The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Eight hundred and twentieth chapters of the sacrificial

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

The princess wants to pray for rain?

Praying for rain is no stranger to Dazhou people.

During the Great Week, every year the royal family or government offices around the world hold rain prayers.

There are local officials presided over by local officials to pray for rain, civilians spontaneously pray for rain, and officials sent by the imperial court are ordered to pray for rain.

Praying for rain for Baigu is one of the important responsibilities of local officials. It is related to performance evaluation. There are not a few officials who lost their lives because of praying for rain.

For example, praying for rain and dying of heatstroke under the scorching sun, dying from overwork and exhaustion, praying for rain and worrying about failure... The list goes on and on.

The central court's prayer for rain was even more solemn.

There are routine rain prayers in charge of the Ministry of Rites, important ministers are temporarily ordered to pray for rain, and the royal family holds a ritual held every spring and summer.

When the drought is severe, it is also common for the emperor to pray for rain himself or the prince to pray for rain.

However, Emperor Jing Ming rarely did this in recent years.

Without him, I can't pray for the rain to lose face.

He usually still entrusts this glorious and arduous task to the important court officials. After all, if the minister prays for failure, he can scold a few words before changing someone.

As for when it will rain, ahem, send more people to pray for the rain, there will always be a lucky one who will catch up, and then it will be natural to increase officials and awards for silver...

But in any case, it is unheard of for the princess to come out to pray for rain!

After the Minister of Rites recovered, he jumped up and was even more excited than the Minister of Officials who had been kicked: "Your Majesty, it is disrespectful to the gods for the Crown Princess to pray for rain as a woman.

The Ministry of Rites had just held a rain prayer ceremony. Zhang Langzhong, who worshipped the Qing officials, was resting at home because of the heat. Is the Crown Princess trying to take the job of the Ministry of Rites?

No, he is not narrow-minded and worried about being robbed of his job by the Crown Princess, but he cannot cause Da Zhou to be ridiculed by the world!

The more the Minister of Rites thought about how straight his waist became, the more he spoke righteously.

All the ministers echoed: "Chang Shangshu's words are reasonable, the emperor has a clear lesson!"

Emperor Jing Ming looked at Jiang Si, his eyes flickering.

The ministers didn't know it, but he knew that the seventh daughter-in-law was not an ordinary woman. She had never made any mistakes in the past. What if she could really ask for rain?

Jiang Si knelt down and said calmly, "Father, my daughter-in-law thinks it is the most important thing to pray for rain, not to see if the person who prays for rain is a woman."

"But there has never been a reason for a woman to pray for rain on behalf of the court!" said the Minister of Rites, shaking his beard.

"I represent the royal family, not the court."

Gu Shangshu shouted: "The prince is still here, how can there be a reason for the princess to come forward?"

Yu Jinliang interjected: "I'm not good at praying for rain."

The reason is not loud, so what is this old man shouting? Of course, who is good at praying for rain?

Gu Shangshu was blocked by Yu Jin, staring at him with bulging eyes and trembling lips.

"The extreme drought causes locusts, and the extreme drought causes waterlogging. After a long drought, other disasters will surely make the people miserable, and the people will not be able to live. The father and the daughter-in-law heard that the court and the local government prayed for rain many times, but they all ended in failure. Why not let the daughter-in-law give it a try Isn't it more important that the weather is good and the people live in peace than whether the daughter-in-law is a woman?"

Emperor Jing Ming's heart moved slightly and asked, "Are you sure?"

Yu Jin couldn't help coughing.

Although he believed that Ah Xian dared to bring it up, he was sure,

But still can't say too much.

Emperor Jing Ming glared at Yu Jin: "Shut up!"

Yu Jin secretly rolled his eyes.

It's okay for Ah Si to say so much, he can't even cough?

"Praying for rain lies in sincerity. My daughter-in-law can only do her best to pray for rain. As for whether it will rain or not, it depends on whether God has mercy on the affected people."

Emperor Jing Ming couldn't help but stroke his beard.

The old seventh daughter-in-law had an excellent reason for this.

He punished the series of officials who failed to pray for rain for being dishonest.

He didn't want to, but the emperors of all dynasties did this, do you expect him to come up with new tricks on charges?

After pondering for a while, Emperor Jing Ming said slowly: "In this case, the Crown Princess will represent the royal family and perform the great sacrifice."

The sacrificial offerings are divided into two parts, the big one and the big one. The big one is a grand ceremony to sacrifice to the heavens.

It can be said that Jiang Shi represented the royal family and the emperor to preside over the great sacrificial ceremony. Once the prayer for rain is successful, the status of the crown princess will be unshakable.

A crown princess recognized by Haotian God, who dares to speak up?

All the ministers were shocked: "Your Majesty, this is absolutely impossible!"

Emperor Jing Ming looked around the ministers and said lightly, "My will has been decided."


Emperor Jing Ming waved his hand: "If the Crown Princess' prayer for rain can be successful, it is a matter of virtue and benefit for the people. If it doesn't work--"

Emperor Jing Ming shifted his gaze to Jiang Si, and said lightly, "Then according to Gu Shangshu's words, the Crown Princess will be made a side concubine, and another Crown Princess will be established!"

There is a limit to everything, the old seventh daughter-in-law broke in like this and let out mad words, of course he couldn't cover up once he failed.

"Father!" Yu Jin was shocked.

Emperor Jing Ming snorted coldly: "Why, do you have an opinion?"

Couldn't the husband and wife discuss such an important matter behind closed doors?

It's too late to regret now, this emperor is not a vegetarian!

"The father is so unfair to the crown prince, those rumors were originally intended to incite the foolish people to stir up—"

"Enough, if you think it's unfair, then cancel the princess' prayer for rain, and let's discuss how to calm down the storm!"

"This—" Yu Jin frowned.

Seeing Yu Jin like this, the ministers felt that Emperor Jing Ming's decision was a good one, and said in unison, "Your Majesty Shengming."

Yu Jin lowered his eyes, the corners of his mouth curved in an imperceptible arc.

Emperor Jing Ming was too lazy to talk to the prince and all the ministers, and looked at Jiang Si: "Prince Concubine, since you have the heart to pray for rain, what are your thoughts on this?"

"Business as usual is."

Emperor Jing Ming nodded slightly: "On the day when the big catfish is held, it will be under the supervision of Qin Tian—"

"Father," Jiang Si shouted, his voice clear.

Emperor Jing Ming paused slightly.

Jiang Si lowered his eyes and said calmly: "The auspicious day chosen by the Qin Tianjian will make the daughter-in-law uneasy. The daughter-in-law has no requirements for the ritual ceremony, and only hopes that the auspicious day will be chosen by the daughter-in-law."

Emperor Jing Ming endured the embarrassment and asked, "Which day do you want to set it?"

When it comes to Qin Tianjian, he feels a little guilty towards the prince and his wife.

He ordered Han Ran to conduct a thorough investigation of the officials of Qin Tianjian, and later found out that a shantang that had been destroyed by the fire long ago was actually related to the palace.

He didn't even dare to let Han Ran investigate further—

"For one more day of severe drought, the people will suffer for one day. My daughter-in-law wants to set the day of praying for rain in seven days."

Seven days later, it was the eighteenth day of the fourth month in the twenty-two year of Jingming. In the previous life, a few months after the severe drought, the sky rained. At that time, the streets were empty, and thousands of people rushed to the streets to kneel and cry, thanking God.

This day was also the day she returned to the capital from Wumiao in her previous life, and she happened to witness the grand occasion.

"Well, it will be set in seven days. Chang Shangshu, the Ministry of Rites should go all out to organize this great sacrifice, and don't let the sacrifice go wrong."

The Minister of Rites daring to come down.

Such a grand ceremony only gave such a short preparation time, the Crown Princess must be avenging him for speaking up just now!

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