The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 525: Fierce Battle in the Grassland (1)

"Jin, why are there so many fewer centaurs in the tribe today?" Xi Wei, who had nothing to do, casually took out a treasure-level magic wand from the storage box for maintenance, and asked the centaur boy who was still practicing spellcasting .

Usually, the Iron Hoof Tribe is quite lively, although not bustling, but today it is extraordinarily quiet. After a little perception, Xi Wei found that most of the stables in the tribe were empty.

"I don't know. But if my father didn't tell me, it's probably not a big deal. Maybe it's a group hunting or something."

Wiping off his sweat, the centaur boy carefully manipulated the flame on his finger, and twisted it into an S-shape and a B-shape for a while as Xi Wei taught him.

Although the young centaur gained the magic power in just a few days through the teaching method of seedling cultivation, he had to put in much more effort in the stage of controlling and casting spells than a person who slowly learned and cultivated the magic power by himself. .

Fortunately, Xi Wei is not that kind of irresponsible teacher. Now the training that Gene is conducting is equivalent to repairing the past, which can help him master the manipulation of magic power as soon as possible.

"Group hunting?"

Xi Wei flew aside a grass fairy bullet that was probably drunk from the nectar brewed by himself and flew to his nose. Spring is approaching, and these grass spirits can be seen everywhere on the grassland. A little thing that is more common for drafting elves - he muttered with some doubts.

Centaurs are omnivorous creatures, but they prefer vegetarian food to meat, and the life of the past few days has also made Xi Wei understand that the staple food of this group of centaurs is a creature called Morolo. Plant roots similar to potatoes are produced all year round and can be seen everywhere, so centaurs don't have to worry about rations at all.

By the way, the taste of that thing is a bit like a potato mixed with soil crumbs, which is not tasty to Xi Wei at all.

"I remember that you still have a lot of smoked meat stored?" Xi Wei asked again: "Since the reserves are sufficient, is it necessary to carry out such a large-scale hunting?"

Although the hardness and taste of that kind of bacon can already be regarded as anti-human...

"Well," Gene stopped practicing, with a confused expression on his face: "Teacher, it's a bit strange for you to say that... Could it be to maintain the feeling of fighting? That's why I specially organized this kind of activity What about it? After all, until the deadline agreed with you is reached, our family will remain idle in the tribe.”

"Besides that, Gene, I have another question for you."

Xi Wei threw the magic wand in his hand that would drive 30% of the magicians in the entire Eastern Plains crazy after throwing it back into the storage box, and looked at the ignorant centaur boy: "Your father is the kind who wants to hold events." .Are you an idiot who casually withdraws all the defense forces at home?"

"How could my father make such a mistake...Wait a minute. Teacher, are you saying that our tribe doesn't even have security forces now?" The expression on Gene's face after regaining his senses and understanding the meaning of Xi Wei's words turned into shock.

Blessed himself with a floating technique. Xi Wei slowly floated towards the sky and looked around with a wide field of vision, but he did not find any young and middle-aged members of the Iron Hoof tribe around.

But Xi Wei had plenty of experience anyway. The experienced great magician found some clues easily.

"There are signs of lodging in the grass in the northeast. Judging from the extent of the lodging, many people should have passed there recently."

"Northeast? Isn't that where the goblins gather!"

Gene's eyes widened in disbelief.

"That's right." The expression on Xi Wei's face also turned cold: "I'm afraid your father couldn't wait to see the results of your training, so he took your clansmen directly to the goblins to die."

The centaur boy was stunned for a while, and then a firm look appeared in his eyes.

"Sorry, teacher." He slightly bent his front legs and bowed to Xi Wei.

"Beforehand, don't expect me to help your people. Since they have discarded my advice and agreement, they should be prepared to return home in a disastrous defeat."

After feeling the magic coordinates on the Goblin King and finding that nothing had changed, Xi Wei said coldly.

Even Xi Wei couldn't catch the horror of the goblin sea, let alone those centaurs.

Unless the Iron Hoof tribe has a way to gather all the centaurs, grassland elf tribes, and creatures with similar combat power in the entire New Green Grassland, it will be able to compete with the Goblin Sea.

"Of course I know what you mean, teacher, and I don't mean to ask you to help my compatriots." The centaur boy was not at all surprised by Xi Wei's indifferent words. During the period of studying with Xi Wei, originally The insolent and passionate Gene also had a lot of new experiences. Although his general personality has not changed, he has calmed down a lot compared to before, so now he also knows very clearly that the centaurs have made a mistake this time: "I just hope that you can allow me to go to the battlefield to help my father as a child."

Unlike the relatively loose teacher-student relationship in the magic academy, generally speaking, the centaur's teacher-student concept of one-on-one teaching is more similar to the feeling of "a teacher for a day and a father for life" of the wandering mage.

So even if he wanted to go to the battlefield immediately, Gene suppressed his anxiety and asked Xi Wei for instructions.

"This is your own will and has nothing to do with me."

"Understood, teacher, goodbye."

Even though he knew that going to the battlefield this time would be dangerous, but he still went there resolutely for the sake of his father. I have to say that Gene is indeed a good boy.

How about secretly following him to protect him and prevent this rare filial student from dying? Xi Wei thought in his heart.

But soon he rejected his idea.

Regardless of whether Gene, who has been under his wing and has not experienced setbacks, can grow up well, just by arriving on the battlefield and seeing the miserable appearance of the centaurs, Xi Wei is not sure that he will not rescue him—— In this way, wouldn't Ma's words just slap herself in the face?

"Wait a minute." In the end, Xi Wei sighed a long time: "I will definitely not do it myself."

He set a major premise first, and then continued: "However, I will set up a magic formation on the Mushan grassland—the grassland we went to practice two days ago—and you can activate the formation with your flames. If you can, lure the enemy there, and it will also happen to let your clansmen see the results of your hard work. If there is no problem, then take your magic device."

"Thank you, teacher!" Gene said with surprise on his face, "I, Gene Iron Hoof, will never disgrace your reputation!" (To be continued...)

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