The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 615 Underground War, Lost Roots (4)

A goblin hangs melon bulbs strung with vines on the threshold of the tree burl where he lives, and serves as a part of the door curtain, and at the same time, it can be dried faster and turned into food reserves.

Originally, this kind of thing should be done on the ground, but now there are many tall people stationed not far away, and the Goblin King Kabala has also issued a death order not to go out at will, so he can only hang here.

After finishing these things, when it was about to visit the two subterranean guinea pigs it kept in captivity, the whole cave seemed to shake.

The magnitude of the vibration was not large, and it was only a momentary matter. If it weren't for the melon bulbs at the door still shaking, I'm afraid it wouldn't be able to determine whether it made a mistake.

After waiting for a while, nothing else happened. When it thought it was just an occasional earthquake, a more violent shock came, and the ground seemed to twitch. About to fall to the ground.

What happened? !

Its small brain is desperately trying to understand the current situation, but because it doesn't know where the source of the vibration is, all it can do is look around.

So it saw a scene that made it unbelievable.

The wall of Kabbalah's root palace protruded in vain, and immediately the sound of wood fiber breaking was heard endlessly. Two black shadows smashed through the raised wall and flew out of the bulbous palace suspended in mid-air. It smashed a big pothole on the ground, and drew back a long distance before barely stopping!


Xi Wei wobbled a few times, but managed to stand still.

He and Holo successfully entered the palace of the goblin king Kabala with the help of the disappearing dust. But different from the plan, the other party could easily detect them, and even pretended not to notice them, and then suddenly launched an attack when they approached.

The Goblin King's attack doesn't have much to say. It was just a mace made of someone's leg bone, but such a crude physical attack smashed through Holo's Blessing of the Night and Xi Wei's magic shield one after another, forcing the two of them directly. Blast out the Burl Palace!

This undoubtedly shows that no matter the opponent's strength or the thigh bone is a fearsome existence.

At least Xi Wei had never heard of a barbarian or berserker who could break through a magic shield purely by force...

"Can you still move?"

Xi Wei asked in a harsh voice.

He felt that he must have broken several ribs, and maybe there were bones stuck in the internal organs. The right hand that subconsciously blocked was also completely unconscious, and the bones were probably broken into pieces.

"I'm afraid the concubine is about to return to her original body... Sorry, I can't help you."

Holo's voice sounded a little off, too.

After all, the animal-eared girl stood a little ahead of him at that time, and she should have been hit harder.

She looked crumbling, her skin was covered with bruises, and bright red blood was gurgling from a wound that had been cut at some point.

After hearing the words, Xi Wei gave her a bottle of life potion.

So she immediately revived in full condition.

"How many good things do you still have... It's unbelievable that you are a human being! Just because I know that your collection is as precious as a dragon's nest."

Holo gasped in admiration while holding the empty bottle.

The breath of Cerberus rose again. Let the goblins around who want to take advantage of it stay silent and dare not step forward.

"This is different from those alchemy potions. The production process is cumbersome and complicated, and the input cost is huge. One bottle is used and one bottle is less."

Xi Wei talked nonsense in a serious manner.

In fact, the amount of potions of this type in his storage box has almost reached triple digits—since he entered the level of a great magician, the intensity of the battle has also risen sharply. He almost kills the enemy in seconds or the enemy kills him in seconds. There is no chance to use potions, so it is no wonder that they will accumulate more and more.

Holo snorted softly, and didn't care whether Xi Wei was telling the truth, but the expression on her face became serious, and she looked at the figure slowly approaching not far away.

"When did humans and orcs get so close?"

Carrying a mace made of the thighbone of an unknown creature on his shoulders, the Goblin King Kabbalah seemed not at all surprised that they had recovered in such a short period of time. Instead, he said sarcastically.

It seems that this guy also has a certain degree of understanding of the racial pattern on the ground.

It's a pity that it still gets it wrong. It was true that Xi Wei was a human, but Holo was not an orc, so it was doomed that its ridicule would return in vain.

The moment he realized that Xi Wei and Holo had no intention of responding, and instead started casting spells together, Kabbalah's khaki big foot kicked the ground, and at the same time the huge reaction force lifted the ground, it also turned into a burst of black The whirlwind appeared directly in front of the two of them (or one person and one dog?), holding up the mace and smashing it down!

It's just that Xi Wei's force field wall has been completed at this time. The force field blocks are connected in series by the line of law, forming the strongest shield in the knowledge of ordinary magicians.

However, this cognition will be broken today.

That thigh bone was like breaking glass. The force field wall was smashed into pieces easily, and the price paid was only that the speed of the downward swing was hindered, and it was only slightly slowed down!

But this is enough, Holo's poisonous fire from hell has already burned the opponent's body!

Before they could be happy, the opponent's bone hammer had already hit the ground. The aroused shock wave directly sent the two of them flying, and each crashed into two burl houses by the roadside.

Those goblins who originally just wanted to take advantage of the fire, but now changed their jobs to watch soy sauce, were stunned by the shock caused by that blow, and they couldn't even stand still.

Then Kabbalah tore off the piece of meat that was burning with raging green flames, threw it aside without frowning, and let the purple blood flow, just striding towards Holo. to the burl house.

Fuck, even if it's a dragonborn, it's a little too fierce!

Seeing this scene, Xi Wei, who walked out while leaning on the wall, couldn't help thinking a little stunned.

But now is not the time to be emotional, Holo doesn't have any extra potions, if she gets used again, that girl will probably turn into dumpling stuffing.

Xi Wei didn't plan to eat the dumplings stuffed with three-headed dogs, so he threw the big disintegration technique at the opponent directly, but he was resisted by the opponent's magic resistance as he expected.

It's just that this time also brought the other party's hatred to himself.

"Holo, run!" Xi Wei pulled out a wand, confronted the goblin king Kabala and shouted at the same time: "Don't think I don't know... If you die here, even if you Erberus recreated a clone, which is completely different from you!"

"What about you?" Holo propped open a hell thorn, pricked the surrounding goblins crying for father and mother, and at the same time ignored the possibility of attracting Kabala's attention again, and asked loudly.

"Don't worry, I won't die!"

What responded to his words was the gradually enlarged femur mace in his eyes...

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