The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 634

Anchidu is a city with a very long history.

It is said that when humans came to the eastern plains through great migration, there were already architectural ruins here. The first group of people who came here just renovated those ruins and lived here, and they have lived here until now.

But a long history does not mean that its development is good. In fact, not to mention a powerful city like Hoengolat, even some of the countryside in Huolian are better than this ancient city.

If it had to be said, it was probably only slightly better than Morag, whose source of the plague had not yet been sealed.

Xi Wei opened his eyes with a slight smile on his lips.

Just now, another father went to Riddle's village by himself to help heal the little guy.

Even if he didn't look at the magic mirror in the dean's room, Xi Wei could see from Riddle's eyes that the little guy had a stronger sense of belonging to Edric.

Of course he then sent Riddle to sweep the academy square.

What made him happy was that, including the other three monitors and several members of the black class, many students who were still in the academy spontaneously helped Riddle clean up the academy after learning the whole story. square.

Xi Wei was very moved by this, and then punished Kamiyu to run around the square ten times.

When he was helping, this guy also planned to throw fart medicine into Xi Wei's dinner - this is an alchemy potion that Kamiyu made up by himself. After drinking it, he will fart more than once, but it will not cause any harm to the body.

After breaking off the thoughts that were synchronized with his other self, Xi Wei showed an expression as if he had recovered.

Then he flicked his fingers lightly.

Not far away, a skinny guy suddenly fell to the ground. Clutching his hands, he rolled on the ground. One side screamed.

A bulging money bag fell out of his chest.

Pain fraud. Although this arcane technique, Xi Wei, has not been used much after learning it, it is undeniable that this kind of magic that can deceive the human body's senses, causing people to feel intense pain out of thin air, or making people feel no pain is very practical.

Xi Wei strolled slowly to the other party's side like a leisurely stroll, picked up the money bag and stuffed it back into his arms: "In the future, keep your eyes open when stealing things. Not every magician is as easy-talking as I am."

After coming to Anqidu, this was the third time Xi Wei had been stolen.

The first two stolen items were an emergency scepter and a silver magic bracelet.

Because I always feel a little uncomfortable when my magic items are being moved around. Xi Wei simply took a money bag from his storage box and took it with him.

Sure enough, the third thief stopped stealing magic items, but aimed at the money bag.

And Xi Wei didn't show mercy anymore, and made him suffer once.

The gazes of many people around have converged. After hearing the word 'magician', the few hooligans who seemed to be a bit fierce at first, as if they were about to rush over at any time, immediately became more honest and acted like they didn't know that miserable thief.

Even for these desperadoes, the identity of a magician is a huge deterrent—no matter how desperadoes just move their lips, they can kill you. And in the end, ninety-nine percent will not have any responsibility. If you lose your life casually and get nothing, isn't it too cost-effective?

Regardless of these troublemakers in peacetime and bandits in chaotic times, Xi Wei turned around one after another brick and stone street corners according to the information he got from the caravan under his command. After walking through one stone bridge after another, I finally found the destination of this trip.

It was an apartment house that exuded an old and decaying atmosphere even from the facade.

Not only this house, but even the surrounding buildings are in disrepair, with holes in the windows, and the walls are covered with ivy and cracks. No matter when it collapses, it is not surprising.

He didn't push the door straight in, but went around to the side of the apartment. He found the only blue brick on the wall made of red bricks, stretched out his index finger, and tapped it lightly three times.

Although there was no change in the wall, Xi Wei felt a faint fluctuation of magic power from above.

After thinking for a while, he stretched out his hand towards the wall brick. But this time, he failed to touch the blue bricks, and his whole hand fell into the wall.

"As expected..."

Xi Wei understood.

After the signal was correct just now, a door opening appeared on the wall in front of him, but the illusion on it did not disappear, so it seemed that there was no change—the ordinary brick wall, after hundreds of years of ups and downs, It must be dilapidated, at least one piece of it is mottled, but the wall in front of it is too brand new, at most it has just been built for a year or two.

He suddenly showed a smile: Why do you think so much, this time I came to An Qidu not to study illusion magic.

So after confirming the size of the invisible hole on the wall in front of him, he bent down and walked in.

Inside are the steps leading to the ground, and the road is so dark that you can't see anything.

However, with the help of his dark vision that he has just been tinkering with recently, Xi Wei can clearly see that there are many murals painted on the walls on both sides, and several of them seem to have been directly moved by someone from somewhere, and then built on the walls .

The further you go, the more bloody and brutal the paintings on the wall become.

When Xi Wei discovered that there was light at the end of the passage, there were no murals on the walls on both sides. Instead, there were humans built into the walls with painful expressions!

They seemed to have been cast by some kind of magic, and they kept their movements and expressions before death stiff, looking extremely terrifying.

Even people without dark vision can naturally see what is on the walls on both sides after getting used to the darkness after getting down the road in front of them...

Before seeing the target this time, the momentum fell to the bottom because of the 'human flesh murals' on both sides. Probably most people who come here will have such an experience.

After finally walking through the passage, what was displayed in front of Xi Wei was an extremely huge room, and a person who occupied a lot of space in this huge room. It looked a bit like an ant queen, but its upper body was more like an earthworm with a human face. Creepy Horror Creatures!

"Are you the old worm?"

Xi Wei tried to ask in Abyssal Language.

"I didn't expect to hear this language after so many years. But you don't need to accommodate me to use this language, young strongman. I have lived in the human world for hundreds of years, and I am sure that I can speak the Shumen language no better than You are bad."

Said the strange creature with a human face but with wrinkles all over its face.

"Okay then, I have some questions for you."

Xi Wei also said straight to the point: "I know the rules here, I have a lot of good things, I guarantee you have never seen them before!"

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