Remember in one second【】

When Qian Wenzhuo pushed back against the crowd to publish the Siyuan Lu, many people actually watched it with mockery.

However, what everyone did not expect was that Qian Wenzhuo would have succeeded again, and it was still a big success, and even because of this, Qian Wenzhuo had a tendency to return to the center of family power.

After all, it was Qian Wenzhuo who made this original source record unearthed by himself, and Qian Wenzhuo signed the contract. Only Qian Wenzhuo knew the author of this book.

It is impossible for the Qian family to give up this opportunity, so it is naturally impossible to abandon Qian Wenzhuo again.

Therefore, the emergence of this Shiyuanlu is an opportunity, an opportunity for Qian Wenzhuo to rise again and return to the core of the Qian family's rights.

Although Qian Wenzhuo is obsessed with seeking out immortals and asking, it does not prevent him from wanting to control the Qian Family and reflect his own value. At the same time, he uses the Qian Family's many resources to help him find the immortal gods in the dark, and finally step into That legendary realm.

"Siwonlu, what is that?"

Hearing the conversation between the two, Qian Wenzhuo and Du Yu praised this Shiyuanlu so much, the two women naturally showed great curiosity.

It's just that Murong Lingyun didn't say anything because of her status as the eldest lady, but Murong Qing had no such taboo, and as a maid, it was her duty to solve all kinds of things for her master.

Among them is curiosity.

Therefore, Murong Qing asked the doubts of the two women.

"Well, don't the two ladies know? Wait for me."

Hearing Murong Qing's question, Qian Wenzhuo couldn't help but stunned. After all, this Shiyuanlu was written by Wang Musheng, and the two girls were obviously friends of Wang Musheng. How could they not know!

But this is not what he should know and care about.

I glanced around, and there was a house just not far away, the property of the Qian family, Shifang Book Pavilion.

Qian Wenzhuo pleaded guilty and rushed directly into the Shifang Book Pavilion. When he reappeared, he had already carried a large stack of books in his arms.

"Come on, everyone, take a look. This is the Siyuanlu written by Brother Wang. It's super popular now, and it's in short supply. Even if people want to buy it, they have to line up?"

Walking quickly to the crowd, Qian Wenzhuo dressed roughly and said, while recording Siwon in his arms to the group of people.

No way, Qian Wenzhuo is not a monk, nor is he a warrior, and his body is relatively weak, plus the weight of these books is not light, so panting is inevitable.

"Baba wrote it!"

Qian Wenzhuo did it well. Not only Wang Musheng, Murong Lingyun and others, but even Xiao Lanling and Mastiff got a copy.

After getting the book, Xiao Lanling awkwardly opened the book following Wang Musheng and his party.



"Baba, Lan Ling didn't mean it."

After all, under Lan Ling's appearance, that was a young blue dragon!

In addition, Lan Ling has come into contact with books from the inside. In the Jade Emperor Realm, he used jade slips to record information.

Therefore, Lan Ling didn't control his power, and directly tore the Siyuanlu in his hand into two halves. He immediately looked at Wang Musheng with a pitiful expression. …

"It's okay, don't be sad, this book! I just used it to tear and play with, and the Laibaba copy is also given to Lan Ling."

"Well, Baba is so good!"


"Baba, how about Lan Ling is not good!"

"Well, Lan Ling is amazing!"


Ignoring Wang Musheng and Lan Ling's amusing father and daughter, Murong Lingyun and Murong Qing on the other side looked at this Siyuan Lu seriously.

I have to say that Qian Wenzhuo did not work hard to reach Wang Musheng's line.

Not to mention that this Siyuanlu was printed, and all the papers used were excellent papers. The subtypes in this Siyuanlu were all made by Qian Wenzhuo after looking for the calligraphy masters and carefully rewriting them.

Especially on the title page of this Siyuanlu, the big three characters of Siyuanlu, it took a lot of hard work to find Mr. Jin who has been closed, the legendary magical master who has been sealed, with The price of one word of million gold was exchanged for these three words.

But it's not a waste of money, Qian Wenzhuo's operation, these three ethereal, but immortal characters, is also the most important reason for this Shiyuanlu to explode.

Continuing to open the title page, the text of Siwonlu suddenly appeared in front of the two women.

Road to Road, very Avenue. The name can be named, very famous.

The beginning of the nameless world; the mother of all things.

Therefore, there is always nothing, and you want to see its magic; if you always have, you want to see its behavior.

The two come out of the same name but have different names, and the same is called Zhixuan.

Mysterious and mystical, the door of all wonderful.


Everything comes from nothing, there is a beginning, a cosmos appears, chaos stands, and the world opens.

There are mountains, rivers, earth, flowers and trees in the world.

But there is no life alone, no human beings, full of boundless loneliness.


Putting it on ordinary people, perhaps Wang Musheng copied these two paragraphs and said it was amazing to improve the compelling sentence, and then analyzed it word by word and carefully tasted it.

But obviously these two sentences are completely unattractive to the two women of Murong Lingyun.

Instead, he was attracted by the subsequent story.

The entire world, turned out to be opened up by ancient gods.

^0^Remember in one second【】

We were actually fabricated by Nu Wa using clay, although these Wang Musheng only mentioned them casually, and did not describe them much.

But for some things, sometimes you don't need to describe too much, just a little clue.

As for the subsequent descriptions of all sorts of bizarre and unreliable descriptions of the wild land, they refreshed the cognition of the two women and revealed a new strange world directly in front of them.

At this sight, he was directly caught in it, unable to extricate himself.

Although Wang Musheng's writing style is not very good, but in Wang Musheng's world, all kinds of cool writing, net writing has formed a routine.

I can’t innovate by, but copy it directly, there is no problem.

In addition, there are really few entertainment methods in this world, especially for women in this world, there are even fewer entertainment methods.

Therefore, Shuangwen, like Siyuanlu, just filled the emptiness in the hearts of the boys and girls in this world.

And Murong Lingyun and Murong Qing are naturally no exception.

There are a total of three parts of the Siyuan Lu published now, and Qian Wenzhuo took all of them, but even if the three parts are added together, the total is no more than 600,000 words.

With the current mental power of the two women, it won't take long to finish reading three parts.

Before the group even reached Qian's house, the two women had read the Siyuanlu.

"Here, what about the latter?"

After reading the last word of the third part, Murong Lingyun asked, unable to wait.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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