men.

Especially the kind of man who is obviously several percentage points more handsome than him...

"Pfft haha, Commander Knight, you are hated by others!" A much stronger knight next to him laughed.

Because of his words, the surrounding knights also showed good-natured smiles, and even the man who solicited Xi Wei smiled shyly.

"Ah, it's a bit late to ask, but may I know your name?"

Xi Wei immediately handed out a step for the other party to step down.

The other party also showed a grateful smile, and then replied: "My name is St. George Ascalon."

Xi Wei's smiling face froze for a moment.

Unexpectedly, this handsome guy is also a famous character in mythology!

St. George Ascalon, honored as the dragon slayer, is also considered one of the heroes of the age of mythology. His most famous achievement is to defeat the evil black dragon Acharius who betrayed mankind by himself. He became famous with him, but also There is his flame-shaped sword 'Flame of Notoriety'.

It was from that time that the flaming sword became the signature weapon of dragonslayers.

Later, the descendants of St. George (self-proclaimed) opened the St. Doragon Academy with the support of the Horngolat Empire, and based on legends, they developed the four-ring magic that can harm dragons. Fire. Ascalon'.

In mythology, St. George's fate was the same as that of other heroes. He participated in the final battle - the Battle of Taliesid, and disappeared in that battle without any news...

PS: The E1 madhouse has been discharged, please rest assured.

By the way, it took me 2 days to play E1 with a level 97 trumpet, and only an hour with a level 20 trumpet... Damn, this is not flexible difficulty, it is purely Kadokawa tossing old players!

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