The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 291: The Resurgent Red Lotus (6)

"Aren't those believers in the sanctuary all dead-headed? Why did they suddenly change to help us?" A bald magic teacher looked at the heroic Fleur in the potion basin, and asked strangely to the magic teacher from another academy beside him Said: "And it's this holy silver sword girl who is famous for her rigidity?"

"Of course it's because we have someone here who needs to show her face." A bearded mage next to him scratched his bushy beard habitually.

"Who would have such a big face?" The bald man scratched his head curiously, and then looked at Xi Wei, who was sitting at the head of the long table in the living room, together with the bearded man as if he had just woken up from a dream - in fact, there are quite a few of them now The magicians all made the same actions as them.

Originally, Xi Wei took them as if he was going to break with the Mage Association, which made them feel extremely uneasy, for fear that they would be tied to a thief ship. It was also because of this that someone would not hesitate to take the risk of being discovered by Xi Wei and secretly inform the Qiyao Mage Association of the situation.

But if Xi Wei had an affair with the Pure White Church, that would be a different story.

You must know that the eastern plain is currently the King's Council, the Mage Association and the Pure White Church are three pillars, and each side controls powerful forces. Even if they fall out with the Mage Association, as long as they can hug the thigh of the Pure White Church, it doesn't matter...

"Fufufu, you still say that it has nothing to do with others? She did not hesitate to abandon her duty for you, and went against the Mage Association?" Feite floated beside Xi Wei and whispered into his ear.

"This is just an exchange of favors at equal value." Xi Wei accepted the baptism of eyes from all directions without changing his expression, and continued to whisper to the ghost girl: "Favours are not expensive, nor are they cheap. She Now I have helped me once, and when the Pure White Church is in trouble or needs help, I can't shirk it. Compared to this, you should hurry up..."

Before Xi Wei could finish speaking, he looked sharply at the potion pot.

"There is really something wrong here! Hughes, Madell! Use your last intervention to help the students withstood this blow, and if you get injured, come back quickly!" He quickly gave instructions to the group of magicians: " Then immediately go to the Qiyao Mage Tower and report to them that the difficulty of the final assessment is not normal!"

The bald man and the bearded magician who were still watching Xi Wei suddenly came to their senses, and immediately followed what Xi Wei said, and threw three bottles of interference potion into the potion basin.

——The Burning Court? five minutes ago-

The appearance of the building on the high platform is unexpectedly exquisite and unique.

Even the place under the eaves that no one would notice has a ring of exquisite reliefs. The reliefs are intricate and detailed, which complement the Rococo style of the building itself.

It's just that now Alisa and the others didn't bother to appreciate the exquisite and ingenious reliefs, and rushed into the building that was as huge as an ordinary football field.

Although the reliefs on the walls inside the building, the colored paintings on the glass and the flat and distinct color tiles also show the designer's skills, there is one thing that is very strange.

The builder seems to have no concept of partitions and rooms. The mansion should have two floors and at least a dozen rooms, but there is not even an inner wall to be seen, and the floor of the second floor has also been hollowed out, making the whole The space was integrated into a huge room that was extremely empty.

Not only that, but in the only room of the building, except for a high-backed chair placed in the center, not a single piece of furniture can be seen inside, giving people a feeling of emptiness.

Alisa and the purpose of their trip, the strongest boss in the entire chessboard world. The huge Barlow Balrog was sitting on that high-backed chair, stretching out the raging flames on his body to his heart's content!

"@#¥○..." A language that humans cannot recognize emerged from its mouth.

Immediately afterwards, the moment Alisa and the others stepped into the room, between the gaps of the red and white tiles, the red magic light condensed into substance, rising from it like fresh blood, like a drop of red ink dripping into a water glass. Spreading in the air, the scorching fire element quickly spread to every part of the room, giving the students the illusion that the whole world was covered with red tulle.

The concentration of the fire element far exceeds that of the element hot spring, so that some students with relatively low affinity for the fire element have even started to retch involuntarily.

Before the students got used to it, the figure sitting on the high-back chair raised a dark red arm.

The whip of flame wrapped around its arm coiled out like a giant python, as fast as lightning, and changed from the thickness of a thumb at the beginning to the thickness of a bucket in an instant, with even the air seemed to be overwhelmed by it. The sizzling sound of high temperature and burning rushed towards the students!

Because in this environment, the magic release of the other three elements is too slow, and the fire element magic does not have much defense, so only some students who have studied arcane magic released the magic shield to try to support it.

It's a pity that those magic shields were broken in front of the flame whip of Barlow's flame like paper. Not only did they not play a protective role, but the caster was also secretly injured due to the backlash of magic.

Just when the students could only try to run away and avoid the blow, two figures, one tall and one short, suddenly appeared in front of the students, and together they supported a magic shield and blocked the flame whip!

The short, bald magician named Hughes even had the leisure to show a toothy smile to the students.

It's just that at the moment when the students were happy that they were saved, the second whip of Ballow came again. The flame whip, as thick as a petrol barrel, smashed hard on the magic shield with an incomparable power and piercing sound for the first time!

The splashing sparks and the diffracted magic waves reacted with each other to emit a dazzling light. When the students looked back, they found that the two teachers were still blocking them like towering mountains! They successfully blocked the second whip!

But just when the students cheered, the two teachers spat out blood almost at the same time, the magic shield was shattered, and their figures gradually faded and disappeared...

So the students seemed to be strangled by the neck, and the cheers were interrupted immediately.

Even the powerful teacher who led the team was hit hard, and these students had no chance of winning in the face of Balor.

What happened afterwards was just as they had imagined. Xi Wei seemed to have given up on using tricks and sent his teachers to take turns to fight. The battles were mostly about resisting the opponent's attacks. Even the strongest among high-level magicians, Under such an unfavorable situation, he couldn't last long against the Barlow Balrog.

And from the beginning to the end, Barlow the Balrog didn't even stand up from the chair!

For a while, the whole situation seemed to be in the biggest predicament so far...

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