The Creator of the Second Dimension

Chapter 432 Chapter 432. The Real Media

"Xiao Zeng, the manuscript this time is very good, and the magazine's sales have increased by 20%, all thanks to you."

The editor-in-chief was all smiles, and said to Zeng Beifeng, the entertainment reporter of "China Entertainment Weekly".

"Haha, it's all good luck, good luck."

Zeng Beifeng noticed the slightly envious eyes of his colleagues and said modestly.

"You follow up on this matter during this time and see what else you can discover. Readers seem to be very interested in the matter of Phantom Media."

The editor-in-chief left another sentence and left.

Zeng Beifeng turned his attention to the computer screen. In related forums, according to the contents of the "China Entertainment Weekly", netizens discussed quite intensely.

[Shrimp and pork heart]: "Country Teacher"? Is it possible that Phantom is going to make a poverty alleviation movie, but what does this have to do with science fiction? I can't think of it.

[Sugar-free chocolate]: Who are these actors? I don't know any of them. Xu Rui usually earns so much money. Doesn't he know how to spend money to invite a few big-name stars to come to town?

[LKopus]: Am I the only one who noticed the report that this movie is solely owned by Phantom Media? I'm afraid it's because there is no budget, so I can only invite 18-line actors to shoot.

[I saw you]: I think it may be true as the report guessed. At that time, Mars will come to support education, and humans will open up wilderness.

[Cream quicksand bag]: I think this rural teacher may be just a metaphor, symbolizing an underdeveloped area of ​​civilization in a high-tech society.

[Coffee is also soy milk]: I checked the leading actor, Guo Jing, and he is a third-rate actor who has only played supporting roles and extras. That’s fine. I looked at his appearance, and he really looks like a farmer. Elected?

Zeng Beifeng was a little complacent. He was well versed in this kind of entertainment and gossip writing technique. It was nothing more than chasing rumors, making extreme guesses about everything, and forcibly connecting some completely unrelated things together for readers to make up their minds.

This article caused quite a lot of discussion, and Phantom Media did not come out to clarify it, which made Zeng Beifeng feel that he guessed many things correctly.

However, when Zeng Beifeng finished his work in the morning, had lunch, and was about to take a break, a notification popped up on his phone.

["White Box": A love letter to the animation industry, Ningjiang TV interviewed Xu Rui, director of phantom animation].

This is a push from the new media department of Ningjiang TV Station. This department specializes in publishing articles on Weibo, forums, and various social platforms. It is different from most new media and entertainment weekly magazines that pay attention to timeliness and speed while ignoring depth. , the articles in this department have an academic atmosphere, even if it is an animation topic, it is written after a lot of research and in-depth research.

At the same time, because it is an official media, the content of the manuscript is well-documented, and it is not like the Spring and Autumn style of Gossip Weekly, so it is relatively authoritative.

"Is this the topic coming out at this time?"

Zeng Beifeng didn't understand. If you want to say that what everyone is most concerned about now is definitely not the animation for children, but the movie of Phantom Media. Why is Ningjiang TV doing the special feature of "White Box" instead of "Rural Teachers"? "The topic?

He can only think that this topic has been planned for a long time, and according to the speed of the official media, it is too late to conduct a more in-depth and detailed study of "Country Teacher".

At this time, Zeng Beifeng suddenly felt a sense of victory that he was one step ahead.

He yawned, clicked on the push button, and prepared to take a quick nap before taking a quick glance.

This topic is in the form of an interview, and it is roughly Xu Rui's original intention of making "White Box", anecdotes during the production, etc. Zeng Beifeng doesn't know animation very well, and he didn't watch it seriously.

But just when he thought this report was over, Zeng Beifeng suddenly saw a familiar word - "Country Teacher".

Q: Is "Country Teacher" the kind of movie where aliens and earthlings go to war?

A: No, well, in fact, you need to understand a concept. If there are really aliens who have not found any traces of their existence so far and come to our planet across the universe, then it is completely impossible to deal with them with the current means of human beings. Matched, so those earth troops fighting aliens are actually delusions.

Asking and answering one by one, Zeng Beifeng's expression became darker and darker.

Ningjiang TV station not only directly interviewed Xu Rui, but also covered the content of "Country Teacher", and even watched the trailer of "Country Teacher" that will be shown at the comic exhibition in December in advance.

Due to confidentiality reasons, the interview did not involve too much specific content of the trailer, but it still focused on "Country Teacher" and exchanged ideas on Xu Rui's creative ideas.

It was even mentioned that in order to build a reasonable sci-fi model, Xu Rui's team also contacted the research institutions of Beishan Observatory to make a relatively reasonable reference model, which is simply jaw-dropping.

Looking at the entire report, "Country Teacher" is completely different from the sci-fi blockbusters that Zeng Beifeng guessed, such as Mars Supporting Education, and it is a rigorous and connotative real sci-fi film.

Zeng Beifeng didn't feel sleepy at all.

"Just kidding."

Leaving aside the idea of ​​creation, Zeng Beifeng didn't believe that Xu Rui would really cooperate with a scientific research institution. This would not only cost money, but also be too cost-effective. It was a gimmick.

However, he went to check it out, and soon, Zeng Beifeng discovered that there were indeed several academic papers published by Beishan Observatory on the website of academic journals.

One of them mentioned Phantom Media in the acknowledgments, and mentioned the help the company provided to the research team in terms of modeling and materials.

"real or fake?"

Zeng Beifeng rubbed his eyes.

This is too hardcore.

He hadn't thought about this before, and the general search engines for academic journals couldn't find it, so he ignored it, but even now, with all the things in front of Zeng Beifeng, he still felt like he was still in a dream .

As early as in "The Garden of Words and Leaves" and "Your Name", Zeng Beifeng felt that Xu Rui was eclectic and did not follow the rules. Now it seems that he is more than that, he is simply subverting the tradition. The old framework of rules is being broken one by one.

"Xiao Zeng, have you read the news from Ningjiang TV station?"

At this time, the editor-in-chief came over again, and the previous smiling face was gone, replaced by a dignified and serious one.

"I, I just started watching."

Zeng Beifeng probably knew what the editor-in-chief was looking for him for, so he didn't tell the truth.

"Hurry up and read it, we have to write one that is at the same level as theirs, otherwise we will be laughed at by our peers."

The editor-in-chief was referring to the fact that although they were the first to publish the publication, they were compared with the Ningjiang TV station, which was full of dry goods.

He can't afford to lose this face!

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