The Dean Has Arrived

Chapter 1,088 The situation suddenly deteriorated

"You mean, Hohenheim's army and our team here were both attacked?"

After staying up late to deal with war matters, Xi Wei woke up in the morning and received some bad news from Fit: "What is going on?"

"The army on the Mage Association's side suffered heavy losses, but our situation is a little better due to the composition of the team..."

The ghost girl Fit paused for a moment before saying, "But according to the prediction model established by the Three Sages, if we continue to allow students to operate outside, I am afraid that the casualty rate will also increase."

After speaking, she also projected a briefing to Xi Wei.

Xi Wei didn't say much and read the briefing carefully.

Perhaps considering the cost of war, the magicians sent by Hohenheim were all relatively low-level magicians. At the same time, in order to ensure sufficient combat effectiveness, they basically acted in groups of five to twenty people, but they encountered No one seemed to be able to escape after the attack, and there were almost no survivors.

On Edric's side, because the students themselves lack sufficient combat effectiveness, in order to ensure sufficient combat effectiveness when facing the enemy, each student is equipped with several or even dozens of golems according to their own abilities, and They operated as a five-person team, which meant that the number of action units in a single team was close to or even exceeded fifty. In addition, there were various life-saving magic tools sold in the system store. As a result, they were attacked by unknown persons just like the Hohenheim side. Afterwards, the students greatly improved their chances of survival by using the golem as cannon fodder.

As a result, there were more survivors on Edric's side.

But that's all. In the first half month of the war alone, Adric College has lost more than ten students who have developed enough combat effectiveness through study. For Edric, each of these second-year students who have experienced many battlefields is a valuable asset.

It was precisely because of this that after noticing through the mouths of the surviving students that the situation seemed to be out of control, Fite directly compiled the information he had just obtained and submitted it to Xi Wei.

"What does Hohenheim say now?"

After reading the briefing, Xiwei deleted it and then asked the ghost girl.

"The extremists think it's our side... Mainly because you are making small moves, deliberately cutting off communications and massacring Hohenheim's troops. Because of the propaganda of the extremists, the current direction of public opinion in Hohenheim has changed. Many high-level mages are turning to mages. The parliament is petitioning, hoping to have a real decisive battle with us, instead of a petty fight like before."

"Yu Girl, if I really want to take action, I don't need to do such a thing."

Xi Wei muttered unhappily.

"Unfortunately, they don't think so."

"Ignorance is not an excuse for ignorance." Xi Wei came to the floor-to-ceiling window of the room and looked outside through the one-way transparent glass: "If those guys really want to fight a war, then I can only slightly modify the plan. Book, wiped Hohenheim off the map."

Although this kind of behavior that is close to a war of extermination is not what Xi Wei wants to do, an inexplicable sense of crisis is always eroding his heart, making him a little restless.

That was the effect of the mage alarm. As one of Xi Wei's few 'precognitive' abilities, the mage alarm had almost no false alarms.

But the problem is: Even when he faced the three Eldrazi ancestors who could destroy the world, he never had such a sleepless night.

For this reason, even if revising one's own plan may lead to further deterioration of the political situation in the Eastern Plains, it is still better than the two sides being stuck in a quagmire. From the history of the earth, we know that this kind of accumulated hatred and dissatisfaction cannot be resolved by time. The only result of the stalemate is to further deepen the hatred of both sides towards each other, and in the end it is like maggots in the tarsus that cannot be eradicated.

Rather than that happening in the end, it would be better to take matters into one's own hands and use force to integrate the eastern plains through reform. Although there will definitely be pain caused by the reform, after all, the long-term pain is not as good as the short-term pain.

"Thankfully... I mean, thankfully for them, Mr. Sharman wasn't inflamed by the rising war fever. He did nothing and seemed to be waiting for your explanation."

The ghost girl continued.

"Should I say he is worthy of that old gentleman..." Xi Wei sighed.

He could imagine how much pressure the old man was under by standing still, and at the same time he admired the old man for being able to easily find the best response in such a messy situation.

Yes, the best.

Whether it is a move to prepare for war in response to public opinion or a frank and honest statement not to trigger a war, it is not easy to do so under the current situation.

The former can easily be swayed by public opinion, and even if those in power are not ready for a real war, they will have to fire the first shot; the latter can easily arouse conflicts between management and lower-level people, and is more likely to be exploited by people with malicious intentions.

Either way, the final situation will definitely get worse.

On the contrary, it is best to stand still and do nothing.

Although some people will definitely point out the passive behavior of the Magic Council, but as the authoritative Magic Council has not made any decisions, all the guys who want to set the pace cannot easily cause trouble. After all, once they continue to fan the flames, they will be overtaken by others. Although the authority has not yet been shaken, the general trend is still on the side of the Mage Council. The association can flatten or round those guys as it pleases...

"Since the old gentleman has given us a step up, let's go down the slope. Anyway, find a greeting gift first..." Xiwei thought for a moment, and finally gave up the idea of ​​unification by force: "If we can find the sneak attack Where is he?"

"Unfortunately, even if the second school district is launched into space and used as a relay point to expand the investigation scope, the current investigation capability of the college is still not strong enough." The ghost girl shook her head: "But if it is 'probably Area', I can still circle it."


"The opponent's attacks have certain patterns, but because there are too few survivors, a lot of detailed data cannot be collected, so for the time being, the only thing that can be determined is the opponent's route, and then the estimated time of the victim..." Fite projected I made a map. There is a circle on the map. Comparing it with the size of a small town below the circle, it is indeed a quite large area: "The other party will probably appear in this area from 2 to 5 pm today." Inside."

"That's enough." Xi Wei grinned: "Let me meet the guy who single-handedly made a mage war a mess!"

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