The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 437 True · Ultimate · Super Tio · Scanji · Zero · Change

At the airport of Edric College, the newly completed magic cruiser is slowly sailing into its garage under the command of several blue class students who have chosen large-scale magic manufacturing technology. Literature Museum

Although compared with the Sky Destroyer, this new magic ship is much narrower and longer, but because it has unloaded a lot of magical weapons, and the output power of the new star pulse furnace is also higher than the old type of the Sky Destroyer, Therefore, on the basis of reduced firepower, this magic cruiser, which has no name yet, has a much faster speed and longer endurance than the Sky Destroyer.

Moreover, unlike the Destroyer of the Sky, which is obtained purely through the system, this new ship is equipped with instruments that cannot be manufactured by modern magic technology such as the star pulse furnace. It was completed bit by bit, which meant that Edric finally started to have his own magic industry system.

From the smiles on the faces of the students in the blue class, it can be seen how proud they are of this big project that they also participated in.

But this smile didn't last long before an unexpected incident broke it.

"Oh oh oh! Get out of the way!"

Kamiyu lay on the back of a griffin, clutching the griffin's mane tightly with both hands, and rushed towards the members of the blue squad with a long scream.

Fortunately, the people in the blue class are generally calmer when encountering situations. They chose the same action almost at the same moment - lying forward on the ground.

After passing over the heads of the members of the blue team at ultra-low altitude, the griffin continued to fly the screaming Kamiyu around the magic cruiser twice in a technically difficult pattern, leaving a lot of holes on the deck and mast. Less scratches, and after hitting a hole in its sail, swaggeringly flew towards the academy castle.

It wasn't until this time that several other squad leaders who were riding broomsticks, and a group of picket committee members in red vests finally arrived.

"Kimiyu. Stop playing! Stop it!"

Little Chubby Tanis took out a trumpet out of nowhere and shouted to Kamiyu.

"Don't say that to me! Tell the griffin!" Kamiyu's voice was already crying... It seems that he is not enough to be up there.

The origin of the matter can be traced back to more than ten minutes ago.

Because Edric lacks flying monsters, the caravan has been paying attention to suitable monsters.

This time they bought a pure-blooded griffin from a famous team of monster hunters, but because this guy is wild and hard to find, after several animal trainers failed to train them, they simply stuffed this guy into the academy Here, let Xi Wei figure out a way for himself...

The Three Sages System also accepted this task and posted it on the notice board.

And Kamiyu is not a law-abiding master, although the task is marked as extremely dangerous (not the type prepared for students). But he still took it without hesitation. When the professors didn't find out, he sat on the back of the sleeping griffin and opened the griffin cage with the mission certificate...

And that's it.

"That's enough Kamiyu, stop making trouble. Stop it! The dean has a message!"

Riddle looked at the information displayed on his student ID card, and shouted to Kamiyu, who was stared at by the angry eyes of the blue class students.

"I've said it all, I don't even want to ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

As monsters with a crusade level of 20 or above, griffins are not easy to deal with... In fact, pure blood griffins are still relatively weak among them, and griffin hybrids often give birth to disgusting but powerful monsters .

For example, the Sphinx-tailed Winged Beast... The tail of that thing looks like a poisonous snake, and its venom is also a neurotoxin with extremely fast effects. If it was that guy that Kamiyu met, he probably wouldn't be able to yell as energetically as he is now. Instead, he had to be sent to the emergency room while foaming at the mouth...

"Enough is enough, since there is no way to make him stop on his own initiative, let's shoot him down in one go!"

Dorothy's patience seemed to be exhausted, and she raised her wand. Made an aiming motion.

Along with her movements, the picket committee members in red vests behind them also made the same movements.

Afterwards, dozens of spells exploded in the air with brilliant colors.

"Are you trying to kill me!"

Kamiyu's roar also came from afar.

Although the Griffin, with its excellent mobility, easily avoided the ring of magic that took two or three seconds to fly to them. However, the sound and light effect of the magic explosion still caused Kamiyu, who was unable to cast spells, to be terrified while clutching the griffin's mane with both hands.

"There is no other way... our friend. Kamiyu Screa, the monitor of the day shift, is leaving us today." Dorothy retracted her wand and looked at the figure flying farther and farther into the sky. Pretending to be about to cry: "I will never forget you!"

"I think I can still save it!"

Kamiyu's voice came from afar again.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud noise as the Griffon, who thought he would be free soon, slammed into the protective barrier of Edric Academy...

In the distance, the Griffon and Kamiyu, who knocked themselves out directly, were like a plane about to crash, spinning and crashing towards the academy castle.

"Oops, Kamiyu can't use magic in that state, right?" Riddle put away the joking and relaxed expression on his face, and kicked the broom with his heel, and the broom he sat on was like an arrow from the string. A long tail flame was drawn out of the air and flew towards Kamiyu.

Tanis and Dorothy did the same thing almost at the same moment.

But because the distance was too far, the three of them couldn't catch up.

In the end, they could only pray in their hearts that Kamiyu would not fall too badly—as squad leaders, they had more or less trigger-type protective magic items on them, and they would definitely not die if they died... But after all, it is so It is estimated that many bones will be broken when falling from such a high distance. It is hard to say what kind of pain will be experienced during the treatment.

As for the Griffin... anyway, it must be claiming compensation from Kamiyu in the end...

Just when the Griffin and Kamiyu were about to fall to the ground, the wind element suddenly formed a thick pad and set off a burst of updraft, offsetting all the shocking impact of their fall.

The one who appeared in front of everyone was Tio.

The teenage girl, who hasn't been seen for some time, is now wearing a fantastic costume.

She has a slightly protruding breastplate on her chest, and her clothes are not the mage robes of the past, but a black coat with a black pleated skirt, and her legs are slightly longer than those of her peers, wearing black stockings , looks more slender, and the two cat-ear-shaped metal products on her head make the long light blue hair into two ponytails, which looks a little more lively than before.

Under the blessing of the wind element, the cloak behind her is erratic, looking quite like a heroine.

In fact, almost everything Tio wears now is a magic item.

This is also a direction of Xi Wei's research, to what extent the existence of magic items can strengthen a magician.

If it is said that the existence of magic items can really give magicians a qualitative leap—for example, the difference between ordinary people and gunmen on earth, then can magic items be reformed to What about changing the world?

Of course, this is just a theoretical hypothesis at present... Tio is used to verify this theory.

In order to adapt to this outfit, the little girl spent a lot of energy and time.

"The teacher is waiting for us, let's go."

Putting the griffin back into the cage, the girl said something to the other four monitors, and then walked to the dean's room alone.

"I always feel like I can't see through the current Miss Teo..." Dorothy murmured softly, causing Tanis and Riddle to nod in agreement hastily.

They didn't stop much, and followed immediately.

"I said, doesn't anyone care about me?" Kamiyu sighed, with a sad face and self-pity.

But when he saw the picket committee members and the members of the blue squad running over not far away, he suddenly became energetic and ran towards the figures of the other three squad leaders: "Wait for me..."

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