The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 279: Chessboard World (3)

In the reflection of the potion in the basin, Alisa Camille, Tanis and Dorothy walked into the house made of trees, while the other three stayed outside, not only serving as a release, but also preventing the house from falling. There is some trap in there to catch them all.

Finally, the Mage's Eye followed Alisa and the others into the dark room.

"Can't the angle of view in this basin be changed..." Fite circled the basin twice, but still couldn't find the so-called suitable angle of view.

"I don't mind if you look for a perspective, but if possible, can you not pass through me? It feels so hairy..."

Xi Wei glanced at the anxious ghost girl.

Generally speaking, if a ghost passes through the body of an ordinary person, it will make people feel a chill, and because it takes away a certain degree of vitality, it will make ordinary people sick.

But first of all, Fei Te had divine magic power on him, and Xi Wei was not an ordinary person, so apart from the psychological discomfort, Xi Wei didn't feel anything else when being pierced by Fei Te.

"This is a manifestation of curiosity. Isn't there a common saying that 'curiosity will kill the nine-tailed cat'!" Fei Te argued dissatisfiedly.

"That proverb originally warned people not to be curious about strange things, and besides, aren't you already dead..."

Xi Wei responded angrily: "Stop playing, and see what they find."

Although she seemed to want to say something, Alisa and the others in the reflection did find something in the room, so the ghost girl also closed her mouth, floated above Xi Wei's head, and looked at the water basin from the same angle as him. middle.

In the reflection, the little guys seemed to be talking about something, but the mage's eyes didn't have the effect of receiving sound, so Xi Wei couldn't know what they were talking about.

Then the angle of view slowly opened up, and the things in the room were also revealed to Xi Wei and Feite.

It was a wooden table and a branch.

On the wooden platform are some words in the Shumen language that seem to be carved with sharp tools, and a golden carambola grows on the branch.

Both Xi Wei and Feite brought their faces closer to the liquid surface of the potion. Fortunately, at this time, the mage who controlled the mage's eye in the Qiyao Mage Tower also seemed to want to see the words on the wooden platform clearly, so the screen was suddenly blurred. Pulled closer.

"'Take the gold star that is prone to withering, and find the scabiest and pimple-faced nearest you, and pluck the last hair of the bald man among them, and trade the gold star for the treasure in the bald man's pocket. It's okay to fail once, wait until you succeed Venus will still appear. '...what the hell is this?"

The corners of Fate's mouth twitched after reading the text clearly: "What's the matter with dysentery and pimples, I don't understand why!"

"This should be the 'mystery' mentioned in the rules." Xi Wei touched his chin with interest: "It seems to be a guessing game at present, and it is still a very simple guessing game."

"Do you already know the answer?"

The ghost girl with twin tails turned her face and stared at Xi Wei in disbelief.

"Well, I'm quite good at this kind of thing." Xi Wei smiled slightly: "This is not difficult at all, it depends on whether Alisa and the others want to get the key points."

——Chessboard World? Ueki House——

"What kind of mess is this?" Dorothy said with a black line on her head, "What kind of dysentery and bumpy face, I don't know why! (A certain ghost sneezes)"

"It should be a so-called mystery."

Kamiyu carefully observed those words, as if trying to find some new clues from them.

"It doesn't matter whether you have a scaby head or a pimple-faced face. In short, you must first find the right person." Tanis thought for a while, and said, "The meaning of the prompt 'Find the scabiest head and pimple-faced person closest to you' should be to let us go to the nearest town?"

"If it's really just interpreted literally, then we have to pull out the last hair on the bald man's head after this..." Alyssa frowned, feeling something wrong instinctively: " I always feel that this kind of thing should not be interpreted literally."

After several people discussed to no avail, they decided to let the few people outside who were letting the wind outside also come in to participate in the discussion. Anyway, they can already confirm that there is nothing wrong with the room.

"Tio, can you stay alert all the time?" Alisa asked just to be on the safe side.

"If the distance is not large, no problem."

The little girl touched the cat ears on her head, blinked her bright yellow eyes, and said confidently.

With safety assured, they began brainstorming again on the words engraved on the wooden platform.

"The only thing that is certain now is that the 'golden star' inside refers to this thing." Kamiyu pointed to the carambola in his hand: "Besides, the treasure should refer to the badge of freedom."

Although it was written in the code word that it is easy to wither, but in the end it was pointed out that even if the code word is not solved, as long as the badge that is the treasure is not taken away, this carambola will still grow back, so he will do his part took it off.

"The nearest town is five blocks away from here. If we set off to get there now, it will take more than six hours. Even with a flying broom, it will take about two hours if the wind is smooth, not to mention those flying in the sky. The monster won't let us pass easily... No matter how you think about it, the code word specifically pointed out that the fruit that's 'easy to wither' can't last that long, right?"

After getting the chessboard map from Tio, Alisa never let go of her brows. She made deduction over and over again, but she could only come to the same conclusion.

"In other words, isn't the code word referring to let us go to the town?" Tanis also became distressed, which made the fat on his face squeezed together, which looked a little funny, but no one has the heart to pay attention to this now a little.

"Could it be that there are special scabies, pimple faces, and bald guys waiting for us to complete this task?"

"Apart from rescuers, public enemies, and us candidates, there should be no other people in the field." Alisa shook her head, denying the little fat man's conjecture.

For the next period of time, everyone expressed their opinions, but they were denied by finding out their mistakes one by one, and then the wooden house fell into a strange state of silence.

After a long silence, Alisa seemed to have made a difficult decision: "It's been almost an hour. If it really doesn't work, we can only give up this mystery and move on to the finish line."

As if in response to her words, the carambola suddenly made a sizzling sound, as if all the water in it had disappeared at once, and wrinkled and shrunk into a small ball the size of a fingernail under everyone's gaze. Then it turned into black and white ashes, scattered on the wooden platform.

At the same time, on that bare branch, an identical carambola completed the whole process of flowering and fruiting in a very unscientific manner within a few seconds at the fast-moving speed of the TV, without even passing the pollen.

At this time, Tio, who had been silent since the beginning because he wanted to maintain a state of vigilance, suddenly spoke.

"Alyssa, do you still remember the riddle that the teacher said before?"

"What?" Because the little girl's words were too sudden, Alisa couldn't react immediately, and asked back in a daze.

"It's the one with 'what animal has four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening'." Tio said briefly.

"Oh, the answer is 'humanoid creature', right?" (Because humanoid intelligent creatures are not the only ones in this world, Xi Wei changed the answer to this riddle from 'humanoid' to 'humanoid creature'...)

Alisa came back to her senses: "The riddle...huh?"

In that riddle, morning represents crawling infancy, noon represents bipedal youth and adulthood, and evening represents old age on crutches, not literally morning, noon and night.

So why do we have to understand dysentery head, pimple face and bald man literally?

And that fruit also brought an important reminder - the place to go must be reachable within an hour!

In this way, the entire range can be narrowed to a certain extent. Then use those three words to describe...

Thinking of this, Alisa turned her attention to the map again.

"I know the answer!"

All eyes were on Alisa. The girl pointed her finger at a point on the map...

——Guest House——

"Huh? Why did Alisa refer to the desert grid on the right side of the forest where they are?" Feite asked inexplicably.

"Because Alisa already thought of the answer."

Xi Wei smiled and explained to Fett: "'Mangy head' actually refers to the Gobi grid with only a few sparse bushes, and 'pimple face' refers to the wind-eroded grid with many stone pillars eroded by wind and water."

As he spoke, he pointed to the huge chessboard map in the sky outside the window: "'The bald man among them' is a barren land with nothing in between these two grids, the desert grid."

"What do you mean by 'pulling out the last hair of the bald man'?" Fate asked again.

"Maybe there is an oasis in that desert. All in all, you should be able to know what to do next when you get there, and how to find the badge."

"Don't you think it's a bit too far-fetched?" The ghost girl complained, probably dissatisfied that she hadn't thought of it at all.

"According to the speed at which the carambola rots, this should be the most reliable inference. Because I can see the map as soon as I look up, I have this kind of guess when I see this code word, and the carambola makes me sure of myself. answer, that's all."

Xi Wei looked very happy: "I didn't expect to come to the same conclusion as me so soon. You are indeed a student I am proud of." )

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