The Crescent of the Sultan

Chapter 114 The Desperate

"Stefan, we have to respond, after all, the Sultan is becoming more and more oppressive.

Don't you Karadjecs (the leading family of Serbian independence in history) not panic at all?

Georgi Ratev looked at the other party's leisurely look and couldn't help but ask.

He is here to discuss important matters on behalf of his family (the Ratev family is the leading independent family in Bulgaria in history, and the Karadjechi family has also played a major role. The relationship between the two families has always been very good), and he is not here to accompany this playboy to play with women.

"Don't worry, Georgi. Your Majesty has married the daughter of an Orthodox Patriarch as a Sultana. What else do you have to say?"

Stefan answered Georgi's questions while flirting with the beautiful woman beside him.

He caressed the other person's smooth thighs, and from time to time buried his head on the other person's chest, taking a deep breath, making the beautiful woman giggle.

Georgi was worthy of being a child of a big family, and he was indeed highly educated. He simply became selectively blind and deaf, and ignored this woman.

Stefan, no need to act stupid, you and I represent all families in Serbia and Bulgaria.

"I hope we can still have a serious talk about this."

"Talk, haven't I seriously talked to you yet?

Georgi, you have to know that usually at this time, I am always in bed. "

Stefan said with a smile, not caring at all about the difference in their attire at this time.

One formal suit, one pajamas. This sense of inconsistency seems to be completely absent from Stefan.

"Stefan, this conversation makes no sense. You and I both know these things."

The playboy didn't even look at Georgi when he heard this. He kissed the beautiful woman on the chest and said immediately.

"Baby, please go out first. I'll chat with this baby for a while."

When the beautiful woman heard what the other party called Georgi, she was first surprised, then a little resentful, and then she twisted her waist and left reluctantly.

As for Georgi, he has become accustomed to the other party. The changes in the other party over the past year have already made him more tolerant. It is difficult for him to be surprised by such small things.

Stefan asked as he took a few boxes of cigarettes from the side.

"Which one do you want?

How about Tobac: cigarette or hookah, the former tastes good, the latter has a softer taste.

Or Havana Cigars: I haven’t smoked these cigars a few times, and they feel okay. This was given to me by a Frenchman who went to Constantiniya last time. "

Georgi frowned.

"Stefan, I don't smoke these things."

"If you don't want any of these, how about these few?"

Stefan took out a few more boxes.

"This thing is a high-end product, Virginia Tobacco from the United States: To be honest, I am not willing to smoke it myself. It has a mild aroma and a soft taste.

The most important thing is that it is rare.

Seeing Georgi's frown getting tighter, Stefan sighed.

"Okay, there's nothing I can do against you, I'm going to take it seriously."

Stefan rummaged for a while, finally took out a beautifully crafted box, and said immediately.

"The top-quality Amsterdam Shag is said to be a limited edition. It is made from a mixture of various tobacco leaves and has a rich flavor."

Georgi couldn't bear it any longer. He swept down the cigarette boxes and said angrily.

"Stefan, stop avoiding the question and look at yourself now.

You spend your whole day either playing with women or smoking. Are you still the same Stefan who had ideals and wanted to fight for Serbia’s independence?

The Karadjechi family's persistence for so many years may very well be abandoned by you. Do you really want to see this happen? "

Stefan ignored him, but picked up a Bern cigarette and started smoking.

After listening to Georgi's words, Stefan blew out a smoke ring casually and sighed.

"Let me ask you a question, why do you think there is such a big change for the same person?

Do you think this change is normal?

You will definitely feel that it is abnormal, so you might as well not answer it.

I'll answer for you, of course it's normal, because I don't see hope at all.

You remember Andreas, right? "

Georgi said

"Paleoleg of Wallachia, of course, it's just a pity that the Russians killed him."

Stefan blew out another smoke ring and said.

“Do you think Andreas is worse than us?

Of course not. He is proficient in military affairs and management, and is the best heir to the Paleoleg family in the past few decades.

But what's the use?

Georgi, he is dead, completely dead. His passion and lofty ideals were all gone the moment he died. "

Looking through the smoke, Stefan's face looked a little ferocious.

Georgi said

"But this is force majeure after all. Who would have thought that their evacuation team would just collide with the Russian army?"

Stefan smiled contemptuously.

"Just right? Ask yourself, do you really believe this?

Why did the Vlach nobles send out so many evacuation teams to confuse the public, but the Russians still "happened" to bump into them? "

Georgi frowned.

"Stefan, what do you mean, what did that person do?"

Stefan chewed the cigarette in his mouth hard and said.

"So who do you think it will be, and the method of doing things, haven't we seen it yet?

Although I have no evidence, does this need evidence?

He was equally merciless as the Janikli family of the same ethnic group.

Why should he let the noble Vlach, who is a foreign race, let him go? He is not a good person. "

Georgi asked.

"But what does this have to do with your change?"

"What does it have to do with my change?"

Stefan smiled;

"I'm so fucking desperate, independent, independent, independent ass.

As long as he is here, I advise you not to even think about such a thing.

He is only nearly thirty years old this year. Even if he can only live to sixty, what big changes can you make in these thirty years plus the twenty years after his death in fifty years? Think for yourself.

After these fifty years, how many people still want to restore the country, and how many people still believe in God, but they have no foundation at all. What kind of country are you trying to restore? "

Georgi asked softly

"Then, assassination?"

"Assassination, there is a possibility of success in assassination, but this guy has been out of Topkapi Palace, or in other words, he has been out of Constantinople several times since that incident.

In this case, to assassinate, you have to play Nine Clans Xiaoxiao.

Look at the fate of the Greeks. The main branch is almost dead. What about the once-prominent Fanar people? I don’t know which wild dog is eating the body of Simon Ducas? "

There was a moment of silence as Stefan's words ended. The two sat opposite each other, but stopped talking.

Thanks to the mysterious power of Huihui Liu, the hardcore player Xie Wendong, UK Bread Ten Thousand Years, Destroy All Things, the big guys passing by, Shaohua BuFu and book friends for their monthly passes

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