The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 669: Eat, Sleep, Black Sad Wind...

Although it is said to be an investigation, but in the absence of any clues, it is naturally impossible to talk about specific investigations.

In Yiwen Jielin's words, "Don't just think about investigating, just think of it as playing, and if something goes wrong, you can find it naturally."

Don't underestimate the investigation, bastard, how can this kind of thing be so simple!

Xi Wei sighed involuntarily.

"Is this cake not to your liking, Airi? Why not?"

Evangeline asked inarticulately while holding a spoon in her mouth without a princess look.

In front of her was a small plate of Montblanc cake that looked very delicious, and the cream that served as the decoration on the cake had been dug out a little. In contrast, in front of Xi Wei was a small plate of Val cake that was still intact (Val is a fruit similar to kiwi).

In addition, beside Evangeline, there were several piles of empty plates, and the remaining cream on them exuded a sweet smell.

Although Val's green flesh was plump and appetizing, Xi Wei really wasn't in the mood to taste it.

Why, after experiencing the destruction of Endymion and the attempted assassination by a young girl, which is unlikely for ordinary people to encounter in a lifetime, why do I not try to find the enemy, but eat dessert in the cake shop?

Is this gap too big? !

"I said Yiwen... well, Yilin, you are also a duke after all... Cough, the duke's daughter, why do you like dessert so much, and why do you come here to eat it?"

"Sure enough, Ai Li, you don't understand at all!"

The girl let out a wonderful laugh of 'huhuhu', and then asked Xi Wei: "How do people feel after eating delicious desserts?"

Xi Wei felt a little troubled by this nonsensical question.

After thinking for a few seconds, he replied in an uncertain tone: "Will you get fat?"

Yiwen Jielin shivered as if she had been hit by something, and then said bravely: "This, this kind of distant future is put aside for now..."

"It turns out that you yourself are aware of what will happen in the future..." Xi Wei continued to complain subconsciously.

"So, that's why I said. Put that aside in advance, I'm asking the most intuitive impression!"

The girl's tone sounded a little annoyed.

"Um, will it feel very sweet?"

Xi Wei was embarrassed for a while, then tentatively replied.

"Yes, it will be very sweet."

Unexpectedly, this time, Yiwen Jielin nodded with a serious face.

"All human beings are sugar-loving creatures. When we eat something sweet, there is always a wonderful sense of happiness, and it is the sacred and great mission of dessert to make everyone feel this sense of happiness. Yes, dessert is justice!"

Oops, there are too many slots, and I don’t know where to spit it out...

Xi Wei, who felt that he was about to become a dead fish, sighed again, and whispered, "I'm a salty party."

But Evan Jielin, who was immersed in her own world, didn't seem to hear his words.

"By the way. Were you like this before?"

When the girl came back to her senses, Xi Wei asked casually: "I remember you used to be... how should I put it, you were more tactful, you always focused on being decent, somewhat reserved, and kept a certain distance from everyone. It has a very aristocratic feel."

"Don't be so secretive, don't you just want to say that I used to be hypocritical?"

Yiwen Jielin said loudly.

This made Xi Wei a little embarrassed.

"I didn't say that...well, it's just a bit hypocritical at best."

"Hmph, it's over anyway."

Yiwen Jielin was quite open-minded, and snorted, but didn't pursue it.

Then she put down the spoon, as if remembering something. His eyes were a little hazy, and there was a faint smile on his face: "Actually, I am surprised by the changes in myself. In the past, no matter what, I couldn't do the seemingly inappropriate behavior of sneaking out of the castle just to eat dessert. It's a reliable thing."

The golden hair hangs down from her ears, and the sun shines through the parasol and sprinkles on the girl with a gentle smile, which makes people feel that she is as beautiful as a painting.

"Ah, I didn't really like eating desserts before. You know, meals in the court must be strictly in accordance with etiquette, whether it's a main meal or a snack. The heavy and trivial etiquette made me unable to taste the taste of food at all. Until I came to Ai Derek, I just found out that there is another face to this world. Although the life that can be described as lazy makes people feel a bit inappropriate, it is more of a sense of relaxation.”

The smile on her face became more cheerful. Even just looking at her can make people feel happy.

"Do you know? The first time I ate dessert at Edric, it was actually Miss Fleur's treat. At that time, I accidentally bumped into the movie "The Evil Dragon (♂) and the Squirrel (♂)"——Sad Miss Fleur from The Love History of the Wind, the flustered Ms. Fleur invited me a dessert as hush money."

Hey, is it really okay to speak out so easily after being charged a hush money?

...In addition, it turns out that the holy silver sword Ji Fulei is a rotten girl. No wonder she looked at me and Claude so strangely last time.

Xi Wei silently made a decision in his heart to 'keep a certain distance from a certain Holy Silver Sword Girl in the future'.

"It's just that at that time, I still followed court etiquette and ate desserts slowly. But Miss Fleur said that eating like that would not taste like dessert at all, and then she just rolled up a piece of puff and stuffed it in At that time, my first thought should be 'that would be too rude', but seeing Miss Fleur's happy expression, I unknowingly let go of the rules and regulations of court etiquette , I started to eat like her. It was the best dim sum I have ever eaten in my life."

For some reason, the smile on the girl's face gave Xi Wei a warm feeling in his heart: "Ah... I accidentally told Miss Fleur's little secret, it's really troublesome, but you won't make it difficult for me, Airi." Did it right?"

She covered her mouth with her hands, her eyes narrowed happily, and there was no trace of trouble on her face. Xi Wei could only smile wryly at the girl who winked at him playfully.

In the end, Evangeline concluded just that.

"Edrick College is an incredible place to be able to make it so enjoyable for everyone."


Why do I always feel that you mean that people who enter Edric will become funny...

"What's wrong, you have such a serious face?" The girl asked curiously after noticing Sylvana's subtle expression.

"It's nothing, I just think it's time to manage the ethos of the academy."

Xi Wei said righteously.

Evangeline didn't seem to be interested in this, she just shrugged her shoulders and said nothing more.

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