The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 513: The Wind of Magic on the Grassland (The title Tsundere is not cute at all)

Goblins are cowardly and cowardly creatures. The reason why they can form a considerable combat power like now is entirely because of the relationship of the Goblin King in disguise.

In other words, as long as the Goblin King is eliminated, everything will be easy.

After the centaur warriors found out where the Goblin King was, that is, the cave, Xi Wei quickly drew up a plan.

The plan is not complicated. If goblins are compared to ants, then the king of goblins is equivalent to the queen of ants, and the underground cave means the nest of ants.

Individual ants are not terrible, but once they form an astonishing number, even ferocious beasts cannot compete with them.

If you want to kill the queen, you must first lure those ants away.

To lure most of the goblins out of the lair, you must have enough bait. The main force of the centaur clan was naturally the one who acted as this kind of bait.

Apparently, they did a good job, attracting almost all the low-level goblins.

Just like in addition to the worker ants, there are also soldier ants in the ant nest who are responsible for guarding the queen. There are also many mutant goblins with full combat effectiveness left in the goblin's underground cave and its vicinity.

At this time, another special operations team was needed to conduct a surprise attack from other directions to attract the attention of those goblins.

I don't know if it's out of Bruno's selfishness, most of the members of this team are centaurs with different surnames. Unlike the centaurs of the Ironhoof tribe, most of these centaurs from other tribes that were destroyed in the Salvation War were rebellious and did not obey orders. Obviously, as long as you touch the mutated goblin, you will retreat. But they relied on their bravery, and ended up in a dilemma.

Fortunately, in this way, they also more fully completed the work of luring the enemy.

So Xi Wei went straight through the front and back, one big and one small battlefields, and came directly to the top of the goblin cave...

The Goblin King is also a Goblin, and has inherited that timid and cowardly nature. Even with the full use of decoy tactics, it still left many high-level mutant Goblins on standby in that cave to prevent anyone from taking advantage of the current attack. The Goblin King is assassinated.

If they were still in the state of a great magician, those so-called 'advanced' mutant goblins would be scumbags in front of Xi Wei. However, for him at the moment, it was considered quite an obstacle.

But Xi Wei is not a saint. There is absolutely no need to follow the road set by the enemy like those few bronze Xiaoqiangs. If this road is blocked, why not just take another road?

Through the scouting beetles carried by the centaur warriors who came to scout, but died here in the end. After searching the exact location of the Goblin King. Xi Wei didn't need to walk slowly from the cave entrance at all. Just use magic to penetrate the ground directly on the head of the Goblin King, go in and execute the beheading action, and it will be ok.

So those mutated goblins and various traps guarding the checkpoints cried...

Facts have proved that although the Goblin King's head is smarter than ordinary Goblins. But it's still a lot worse than humans. The Goblin King, who was stunned by Xi Wei's surprise attack, didn't even have time to react, so he was slapped on the face by Xi Wei's card, and the matter was sealed...

Your interference has affected the original direction of the event, and you have gained 5 points of causality.

You have unlocked a new card, please check it in your card package.

You have unlocked a new card, please check it in your card package.

You have unlocked a new card, please don't continue to make up the word count.

Skipping a series of card rewards without mentioning them, Xi Wei directly pulled the system information to the end, and saw a message like this:

The causal chain "The Return of the Goblin King", the "cause" has been achieved, and the "effect" has been opened, please go to the task page to inquire.

After seeing this message, he finally felt at ease—although he seemed a little sorry for being a boss, but it seems that the Goblin King does not have a second form or a third form, and there will be a sudden turning point out of print...

So he opened the task panel again, and the original bright red task on it turned into a normal green.

Causality Chain: 'The Return of the Goblin King'

due to (completed)

Fruit (in progress): Over the millennium, the Goblin King wakes up from the seal and comes to this world again. Please destroy the centaurs before the Goblin King destroys them.

Reward: The reward for success in this causal chain is contingent upon completion

Punishment: reduce one life tick, and permanently halve the upper limit of fatigue value

Remarks: 'Oh no, why are there so many goblins suddenly? ! ’—Centaur scout Kuruta Ironhoof

"Sure enough, the second half of this task needs to return to the real world to do it..."

After confirming his guess, Xi Wei, who was in a good mood, used the effect of the levitation card to fly out of the cave above the hole he blasted out of, and then drew out the three-ringed fire elemental magic 'Gate of Fire' from the cards he had just obtained. , Drag out more than a dozen soul fireballs from the Fire Elemental Plane, and directly blow up the goblins who have just recovered their sanity, and run away in all directions, which can be regarded as a complete solution to this incident.

— half an hour later —

"Mr. Edric, are you really leaving so soon?" the centaur boy Nieman Zhanhuo asked with some reluctance.

Behind him, many centaurs spontaneously came to say goodbye to Xi Wei.

"Well, because there are other things waiting for me to do."

Xi Wei stood on tiptoe (...) and touched the centaur boy's head.

Even though he is nearly two meters tall and has experienced many wars with his father, Nieman is still just a child.

"Also, my you know where my father is now?"

After hesitating for a while, Nieman finally asked: "Although I understand that the secrets of the past should not be casually told to such a small character, but if possible, can you at least tell me, is my father okay now?"

"About this, I'm sorry." Xi Wei apologized first: "For some reason, I didn't participate in the battle of Taliesin to the end, so I actually don't know the whereabouts of your father."

Seeing the other party's disappointment, Xi Wei couldn't help comforting him: "However, with your father's strength, I don't think it would be so easy to die. Maybe he is watching you right now."

Although Xi Wei didn't remember that he knew Ares Zhan Huo or anything like that, but in every child's heart, his father was an omnipotent hero, and of course there would be no sense of disobedience when he said this.

"Well, I will continue to sharpen myself in the Iron Hoof Tribe. When I grow up, I will definitely travel the world like you and continue to look for him."

The young man wiped his eyes and put a smile on his face again: "At that time, Mr. Edric, we will definitely meet again."

Xi Wei also nodded.

A breeze blows across the vast grassland, humans and centaurs look at each other, and then, there may never be a day when they will meet each other.

"Ah, by the way, Mr. Edric, listen to me, if you haven't decided on your itinerary, you can go to the Alasvia Mountains where I was born, where the scenery is beautiful and the climate is pleasant, and the human villages at the foot of the mountains are also very friendly. The rock cakes they bake are very delicious, but they are a little hard. I think it would be better to soak them in milk. In addition, there is an apple tree on the mountainside, which was planted by my mother and bears fruit in autumn. The apples are very sweet and refreshing..."


Occasionally, Xi Wei would feel that chattering was indeed the main culprit for ruining the atmosphere. (To be continued..)

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